


A televised mayoral debate in Sao Paulo, Brazil got heated Sunday night, after one of the six candidates attacked another candidate with a metal chair.

The Associated Press reported that Pablo Marcal, a personal development influencer turned right-wing politician, spoke about allegations against one of his opponents, José Luiz Datena, a former TV presenter turned candidate, during the debate.

Marcal said Datena had wanted to slap him, adding, ‘You’re not even man enough to do this.’

Datena was then seen during the live video walking toward Marcal’s podium with a metal chair over his head and slamming into Marcal’s side as he raised his arms.

Immediately following the attack, the debate moderator for TV Cultura interrupted the event and cut to commercials. The debate later resumed on Sunday night without Marcal.

Rather than continue the debate, Marcal was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, where he reportedly received respiratory support.

On Monday, he explained to his followers that he felt pain while breathing and suffered a fracture on the bottom of his rib cage.

Hospital officials said in a statement that Marcal suffered ‘trauma to the right chest region and right wrist without major associated complications,’ adding that he had been discharged.

Marcal called the incident an ‘attempted homicide’ on social media, even comparing it to the attempted assassination of former President Trump in July, and to the stabbing of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro in 2018.

An inquiry into Datena’s alleged misconduct never resulted in charges, the Associated Press reported, and the issue was shelved after the accuser retracted her statements.

Datena has also denied the accusations.

After the debate, Datena told reporters the episode had been painful for him because he believes it prompted his mother-in-law to suffer a series of strokes and later dying.

On Monday, Datena acknowledged making a mistake during the debate, though he had no regrets.

‘If the circumstances were the same, I would not refrain from repeating the gesture, an extreme response to a history of aggression perpetrated against me and many others by my adversary,’ he said.

Marcal’s campaign team said the debate should not have continued without him, adding they hope legal measures are taken against Datena.

On Sunday night, the incident was logged with Sao Paulo’s public security agency as ‘bodily injury and insult.’ An investigation into the matter is ongoing.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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A conservative watchdog group sued the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) seeking documents relating to the situation that has left two U.S. astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS) for several more months.

The Oversight Project’s executive director told Fox News Digital on Monday he and his group have legally sought emails between NASA political appointees and the White House, including the office of Vice President Harris, who also holds the title of chair of the National Space Council.

The filing by Mike Howell, head of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, also demands outgoing emails to Harris’ presidential campaign. Just as Harris was tasked with assuaging the root causes of illegal immigration as the so-called border czar, her role as vice president makes her essentially the lead adviser on space policy in that regard.

‘This looks like to me and other experts that Kamala Harris, the space czar, chose politics over our astronauts,’ Howell said, inferring that there may have been a political calculation against bringing astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams home as planned.

‘It’s very bizarre that the mainstream media seems not to care about this massive scandal. We’re going to continue to investigate this and get Americans the answers they deserve.’

The National Space Council (NSpC) had originally been organized in a slightly different manner under former President George H.W. Bush before it was disbanded and reorganized under former President Trump.

Trump himself unveiled the first new branch of the military in decades, the U.S. Space Force, at a 2018 NSpC meeting.

In its filing, the Oversight Project seeks to compel NASA to share correspondence from agency chief of staff Bale Dalton III, Associate Administrator James Free and five other senior officials. It also seeks communications between NASA and officials in the commercial crew program at Boeing, the company that manufactured the Starliner capsule that took Wilmore and Williams to the ISS this summer.

A source close to the matter pointed to the stipulated responsibilities of the NSpC chair, as outlined by Trump in his 2021 executive order establishing the council.

‘The Chair shall serve as the President’s principal advisor on national space policy and strategy …’ the first stipulation reads.

The chair of the NSpC, therefore, has substantive advisory authority over NASA’s decision-making, the source said.

In an August press briefing, a NASA official said there was a ‘little disagreement in terms of the level of risk’ between the agency and Boeing after the capsule suffered propulsion issues and elemental leaks. Ultimately, the Starliner craft safely returned to Earth unmanned on Sept. 7.

A few weeks prior, Boeing officials said in a statement they remained confident in Starliner’s ability to return safely with crew aboard: ‘We continue to support NASA’s requests for additional testing, data, analysis and reviews to affirm the spacecraft’s safe undocking and landing capabilities. Our confidence is based on this abundance of valuable testing from Boeing and NASA.’

‘The data also supports root cause assessments for the helium and thruster issues and flight rationale for Starliner and its crew’s return to Earth,’ the statement reads.

On X, formerly Twitter, Howell listed the curriculum vitae of a handful of NASA hires made while Harris has led the NSpC, including a veteran of New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office, another from the Jacksonville Symphony and an individual whose ‘scientific’ major was ‘political science.’

‘Space is serious business. Kamala Harris obviously has no business running the National Space Council… They’re lost in space right now. Part of the reason they’re lost in space is that our NASA has been turned into another woke-DEI, dismal excuse for a government agency,’ he said.

Howell also shared a copy of a document showing ‘strategic objectives’ of the ‘NASA DEIA Strategic Plan.’ 

‘The fact is that Vice President Kamala Harris’ record as Border Czar is as awful as her record as Space Czar,’ Howell said Monday.

Howell said it is important that the public see any such correspondence of a political nature between NASA, the vice president’s camp and/or Boeing because other nations like China are watching for such ‘sign[s] of weakness.’

‘It seems that Harris signaled a willingness to cede America’s space superiority in the name of an effort to ‘save democracy,’’ he said, suggesting the DEIA priority may jeopardize national security. ‘When is enough, enough?’

The astronauts, however, took their extended trip in stride.

‘I love being in space. This is my happy place,’ Williams said.

Wilmore will miss his daughter’s final year of high school but notably requested his absentee ballot Friday so that he would be able to vote from orbit.

Fox News Digital reached out to Harris’ governmental office and the Harris campaign but did not receive a response. 

In a response to Fox News Digital regarding the FOIA, a NASA spokesperson stated that Harris and NSpC staff ‘received frequent updates on the Starliner Crewed Flight Test.’

‘While the National Space Council works closely with civil, national security, commercial, and international partners to advance the nation’s space priorities, it does not make operational spaceflight safety recommendations or decisions,’ the spokesperson wrote.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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China slapped new export controls on a batch of minerals such as antimony – vital for the U.S. defense industry as a flame-retardant component used in machine bearings – in a move that could send prices in the defense sector soaring. 

The little-known metal antimony is used in ammunition, infrared missiles, nuclear weapons and night vision goggles, as well as batteries and photovoltaic equipment. China produced nearly half of the world’s antimony last year.

The limits, which kicked in on Sunday, apply to six antimony-related products, including antimony ore, antimony metals and antimony oxide.

The U.S. consumed some 22,000 tons of antimony last year. China accounted for 63% of U.S. imports of antimony metal and oxide last year, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The next largest supplier, Belgium, offered some 8%. 

The material is being restricted ‘in order to safeguard national security and interests, and fulfill international obligations such as non-proliferation,’ the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement.

The U.S. and other nations have been scrambling to scale back their reliance on China for key materials for the defense and energy sectors. Yet still, China is the leading import source for 25 essential minerals, including tungsten, germanium, magnesium, barite, antimony, most rare earths, indium, graphite, gallium, and arsenic. 

It’s just the latest in a set of curbs on exports introduced over the past year.

In December, China banned the export of technology to make rare earth magnets, which followed another ban on exporting technology to extract and separate critical materials. 

Last year, it slapped export controls on gallium, germanium and graphite in part of a retaliatory trade war after the U.S. limited exports on advanced semiconductor chips to China. 

‘In the first Cold War against the Soviet Union, we were aligned against the Soviet Union with not importing national security-sensitive things,’ said Rob Greenway, a former National Security Council (NSC) official. ‘We were a net exporter across the board. Since we’ve become a net importer across the board, we have massive vulnerabilities, and our regulatory structures have not in any way kept pace with that.’

‘Our partners – Japan, South Korea, Scandinavian countries, Central American countries – they’re enormously frustrated, because not only do they have the same problem, but we’re not making it easier for them,’ Greenway, now a director at the Allison Center for National Security, went on. ‘In some cases, we’re making it easier for China. We’re taxing Taiwan’s exports, including semiconductors, more than we are Chinese exports.’

Antimony prices have nearly doubled to a record $22,750 per ton this year and export controls are expected to drive them even higher. 

The new rules require sellers to apply for a sign-off from the Chinese government through a license to sell any related dual-use civilian and military materials and technology, a process which typically takes close to three months. 

‘China’s new restrictions on antimony – which is used in everything from night vision goggles to nuclear weapons to tanks – will require exporters to apply for certain licenses that the Chinese Communist Party could delay or refuse outright,’ said Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va. Wittman leads a working group on critical minerals policy in Congress.

‘As the largest producer and processor of antimony, the CCP is using the same playbook as it did for gallium and germanium to demonstrate its market dominance and put Western economies at risk – this is why we must diversify our critical mineral supply chains away from China.’

One U.S.-based company, Perpetua Resources, is looking to produce domestic antimony with support from the Pentagon and the U.S. Export-Import Bank. It’s run into opposition from environmental groups and its first production was slated for 2028, should it obtain permits later this year. 

But China’s restrictions have prompted the company to look for ways to speed up production. 

‘We are looking at things that we can do during construction to get antimony out the door sooner for some of these strategic needs,’ Jon Cherry, Perpetua’s CEO, told Reuters.

‘The (US) Department of Defense is aware of the critical nature of antimony and the short supply available. We’ve been hearing from a lot of different sources about the lack of supply for antimony, that the market is very tight and getting tighter daily.’

In a less closely watched move, China is also limiting exports on superabrasive materials, industrial diamonds with the highest level of hardness, and the machines that make them. Such materials are used across industries in the U.S. and are essential in the defense and energy sectors. 

‘It really, truly has the ability to crater the U.S. economy. This is really terrifying,’ said Nazak Nikakthar, a former senior Commerce Department official.

‘It’s not a glamorous sector, but there is a national security obligation to alert the world to it – to build capacity in the United States [of superabrasives] to support the defense industrial base will take two to three years.’

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FPX Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FPX) (OTCQB: FPOCF) (‘ FPX Nickel ‘ or the ‘ Company ‘) is pleased to provide an update on value engineering (‘ Value Engineering ‘) studies that have substantially improved the operating margin and reduced the risk profile for an awaruite concentrate refinery to produce battery-grade nickel sulphate. Building on this improved business case and incorporating results from the ongoing pilot-scale hydrometallurgical testwork program, FPX has commenced the development of a standalone refinery study which will be completed in the first quarter of 2025.


Pilot-scale testwork of the refinery flowsheet, with funding support from the Government of Canada , is well progressed and results will be reported in October 2024 FPX has commenced a standalone scoping study for the battery metals refinery, which will include a detailed technical and economic analysis, for publication in the first quarter of 2025

‘Our refinery Value Engineering studies have substantially improved the business case and reduced the risk profile for a standalone refinery to convert awaruite concentrate into battery-grade nickel sulphate,’ commented Andrew Osterloh , the Company’s Senior Vice President, Projects & Operations. ‘Awaruite presents an unparalleled opportunity to significantly expand North America’s battery material supply chain, all without the need to either displace or add smelting capacity. As we close-out our Value Engineering for Baptiste, we are excited at the new value basis for our large-scale, long-life, high margin, and low-carbon project.’


The Baptiste 2023 preliminary feasibility study (‘ PFS ‘) demonstrates the potential to develop a high-margin and low-carbon nickel mine producing an average of 59,100 tonnes per year of nickel over a 29-year mine life (see the Company’s September 6, 2023 news release). Due to awaruite’s properties, Baptiste has the unparalleled flexibility to produce a high-grade concentrate (60% nickel) for either direct feed into the stainless steel industry (the ‘ Base Case ‘) or for further refining into battery-grade nickel and cobalt products for the electric vehicle battery supply chain (the ‘ Refinery Option ‘).

While the PFS presents robust economics, including a Base Case after-tax NPV 8% of US$2.01 Billion and after-tax IRR of 18.6% at US$8.75 /lb. Ni, FPX continues to strive towards adding further value to Baptiste, focusing on a holistic blend of economics, constructability, operability, risk and ESG considerations.

The key Value Engineering studies pursued by FPX in 2024 are:

Mineral processing (see the Company’s July 10, 2024 news release) Mine planning and engineering (see the Company’s July 30, 2024 ) Refinery planning (described herein)

Refinery Engineering Studies

To demonstrate Baptiste’s strategic flexibility to also produce nickel and cobalt for the battery material supply chain, the Refinery Option in the 2023 PFS envisioned the development of a standalone refinery to produce battery-grade nickel from awaruite concentrate. Located in an urban setting in central British Columbia , the refinery would benefit from the infrastructure, services, and labour which would be available at an integrated battery material processing hub, such as those being developed in eastern Canada and other locations worldwide.

Earlier this year, FPX commissioned a detailed technical review of the 2023 PFS Refinery Option, and executed refinery Value Engineering studies. No major risks were identified in the review of the PFS Refinery Option, and several tangible opportunities were highlighted for further evaluation during both the Value Engineering and subsequent study stages.

Most notable of the identified near-term opportunities was the refinery reagent scheme. The PFS Refinery Option assumed the use of caustic (a.k.a. sodium hydroxide, NaOH) as the neutralizing base, with caustic accounting for approximately 60% of the total operating cost. The use of caustic generates sodium sulphate (Na 2 SO 4 ) as a byproduct, which is a low value commodity, has limited industrial uses, and is projected to be in significant over-supply as the battery material supply chain further develops.

Following a review of all potential reagent schemes, an ammonia-based flowsheet was selected as the best value for further evaluation. The ammonia-based flowsheet is similar to the sodium hydroxide flowsheet, except ammonia gas (or ammonium hydroxide when dissolved in water) is the reagent used in the process plant in solvent extraction operations. A similar flowsheet is used in Terrafame’s nickel sulphate refinery in Finland . See Figure 1 for a block flow diagram of the new refinery flowsheet.

Modifying the refinery flowsheet to an ammonia-based reagent scheme results in an immaterial increase to capital costs, but a material decrease in operating costs (given the significantly lower consumption rate for ammonia versus caustic). Additionally, the waste product of sodium sulphate, for which zero value was ascribed in the PFS Refinery Option, is now replaced by ammonium sulphate, a valuable fertilizer product. In addition to generating a significant new value source with a more stable future market outlook, the production of ammonium sulphate eliminates the previous waste handling/disposal risk associated with sodium sulphate production. Overall, this change results in a significant improvement to the operating margin and reduction in the project risk profile.

Refinery Testwork with Funding Support from Natural Resources Canada

The previously announced pilot-scale testwork of the refinery flowsheet (see the Company’s April 30, 2024 news release) is progressing well, with results forecast for release to the market in October 2024 . In addition to pilot-scale testwork of the leaching circuit, batch-scale testwork will be completed of the purification flowsheet up to production of nickel sulphate.

The pilot testing campaign was funded in part by a $725,000 grant from Natural Resources Canada (‘ NRCan ‘) under the Government of Canada’s Critical Minerals Research, Development and Demonstration (‘ CMRDD ‘) program, which is advancing the commercial readiness of processing technologies that will support the development Canada’s EV battery material supply chain.

Refinery Scoping Study

Incorporating results of the refinery Value Engineering and testwork programs, FPX has commenced the preparation of a standalone awaruite refinery scoping study. Considering current off-take rights that have been granted to strategic investors, the refinery will have a capacity of 32,000 tonnes per year of contained nickel in battery-grade nickel sulphate. For the purposes of this study, the refinery location will continue to consider an urban location within central British Columbia .

Along with the improved business case and reduced risk profile, the standalone study will better present the strategic opportunity to meaningfully increase North America’s battery material supply chain capacity without the need to construct new smelting or complex primary refining capacity. The scoping study, which will contain a detailed evaluation of capital, operating costs and the overall economics of the awaruite refinery, will be published in the first quarter of 2025.

Andrew Osterloh , P.Eng., FPX Nickel’s Qualified Person under NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release.

About the Decar Nickel District

The Company’s Baptiste Nickel Project represents a large-scale greenfield discovery of nickel mineralization in the form of a sulphur-free, nickel-iron mineral called awaruite (Ni 3 Fe) hosted in an ultramafic/ophiolite complex. The Baptiste mineral claims cover an area of 408 km 2 , west of Middle River and north of Trembleur Lake, in central British Columbia . In addition to the Baptiste Deposit itself, awaruite mineralization has been confirmed through drilling at several target areas within the same claims package, most notably at the Van Target which is located 6 km to the north of the Baptiste Deposit. Since 2010, approximately US $30 million has been spent on the exploration and development of Baptiste.

The Baptiste deposit is located within the territories, keyohs, and consultative boundaries of the Tl’azt’en Nation, Binche Whut’enne, Yekooche First Nation, and Takla Nation .

About FPX Nickel Corp.

FPX Nickel Corp. is focused on the exploration and development of the Decar Nickel District, located in central British Columbia , and other occurrences of the same distinctive style of awaruite nickel-iron mineralization.

On behalf of FPX Nickel Corp.

‘Martin Turenne’
Martin Turenne , President, CEO and Director
Phone: 604-681-8600

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is considered ‘forward-looking information’ within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed in the Company’s periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

SOURCE FPX Nickel Corp.

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Zodiac Gold Inc. (TSXV: ZAU) (‘Zodiac Gold’ or the ‘Company’), a West-African gold exploration company, is pleased to announce the successful conversion of its reconnaissance license into two new mineral exploration licenses, covering a total of 1,899 square kilometers within the highly prospective Todi Shear Zone in Liberia. This milestone marks a significant step forward in Zodiac Gold’s ongoing exploration and development efforts in the region, known for its potential to host major gold and iron ore deposits. With this conversion the Company now controls three exploration licenses totalling 2,316 square kilometers in the Todi Shear Zone.

Figure-1: Map showing Zodiac Gold’s Exploration Licenses

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The new exploration licenses provide Zodiac Gold with exclusive rights to conduct comprehensive geological and geophysical surveys, trenching, drilling, and other advanced exploration activities over the designated areas. Zodiac Gold’s exploration to date has demonstrated the significant potential of the Todi Shear Zone and the Company is committed to advancing its understanding of the zone’s gold-bearing potential.

Zodiac Gold has completed stream sediment sampling, field assesments, desktop reviews, and satellite data interpretation in the areas now converted to exploration licenses, and has identified numerous targets for follow-up exploration. In particular, significant stream sediment anomalism has been identified along a major Todi Shear Zone structure.

David Kol, CEO of Zodiac Gold, commented: ‘The conversion of these licenses represents a pivotal moment for Zodiac Gold as we continue our exploration of this highly prospective land package. With over 2,300 square kilometers to explore, we are excited to unlock the full mineral potential of the Todi Shear Zone and continue our efforts to create value for our shareholders.’

The Todi Shear Zone is a strategically important region in Liberia, attracting increasing attention from both local and international mining companies. Zodiac Gold is confident that its exploration activities in this area will not only enhance the company’s asset portfolio but also contribute to the economic development of Liberia through job creation, community engagement, and sustainable resource management.

Zodiac Gold remains committed to maintaining the highest standards of environmental stewardship and social responsibility throughout its exploration activities. The company will work closely with local communities and government authorities to ensure responsible exploration practices and mutual benefit.

Qualified Person

Tom Dowrick, Director of Exploration at Zodiac Gold, is a Chartered Geologist of the Geological Society of London and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. He has reviewed and approved the technical and scientific information provided in this release.

About Zodiac Gold

Zodiac Gold Inc. (TSXV: ZAU) is a West-African gold exploration company focused on its flagship Todi Project situated in Liberia-an underexplored, politically stable, mining friendly jurisdiction hosting several large-scale gold deposits. Strategically positioned along the fertile Todi Shear Zone, Zodiac Gold is developing a district-scale gold opportunity covering a vast 2,316 km2 land package. The Todi project has undergone de-risking, showcasing proven gold occurrences at both surface and depth, with five drill-ready targets and high-grade gold intercepts

For further information, please visit the Zodiac Gold website at or contact:

David Kol
President & CEO

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Information

This news release includes certain ‘forward-looking statements’ within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation.

Forward-looking statements include predictions, projections, and forecasts and are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as ‘seek’, ‘anticipate’, ‘believe’, ‘plan’, ‘estimate’, ‘forecast’, ‘expect’, ‘potential’, ‘project’, ‘target’, ‘schedule’, ‘budget’ and ‘intend’ and statements that an event or result ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘should’, ‘could’ or ‘might’ occur or be achieved and other similar expressions and includes the negatives thereof. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company’s planned exploration programs and drill programs and potential significance of results are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Company’s expectations include actual exploration results, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, results of future resource estimates, future metal prices, availability of capital, and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, uninsured risks, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials, and equipment on a timely basis, accidents or equipment breakdowns, delays in receiving government approvals, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations and costs to remedy same, and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events, or results to differ from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause such actions, events, or results to differ materially from those anticipated. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and accordingly readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

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Hertz Energy Inc. (CSE: HZ) (OTCQB: HZLIF) (FSE: QX1) (‘Hertz’ or the ‘Company’) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Lake George Antimony Property (‘Lake George’ or the ‘Property’) located in the Province of New Brunswick. The Property is located in the southwestern part of the province, approximately 30 km southwest of the city of Fredericton.

The Property is comprised of 93 mineral claims within two claim blocks recently staked by the Company for a total area of approximately 2,104.5 hectares. The Property surrounds the past-producing Lake George Antimony Mine (‘Lake George Mine’) and is considered an exploration-stage Antimony-Gold (Sb-Au) prospect located immediately along strike to the southwest and northeast, as well as downdip to the north of the historical Lake George Mine. The Property benefits from excellent road access, hydroelectric power, and nearby available personnel for field and exploration activities.

The Lake George Mine was formerly the largest antimony producer in North America with a long history of production spanning from 1876 to 1996. The mine closed in 1996 due to falling antimony prices. From 1972 to 1981, 34,417 tonnes of concentrate grading 65% to 66% Sb was produced from the first deposit. Then from 1985 to 1990, approximately 1 Mt grading 4% Sb was extracted from a second deposit (Caron, 1996). The mine also contained molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), and Au mineralization. Infrastructure on the Lake George Mine includes 3 shafts, underground development on 10 levels, some remaining surface buildings, and a tailings pond. The deepest level of the mine is approximately 400 m below the surface. The Lake George Sb-Au Mine currently represents one of the Top 3 antimony occurrences in the Province of New Brunswick (Figure 1).

The Lake George Mine includes en-echelon gold-bearing polymetallic and antimony veins with massive stibnite hosted in Ordovician sedimentary and volcanic rocks adjacent to the Lake George granodiorite. Four (4) main antimony veins were developed at the mine, that generally have a shallow dip to the north and vary from 1 to 2 metres in width. The east-trending quartz vein system that has been traced over 1 km in depth and over 2 km along strike length (Procyshyn and Morrissy, 1990). A similar geological context of sedimentary rocks in contact with the intrusion, along with NE trending faults zones possibly responsible for developing the vein structures, is present on Hertz’s newly-staked claims (Figure 2).

The Lake George Mine is currently under care and maintenance within an active mining lease and is owned by the Province of New Brunswick. Hertz Energy has started discussions with New Brunswick government officials about a possible tender of the mine lease by the Province in the coming months and awaits further feedback on next steps.

The Property claims cover approximately 10 km of strike length along the favourable sediments near the intrusive contact. The Company acquired a 100% interest in the mining claims though staking and there are no underlying agreements or royalties attached to these claims (Figure 3).

The Lake George Antimony Property will undergo detailed geological database compilation along with initial prospecting and geological mapping and soil geochemistry surveys.

The Lake George Antimony Property represents the second Antimony property acquired by Hertz Energy in the past 30 days including the Harriman Antimony Property in the Gaspé Region of Québec (see Hertz news release dated September 6, 2024).

Figure 1: Antimony deposits in New Brunswick including Lake George

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: 

Figure 2: Property Geology Map

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Figure 3: Property Claim Map

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In August, China announced antimony export restrictions which take effect on September 15, 2024 (source: Reuters, August 28, 2024) and are expected to have significant implications for the global antimony supply chain. China’s announcement of antimony export restrictions has added fuel to a red-hot market and opens another potential flash-point with the West for control of critical minerals. Antimony is a little-known metal with multiple applications. Antimony’s largest end-use is as a flame retardant, but it is also found in solar panels and batteries. The U.S. Department of the Interior has designated it a critical mineral because it is also essential for armour-piercing ammunition, infrared sensors, and precision optics.

Antimony prices have nearly doubled since the start of the year to a record $22,750 per tonne in part because of shrinking exports from major producers and a global deficit of the metal. China’s exports are in medium-term decline due to higher demand from its solar energy sector, while Russian supply has been crimped by falling output and Western sanctions. The flow from other big producing nations such as Vietnam, Tajikistan, and Myanmar has been disrupted by the re-routing of shipments from the Red Sea due to Houthi attacks on shipping.

Analysts estimate the market was already looking at a 10,000-ton shortfall before China’s export restrictions. These new controls are not targeted at any specific country, but Chinese authorities can refuse licences to export to individual end-user companies or countries as they see fit.

Other Information on Antimony:

China’s restrictions on antimony could lead to ‘another flashpoint with the West’

i2a China Export Restriction Press Release – 20 August 2024

Kal Malhi, CEO of Hertz Energy commented, ‘With the Chinese export restrictions on Antimony effective as of September 15, 2024, and several active conflicts around the world, the need for antimony has sky rocketed along with the price of antimony. Antimony is used heavily in a variety of military applications, including night vision goggles, explosive formulations, flares, nuclear weapons production, and infrared sensors plus as a fire retardant, in solar panels and electric batteries. Hertz Energy’s Lake George property acquisition in New Brunswick will allow the Company to focus on utilizing our current flow-thru cash position of approximately $800,000 to aggressively explore our Antimony Projects portfolio in the coming months.’


All scientific and technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Paul Teniere, P.Geo., Technical Advisor of Hertz Energy, who is a ‘Qualified Person’ as defined in NI 43-101.

This news release contains scientific and technical information with respect to adjacent properties to the Company’s properties in Lake George, which the Company has no interest in or rights to explore. Readers are cautioned that information regarding the geology, mineralization, mineral resources, and historical production on adjacent properties is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization potential on the Company’s properties.

About the Company

The Company is a British Columbia based junior exploration company primarily engaged in the acquisition and exploration of energy metals mineral properties. The Company’s lithium exploration projects include the AC/DC Lithium Project, and Snake Lithium Project in Jame Bay Québec. The AC/DC Project is 26,500 hectares located in the renowned James Bay Lithium District in Québec, Canada, just 26kms southeast of the Corvette Lithium Project owned by Patriot Battery Metals and is contiguous to Rio Tinto’s Kaanaayaa project claims. The Companies Snake Lithium project is also district scale and located amongst highly prospective projects held by other exploration companies. Hertz Energy’s Harriman Antimony Project in the Gaspe and the Lake George Antimony Project in New Brunswick are part of the company’s growing Antimony portfolio.

For further information, please contact Mr. Kal Malhi or view the Company’s filings at and website:

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Kal Malhi
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Phone: 604-805-4602

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Cautionary Statement Regarding ‘Forward-Looking’ Information

This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed ‘forward-looking statements’. All statements in this new release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words ‘expects’, ‘plans’, ‘anticipates’, ‘believes’, ‘intends’, ‘estimates’, ‘projects’, ‘potential’ and similar expressions, or that events or conditions ‘will’, ‘would’, ‘may’, ‘could’ or ‘should’ occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company’s management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management’s beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

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Flynn Gold Limited (ASX: FG1, “Flynn” or “the Company”) is pleased to report that high-grade gold mineralisation has been intersected in the first drilling program completed at the Trafalgar North vein zone which is situated within the Company’s 100% owned Golden Ridge Project located in Northeast Tasmania (Figure 1).


Multiple gold-bearing quartz veins successfully intercepted in diamond drilling at the new Trafalgar North vein zone discovery1Assay results have been received for two drill holes, TFDD019 and TFDD020, drilled at Trafalgar North.Best mineralised intercepts include:TFDD0203.05m @ 4.9g/t Au from 53.1m including0.35m @ 40.0g/t Au2.7m @ 4.1g/t Au from 115.4m, including0.35m @ 26.6g/t Au TFDD0194.8m @ 4.0g/t Au from 165.6m; including:0.4m @ 17.9g/t Au from 166.9m, and0.4m @ 24.0g/t Au from 170.0m0.3m @ 25.1g/t Au from 440.5mTrafalgar North gold mineralisation confirmed to extend from surface to exceeding 150m depth and is open in all directionsGold mineralised veins now confirmed over a 500m wide zone along the granodiorite-hornfels contact at Trafalgar

Flynn Gold Managing Director & CEO Neil Marston said:

“These are excellent early results from our on-going exploration at our flagship Golden Ridge project in NE Tasmania.

“Drilling has successfully intersected high-grade gold veins beneath the recently discovered trenching area at Trafalgar North and has confirmed our interpretation that this zone is continuous at depth and potentially is a parallel zone to the Trafalgar prospect mineralisation.

This new vein zone increases the mineralised footprint at Trafalgar from 300m to 500m width across the granodiorite/sedimentary contact and reinforces our view that this project has the potential to host large-scale gold mineralisation.”

Trafalgar Prospect – Phase 3 Drilling

Phase 3 drilling commenced at the Trafalgar prospect in mid-April 2024. The initially planned 1,500m diamond drill program comprised infill and extension drilling targeting down-dip and along-strike extensions to previously drilled high-grade gold intercepts.

During June 2024, a new zone of gold-mineralisation, approximately 250m north of the historic Trafalgar mine was discovered in surface trenches2. This new area at Trafalgar North had the potential to significantly increase the mineralised footprint of the Trafalgar prospect and therefore became the focus of drilling later in the campaign.

Two diamond holes for 623m (TFDD019 and TFDD020) have been completed, testing beneath and along strike of mineralisation discovered in the trenches (see Figure 2).

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Alvopetro Energy Ltd. (TSXV: ALV) (OTCQX: ALVOF) announces that our Board of Directors has declared a quarterly dividend of US$0.09 per common share, payable in cash on October 15, 2024 to shareholders of record at the close of business on September 30, 2024 . This dividend is designated as an ‘eligible dividend’ for Canadian income tax purposes.

Dividend payments to non-residents of Canada will be subject to withholding taxes at the Canadian statutory rate of 25%.  Shareholders may be entitled to a reduced withholding tax rate under a tax treaty between their country of residence and Canada.  For further information, see Alvopetro’s website at .

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Alvopetro Energy Ltd.’s vision is to become a leading independent upstream and midstream operator in Brazil . Our strategy is to unlock the on-shore natural gas potential in the state of Bahia in Brazil, building off the development of our Caburé and Murucututu natural gas assets and our strategic midstream infrastructure.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

All amounts contained in   this new release are in United States dollars, unless otherwise stated and all tabular amounts are in thousands of United States dollars, except as otherwise noted.

Forward-Looking Statements and Cautionary Language. This news release contains ‘forward-looking information’ within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of   the words ‘will’, ‘expect’, ‘intend’ and other similar words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking information. Forward‐looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties, should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether or not such results will be achieved. A number of factors could cause actual results to vary significantly from the expectations discussed in the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect current assumptions and expectations regarding future events. Accordingly, when relying on forward-looking statements to make decisions, Alvopetro cautions readers not to place undue reliance on these statements, as forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties. More particularly and without limitation, this news release contains forward-looking information concerning the Company’s dividends, plans for dividends in the future, the timing and amount of such dividends and the expected tax treatment thereof. The forward‐looking statements are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by Alvopetro, including but not limited to expectations and assumptions concerning expectations regarding the demand for natural gas and oil, the performance of producing wells and reservoirs, well development and operating performance, the success of future drilling, completion, and testing activities, Alvopetro’s working interest in properties and the outcome of future redeterminations, the outcome of any disputes, equipment availability, the timing of regulatory licenses and approvals, recompletion and development activities, the outlook for commodity markets and ability to access capital markets, the impact of global pandemics and other significant worldwide events, foreign exchange rates, general economic and business conditions, weather and access to drilling locations, the availability and cost of labour and services, Alvopetro’s working interest in properties and the outcome of future redeterminations, the outcome of any disputes,  environmental regulation, including regulation relating to hydraulic fracturing and stimulation, the ability to monetize hydrocarbons discovered, the regulatory and legal environment and other risks associated with oil and gas operations. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect. Actual results achieved during the forecast period will vary from the information provided herein as a result of numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors.   In addition, the declaration, timing, amount and payment of future dividends remain at the discretion of the Board of Directors.   Although Alvopetro believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because Alvopetro can give no assurance that it will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on factors that could affect the operations or financial results of Alvopetro are included in our annual information form which may be accessed on Alvopetro’s SEDAR+ profile at . The forward-looking information contained in this news release is made as of the date hereof and Alvopetro undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.

SOURCE Alvopetro Energy Ltd.

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Brightstar Resources Limited (ASX: BTR) (Brightstar) is pleased to announce further results from the RC infill drilling at the Lord Byron deposit, part of the 293koz Au Jasper Hills Gold Project. The program was completed to infill the existing mineral resource and increase confidence in the geological interpretation, prior to a planned update to the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE). A concurrent diamond drilling program is almost complete, providing important geotechnical and metallurgical data, as well as crucial structural and geological information to aid the company’s growing understanding of the deposit.


The remaining assay results have been received from the ~8,000m Lord Byron infill RC drilling program at the Jasper Hills Gold ProjectThe results returned wide zones of gold mineralisation that contain internal sections of high-grade. Intercepts returned at Lord Byron include:LBRC24049:26m @ 2.69 g/t Au from 120m, including 3m @ 12.4 g/t from 123m, and8m @ 3.48 g/t from 28mLBRC24017:28m @ 2.77 g/t Au from 153m, including 6m @ 6.00 g/t from 172mLBRC24012:29m @ 2.62 g/t Au from 160m, including 1m @ 35.7 g/t from 184mLBRC24013:30m @ 1.97 g/t Au from 143m, including 13m @ 3.18 g/t from 143mLBRC24051:23m @ 2.24 g/t Au from 67m, including 5m @ 7.03g/t from 83mLBRC24011:16m @ 2.01 g/t Au from 140mLBRC24048:1m @ 22.2 g/t Au from 121m, and7m @ 3.32 g/t Au from 132m, and24m @ 1.04 g/t Au from 144mLBRC24047:10m @ 2.31 g/t Au from 109m, and10m @ 1.01 g/t Au from 132mThe program forms part of a Reverse Circulation (RC) and Diamond (DD) drill-out at Jasper Hills, which was designed to increase the resource confidence, improve geological understanding and provide geotechnical and metallurgical data.Assays for an additional 7 completed diamond holes are still pending. The diamond rig is currently on site at Lord Byron completing the final 6 diamond tails, drilled as extensions to RC pre-collar holes.The RC drilling rig is currently finishing the drilling program at the Menzies Gold Project, which is expected to complete in the coming days.

Brightstar’s Managing Director, Alex Rovira, commented“These new Lord Byron assays are particularly exciting. The results have shown the wide intervals of great, open pit mineable gold grades, but also contain discrete zones of high-grade, including in some of the deeper holes, at the base of a A$3,000/oz Au optimised pit shell. These highly encouraging results will feed into updated development studies at the deposit, as outlined in the recent Jasper Hills Scoping Study1.

With successful RC programs now complete at Fish and Lord Byron, the Jasper Hills project is rapidly advancing. Once the RC assays are received from the Fish deposit, attention will turn to geotechnical and metallurgical testwork utilising the diamond core material produced from the drilling program concluding in the coming weeks.

With the current drilling program ending and both rigs soon demobilising, a short drilling break will allow assays to be returned and geological interpretations to be updated, prior to resource updates across the projects. Drilling will then restart, with a large program being planned at the company’s exciting new Sandstone assets set to commence once those transactions complete.


The Lord Byron deposit consists of a ‘Main Zone” of mineralisation associated with the northwest-trending Bicentennial Shear Zone. This 100m-wide zone of shearing hosts the bulk of the mineralisation at the deposit. Additional mineralisation is also present in supergene lodes, and as primary gold in banded iron units (BIF) that have been deflected and truncated by the Bicentennial Shear. The RC drilling program at the Lord Byron totals 54 drill holes for ~8,000m of drilling, with all assays now returned.

An additional diamond program is ongoing, totalling 13 holes for 1,700m (including 7 diamond ‘tails’ drilled as extensions to existing RC drillhole pre-collars). Assays remain outstanding for all diamond holes, with 6 short diamond tails remaining to drill to complete the program.

The purpose of this combined RC and DD program was to infill the resource within optimised open pit shells, provide material for metallurgical and geotechnical assessment, facilitate an upgrade of the MRE to indicated or better classification, and potentially delineate Ore Reserves in conjunction with the Definitive Feasibility Study.

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A violent conflict between rival tribes in Papua New Guinea’s central highlands has resulted in at least 30 deaths, with authorities struggling to restore order near the country’s Porgera gold mine.

On Sunday (September 15), more than 300 shots were exchanged as peace talks between the groups failed.

The clash was fueled by illegal mining and an ongoing land dispute between the Sakar and Piande clans, with the unrest forcing the nearby gold mine to shut down operations to maintain safety.

According to the BBC, Porgera has been a flashpoint for tensions between local groups. It is a significant source of revenue for the country, once accounting for around 10 percent of its annual export earnings

“The deteriorating situation has been caused by illegal miners and illegal settlers who are victimizing traditional landowners and using violence to terrorize local communities,” the news outlet quotes David Manning, Papua New Guinea’s police commissioner, as saying about the situation.

This isn’t the area’s first instance of violence. In 2022, at least 17 people were killed in a shootout between rival clans.

Porgera belongs to the New Porgera joint venture, which is 51 percent owned by Papua New Guinea stakeholders and 49 percent held by an affiliate of Barrick Gold (TSX:ABX,NYSE:GOLD). The Barrick affiliate is a 50/50 partnership between Barrick and China’s Zijin Mining Group (OTC Pink:ZIJMF,SHA:601899), giving each a 24.5 percent stake in the asset.

The mine is one of Papua New Guinea’s largest mining properties, and despite ongoing tribal violence and a landslide in Mulitaka in July, Barrick and Zijin have reported strong performance since operations resumed in December of last year.

However, the ongoing tribal conflict and lawlessness in the area pose a serious threat to its long-term viability.

Manning said that the use of ‘lethal force’ to quell the violence near the mine has already been authorized as security forces attempt to restore order in the region. The government has imposed a curfew and banned alcohol sales in an effort to stem the violence, and security teams have been deployed along the highway leading to the Porgera mine.

Despite the challenges posed by tribal violence and recent natural disasters, Barrick has maintained its commitment to the region, calling for law and order to protect the mine’s status as a tier one asset.

Currently, New Porgera employs 2,500 people, with the majority hailing from the local Porgera and Enga communities.

In January, the mine poured its first gold following the resumption of operations, and by June the mine had completed a throughput performance test, finishing it four months ahead of schedule.

Securities Disclosure: I, Giann Liguid, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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