


Indonesia’s parliament postponed ratifying changes to an elections law on Thursday as protesters attempted to tear down the gates of parliament in the capital, following outcry over legislation seen to strengthen the political influence of outgoing President Joko Widodo.

The plenary session to pass the changes was delayed due to a lack of a quorum, legislator Habiburokhman told reporters outside the parliament building.

It is unclear if parliament will reconvene to pass the law before the registration for regional elections opens next Tuesday.

The parliament planned to ratify changes that would have reversed a ruling by the constitutional court earlier this week. The legislative changes would have blocked a vocal government critic in the race for the influential post of Jakarta governor, and also paved the way for Widodo’s youngest son to run in elections in Java this November.

The power struggle between the parliament and the judiciary comes amid a week of dramatic political developments in the world’s third-largest democracy, and in the final stretch of the president’s second term.

Widodo downplayed the concerns, saying on Wednesday the court ruling and parliamentary deliberations were part of standard “checks and balances.”

The home affairs minister said the changes were intended to provide legal certainty.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the parliament building in Jakarta, some breaching part of a fence, but few daring to cross it. Others draped banners accusing Jokowi of destroying democracy, and carried colorful banners and props, including a mock guillotine featuring the president’s face.

Indonesian presidential spokesperson Hasan Nasbi called for calm, and urged protestors to avoid violence, as some scenes showed demonstrators also throwing rocks at parliament in Bandung.

Protests were held in multiple cities across the country, with tear gas fired at demonstrators in Semarang, TV footage showed.

“This is the peak of my disdain,” said Afif Sidik, a 29-year-old teacher who joined the protest outside parliament.

“This is a republic. It’s a democracy, but if its leadership is decided by one person, or an oligarch, we can’t accept that.”

Legal experts and political analysts have described the power struggle as bordering on a constitutional crisis.

Elections analyst Titi Anggraini characterized the maneuver as “constitutional insubordination.”

The street protests follow a wave of criticism online, with blue posters featuring the words “Emergency Warning” above Indonesia’s national eagle proliferating on social media.

The rupiah IDR= and Jakarta’s main stock index .JKSE slumped by midday Thursday, hit by concerns of protests as well as the country’s widening current account deficit.

The Constitutional Court on Tuesday revoked a minimum threshold requirement to nominate candidates in regional elections and kept the minimum age limit of 30 years for candidates.

That ruling effectively blocks the candidacy of the president’s 29-year-old son from contesting the race for deputy governor in Central Java, and would allow Anies Baswedan, the current favorite, to run in Jakarta.

But within 24 hours the parliament had tabled an emergency revision to annul the changes.

All parties except one agreed to the revision.

“Indonesian democracy is once again at a crucial crossroads,” Anies posted on social media platform X, urging legislators to remember its fate rested in their hands.

The parliament is dominated by a big-tent coalition aligned to the outgoing president, popularly known as Jokowi, and president-elect Prabowo Subianto.

Prabowo, who won a landslide victory in February’s elections, will be inaugurated on Oct. 20, with Jokowi’s eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as his vice president.

Jokowi is facing mounting criticism for the increasingly bold ways his government is consolidating power, and his nascent political dynasty.

“The ruling of the constitutional court is final and binding,” said Bivitri Susanti, from the Jentera School of Law,

“It is not possible for the legislative body to violate the judiciary’s ruling. This is a power struggle.”

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Rescuers are scrambling to evacuate flooded communities after heavy rains inundated parts of Bangladesh and northeast India, causing rivers on both sides of the border to reach extreme levels.

In India, at least eight people were killed by landslides and drowning, while tens of thousands have sought shelter in relief camps, according to disaster management authorities.

Heavy flooding and mudslides have killed hundreds, displaced millions and wrecked infrastructure across South Asia in recent months. While floods are common in the region during monsoon season, scientists say the human-caused climate crisis has exacerbated extreme weather events and made them more deadly.

Parts of India’s northeast border state of Tripura and districts in eastern Bangladesh have recorded heavy rainfall of up to nearly 200 millimeters (about 8 inches) in recent days, which has caused perilous floodwaters to rise.

As of Thursday, Bangladesh’s Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre said 11 rivers in the region recorded water levels above the “danger level.”

In the hard-hit Feni district of Chattogram, a city in southeast Bangladesh, efforts are underway to rescue people from waterlogged homes and to shelter the displaced.

Army and navy personnel are evacuating people by boat with the help of volunteers, said Musammat Shahina Akter, a senior official in Feni.

Government buildings and high schools have been converted into shelters, and more than 25,000 people are sheltering in relief camps, Akter said.

“We don’t expect people to be able to return home anytime soon,” he said, adding the rain is easing but water levels can only recede after the rainfall stops.

Kazi Piash, a 24-year-old Feni resident, said he took shelter on his rooftop after the floods came up to his neck.

“We’ve constructed a makeshift tent on the roof with tarpaulin but there’s about 40 of us on the roofs of two one-story homes,” Piash said, adding the group included his pregnant sister-in-law.

“We have been on the roof for hours, my body is shivering, our phones also won’t have a battery for long, so we need to get help quick,” he said.

Videos showed residents paddling in canoes and swimming with their belongings through muddied streams, as floodwaters lapped at the roofs of homes.

Meanwhile, India denied claims circulating on social media that the flooding was due to the forced opening of a dam on the Gomati River, which flows through Tripura and enters Bangladesh through the district of Comilla.

According to Tripura’s Power Minister Ratan Lal Nath, the dam was designed so that excess water escapes automatically after the water level reaches a certain point.

“No gate has been opened for the Gomati Hydro Electric Project,” Nath posted on X on Wednesday, adding the storage capacity of the reservoir is up to 94 meters (308 feet).

More wet weather is expected across Tripura and eastern Bangladesh, with forecasts of 50 mm to 150 mm (2 to 6 inches) of rain over the next three days.

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Former President Trump said he ‘stopped wars with phone calls’ while commander in chief during his first outdoor rally since surviving an assassination attempt.

Trump held a campaign event in Asheboro, North Carolina, on Wednesday, where he focused his remarks on national security and how ‘the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful, Resolute desk in the Oval Office.’ 

‘The world is on fire. And Kamala and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III,’ Trump said from a podium surrounded by bulletproof glass.

The former president reflected on the state of national security under his administration, saying that ‘our allies admired us’ and ‘our enemies feared us.’

‘We defeated ISIS. We killed the world’s top terrorists. We secured our borders. We achieved energy independence. We stood up to China. We protected Israel. We made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more. We did things like nobody ever heard of it,’ Trump said.

‘I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls. I don’t have to send in the troops,’ he told the crowd.

Trump pointed to President Biden’s erratic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the devastating Oct. 7 attack on Israel — suggesting none of these things would have happened under his watch.

‘Since the Afghanistan catastrophe, it’s been open season on America and our allies,’ he said of the withdrawal, which saw 13 U.S. service members killed.

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, Trump’s running mate, also spoke at the event, saying Trump was ‘the person who prevented nuclear war.’

‘Mean tweets and world peace have a pretty nice ring to it. I think we ought to bring it right back,’ Vance told a cheering crowd. ‘He’s too tough for the tyrants all over the world. He was too strong, even for an assassin’s bullet. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s return to a time when the bravest man led this nation with strength.’

During the speech, Trump addressed the revised job numbers after new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed there were 818,000 fewer jobs created this year than previously reported. 

‘The Harris-Biden administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they’ve inflicted on America,’ Trump said.

The Trump-Vance event came ahead of the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

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President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ secretary of Health and Human Services refused to say whether he would back any limits at all on late-term abortions, even with exceptions, instead deferring to Harris. 

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra was asked by Fox News Digital on Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago if he would support any limits on late-term abortion, with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.

‘I think the president – the vice president may answer those questions really well,’ he said. 

He further said he could not answer questions related to Health and Human Services, because,’I’m here not as secretary, so I really can’t answer Health and Human Services questions.’ 

As Democrats have pushed abortion as a top issue going into the 2024 elections, Republicans have tried to hit back at their opponents and highlight a lack of clarity on whether they support any limits on abortion with the popular exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. 

Democrats have done little to refute claims that they support abortion without any limitations, meaning throughout all nine months, even with exceptions. When confronted with accusations, the party’s lawmakers have suggested the procedure doesn’t take place in the late term, or take place incredibly rarely, insinuating limits may not be necessary. 

The Harris campaign did not answer in time for publication whether she supports any limit on abortion throughout nine months, even with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother, when asked by Fox News Digital. 

Prior to Harris’ candidacy, Biden avoided answering a question during his CNN debate against former President Trump on whether he believed in any limit on abortion. 

Trump went on to slam Biden and Democrats for their position. ‘So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth?’ he asked. ‘Because some states Democrat-run take it after birth. The former governor of Virginia: ‘put the baby down, then we decide what to do with it.’ So, he’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby. Nobody wants that to happen – Democrat or Republican. Nobody wants that to happen.’

But Biden pushed back, saying, ‘You’re lying, that is simply not true.… We are not for late-term abortion, period,’ without providing a specific limit he supported. 

Democrats have largely avoided supporting any specific limits, often redirecting attention to their claim that Republicans would ban abortion entirely. A majority of Republicans have said they believe the abortion issue should be navigated at the state level. 

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As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) unfolds in Chicago this week, the true agenda of the abortion industry is on full display — an agenda that seeks to convince people that pregnancy is a disease and that motherhood is a curse. 

These are lies, plain and simple. Motherhood and family are some of the most meaningful and beautiful experiences anyone can have, bringing joy and fulfillment. But the DNC, backed by the abortion industry, has chosen a different path, one that celebrates the killing of innocent children as some twisted form of empowerment.

Planned Parenthood has set up a mobile abortion facility right outside the convention hall, distributing drugs that destroy children from a van. The Planned Parenthood abortion van is horrifically distributing deadly abortion drugs as freely as a food truck serves tacos. Reportedly, at least 25 babies have been killed by abortion, so far, right outside the DNC. 

Twenty-five helpless lives were sacrificed at the altar of so-called ‘choice.’ All under the guise of a grotesque carnival-like atmosphere. Planned Parenthood, always eager to serve its own interests, even offered these abortions for free—a sickening promotion that reveals the true nature of this death cult. And let’s not mince words—this is a death cult, complete with its own rituals and mockery of life. Outside the DNC, protesters are dressed as abortion pills, chanting in unison, turning their love of death into a macabre spectacle. 

The act of ending a human life has been trivialized to the point of absurdity, packaged as some sort of liberation for women. But there is no freedom in killing your child—only slavery to an anti-life ideology that tells women that motherhood is something to be feared and avoided at all costs.

The act of ending a human life has been trivialized to the point of absurdity, packaged as some sort of liberation for women. But there is no freedom in killing your child—only slavery to an anti-life ideology that tells women that motherhood is something to be feared and avoided at all costs.

This is not the Democratic Party of ‘safe, legal, and rare’ that even Hillary Clinton once touted. We’ve moved far beyond that, to a place where the DNC is now openly celebrating abortion as a positive good. 

The extremes they are willing to go to are shocking. They are exposing themselves for what they truly are—a group more concerned with advancing a radical pro-death agenda than with protecting the most vulnerable among us.

But what about the lives of those 25 children who were aborted at the DNC? What about the babies who will continue to be killed as the convention continues? Do they not deserve to be mourned? Do they not deserve to live? 

These are the questions we must reckon with as we witness this brutal display, because this is not what Americans want. Most Americans desire strong families, meaningful lives, and the opportunity to thrive—not the cold, heartless killing that Planned Parenthood and their friends at the DNC are promoting.

Planned Parenthood denies this reality, but there is a method that can possibly save a child’s life after the first abortion pill has been taken, called Abortion Pill Reversal. The abortion pill (chemical abortion) makes up over 60% of all abortions now, and everyone needs to know about the abortion pill reversal protocol and share it with mothers in need. 

It is the worst human rights crisis of our time that over 2,800 children are killed every single day by abortion in our nation alone. Our leaders should be working to protect kids, not making it ever easier to end their lives. 

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. The DNC has shown us its true colors, and it is up to us to reject this culture of death and protect every human life.

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The moderate Democrat who defeated ‘Squad’ member Rep. Jamaal Bowman suggests the party’s voter base is largely pro-Israel.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer’s victory in late June was a decisive rebuke of the Democrats’ left-most flank, ending what was the most expensive primary election in U.S. history.

The fight was part of a wider fracture within the Democratic Party created by Israel’s war in Gaza. 

When I won the election in my area, they elected very strongly in favor of my position on a host of issues, Israel being one of them. And I do believe that reflects the broad base of the Democratic Party,’ Latimer told Fox News Digital.

‘There are different voices in the party. And I think support for a democracy is the bedrock of our support for Israel. Can we negotiate a peaceful settlement over there? Yes. But, by and large, it’s not going to come by more violence, and the violence that Hamas did on Oct. 7 is the single biggest impediment to peace in the Middle East.’

Bowman, a far-left progressive, was one of Israel’s most vocal opponents in the House. He’s part of a growing faction of Democrats critical of the U.S. government’s longstanding ties with Israel, a fight that has been exacerbated since Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, terror attack and Israel’s ensuing response.

Latimer, by contrast, was propped up by pro-Israel groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), whose associated entities poured millions into the race. He also got the backing of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and even one of Bowman’s own colleagues in the House, Rep. Josh Gottheimer, who is Jewish.

Latimer was one of the hundreds of Democrats to descend on Chicago this week to see Vice President Kamala Harris accept the party’s 2024 nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

Asked if he was concerned for his safety and the safety of other elected officials with thousands of anti-Israel protesters demonstrating in Chicago this week, Latimer said, ‘Well, I’m not concerned for mine, but I am concerned for those who are in higher office. … But I think, so far, Chicago has done a good job of protecting us.’

He also argued that the protests showed the Democratic Party was largely pro-Israel.

‘But protests don’t change policy. That policy will change when the [Israeli hostages held by Hamas] are released,’ Latimer said.

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Michelle Obama wore a nearly $3,000 pantsuit to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago while touting to attendees that her parents were ‘suspicious’ of the wealthy. 

The former first lady began her DNC speech on Tuesday by saying the last time she was in her hometown of Chicago was to memorialize her mother, the woman ‘who showed me the meaning of hard work and humility and decency’ and ‘who set my moral compass high and showed me the power of my own voice.’  

‘She and my father didn’t aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed,’ Obama said. ‘They understood that it wasn’t enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. So my mother volunteered at the local school.’ 

All the while, she was wearing a black pantsuit jacket that is available for pre-order online by the New York fashion designer Monse for $1,690. 

The online description invites customers to ‘pre-order our Resort 2025 Criss Cross Jacket as seen on Michelle Obama at the DNC.’ 

Obama paired the jacket with matching trousers listed for $890. 

‘Pre-order our Resort 2025 Tuxedo Cuff Trousers as seen on Michelle Obama at the DNC,’ Monse wrote. The estimated ship date isn’t until Nov. 8, three days after the election. 

The New York Times described Obama’s outfit, a sleeveless recreation of the traditional pantsuit, as thematically ‘forward,’ in line with the former first lady’s message at the DNC. 

The Times’ Critics Notebook described Monse as a ‘small, independent label founded by Fernando Garcia, a Dominican-raised New York designer, and Laura Kim, an Asian American (and one of the founders of the Slaysians, a group of fashion insiders formed to combat anti-Asian hate).’ 

Garcia and Kim are also the designers of Oscar de la Renta, ‘the brand that has dressed first ladies for decades and which Mrs. Obama wore when she was living on Pennsylvania Avenue and still does,’ the Times said. 

The newspaper gushed over the former first lady, and her stylist, Meredith Koop, for choosing Monse. 

The Times said selecting ‘the smaller fashion house over the establishment name was fully in line with Mrs. Obama’s practice, developed as first lady, of using her platform to highlight lesser known businesses (especially fashion businesses) and designers who represent the stories she is telling: about entrepreneurship, the melting pot, the American dream. The election.’ 

Obama ‘wore a dark navy sleeveless jacket belted over cropped trousers. The lapels of the top were de- and reconstructed to cross over the throat in an almost militaristic way, and the shoulders jutted out to frame the biceps. It was both understated and edgy, kind of armorial,’ the Times said. ‘This was going to be a fight, her tunic and her speech suggested, and everyone should gear themselves up to get out the vote.’ 

The Trump campaign and others criticized Obama for omitting that she and her husband, former President Obama, have an estimated net worth of $70 million, as well as luxury real estate holdings in Chicago, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., when telling the DNC that her parents ‘were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.’ 

‘Getting really tired of multi-millionaires preaching about the evils of money and greed,’ one X user wrote. 

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A new nationwide survey highlighted in a Wall Street Journal opinion editorial found that most Americans don’t support sweeping changes to the Supreme Court, despite President Joe Biden’s last-minute push for such a measure. 

The WSJ cited a Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy survey that found that ‘support for the separation of powers just as many of the speakers at this week’s Democratic National Convention seek to undermine it.’

President Biden, after abruptly leaving the presidential race a month ago, endorsed legislation that would impose term limits for justices, among other things, that would drastically alter the makeup of the high court. His plan is also of questionable constitutionality.

According to the Journal, the Mason-Dixon poll found that after asking likely voters if they ‘support or oppose amending the U.S. Constitution to change the structure of the U.S. Supreme Court,’ that 52% of them oppose the idea, while 41% of likely voters support the idea of amending the constitution to change the court’s structure.

Noting that for ‘over 150 years, the United States Supreme Court has had nine justices’ and that court-packing ‘is generally defined as increasing the number of Supreme Court seats, primarily to alter the ideological balance of the court,’ the poll asked respondents if they agree with ‘court-packing.’

Only 34% supported such a plan, while 59% opposed and 7% of likely voters were undecided.

The poll also found that an overwhelming number of voters supported this statement: ‘Plans to expand the membership of the U.S. Supreme Court are primarily motivated by political objectives.’

Additionally, a full 87% of likely voters — including 84% of Democrats — agree with the following statement: ‘An independent judiciary is a crucial safeguard of our civil liberties.’

Democrats in Congress, in conjunction with the White House, have pushed to make radical changes to the high court.

And Democrats at the Democratic National Convention this week have already leveled attacks against the high court. 

Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow falsely claimed that the Supreme Court has made Trump ‘completely immune from prosecution’ in its presidential immunity decision.

‘Sadly, such poisonous attacks on the highest court are likely to be a staple of this week’s convention,’ the Wall Street Journal wrote about the comment. ‘Thank goodness most Americans still don’t endorse them, according to the new Mason-Dixon poll commissioned by the First Liberty Institute, which advocates for religious freedom.’

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CHICAGO — Vice President Harris will formally accept the Democrat presidential nomination Thursday night in a historic moment after President Biden won the 2024 Democrat primaries but later suspended his campaign due to internal party pressure. 

Harris is expected to address the Democratic National Convention (DNC) during a primetime Thursday night address. 

By the end of the night, the Democrat presidential ticket will be solidified with Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and then it will be off to the general election against Republican nominee former President Trump and his VP pick, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio. 

Harris delivered surprise remarks on Monday night to kick off the DNC in Chicago, praising Biden and saying ‘we are forever grateful to him.’ 

‘Joe, thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation and for all you will continue to do,’ Harris said Monday. ‘We are forever grateful to you. Thank you, Joe.’

Harris said Democrats are ‘united by our shared vision for the future of our country.’

‘And this November, we will come together and declare with one voice as one people, we are moving forward,’ she said Monday. ‘With optimism, hope and faith so guided by our love of country, knowing we all have so much more in common than what separates us, let us fight for the ideals we hold dear and let us always remember when we fight, we win.’

Just over a month ago, Biden was considered the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, having won each primary race. 

However, after a disastrous debate performance against Trump in June, Democrats mounted a pressure campaign for Biden to suspend his re-election bid.

Biden eventually gave in and dropped out of the race. He swiftly endorsed Harris, his vice president, to take his place as the Democrat nominee.

Biden addressed the convention Monday night and handed the reins of the party to Harris.

Speaking in front of the jam-packed United Center arena, the president declared, ‘America, I gave my best to you.’ 

‘Selecting Kamala was the very first decision I made before I became, when I became our nominee, and it was the best decision I made my whole career,’ Biden said. ‘She’s tough, she’s experienced, and she has enormous integrity, enormous integrity.’

He added, ‘Her story represents the best American story.’

He then asked the crowd, ‘Are you ready to vote for freedom? Are you ready to vote for democracy and for America? Let me ask you, are you ready to elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for president and vice president of the United States?’

Harris has spent the week campaigning, holding events across the country. She also unveiled her first big-ticket proposal to raise revenues this week, upping the corporate tax rate.

The Harris campaign said the vice president is proposing to raise the rate that major businesses pay from 21% to 28%, describing it as a ‘fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share.’

The announcement this week comes as Harris is beginning to offer details on how she would govern if she is elected president and how she would try to pay for expensive ideas she proposed last week, including expanding the child tax credit, easing the cost of homeownership and lowering medical debt.

Meanwhile, ahead of Harris’ formal acceptance of the Democrat presidential nomination, the vice president drew support from major Democrats – beyond Biden – and top Hollywood stars.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised Harris, invoking her famed ‘glass ceiling’ line.

‘On the other side of that glass ceiling is Kamala Harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the United States,’ said Clinton, who in 2016 became the first female to win a major party presidential nomination.  

Harris also drew praise from former President Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama and former President Clinton, among others.

Her husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, said he was ‘so proud of how you’re stepping up for all of us.’

‘That’s who she is. Whenever she’s needed, however she’s needed, Kamala rises to the occasion,’ Emhoff said. ‘She did it for me and our family. Now that the country needs her, she’s showing you what we already know: she’s ready to lead, she brings both joy and toughness to this task, and she will be a great president who we will all be proud of.’

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‘Star Wars’ actor Mark Hamill is among the big names in Chicago this week to celebrate Vice President Kamala Harris formally accepting the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week.

Hamill told Fox News Digital on the way to a VIP event on Tuesday evening that he is ‘very confident’ Harris will beat former President Trump in November.

The Hollywood star, known best for playing Luke Skywalker in the science-fiction saga, briefly chatted with fans and media and stopped to take photos with Democrat fans in attendance.

When asked what he thought of President Biden’s Monday evening farewell speech, Hamill said, ‘I’m speechless. It was fantastic.’

Hamill has long been one of Biden’s most high-profile supporters and an active critic of Republican presidential nominee former President Trump.

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison posted a TikTok video alongside Hamill on the first night of the convention where the actor invoked his ‘Star Wars’ past.

‘In the movies, I fought against make-believe evil. But we’re at a time in history where we’re fighting against real evil,’ Hamill said. ‘So, I beg you, please don’t go to the orange side.’

It was followed by Harrison posing with a blue lightsaber.

Hamill shared the video on X and wrote, ‘My message to Jaime Harrison: The Force is strong with [the Harris-Walz campaign] & the Democratic Party…My message to MAGA: Go FORCE Yourself.’

The actor notably defended Biden in the days after his disastrous performance in the late June presidential debate on CNN, which eventually precipitated Biden’s ouster by fellow Democrats worried he would lose to Trump in November.

‘One off night doesn’t change the fact that [Biden] is the most legislatively successful [U.S. president] in our lifetime. One off night also doesn’t change the fact that the former guy is a convicted felon, serial liar & adjudicated rapist who is unfit for ANY office. Period,’ Hamill wrote on X.

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