


On the day Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed former president Donald Trump for the presidency, one would expect an outcry from the usual suspects. After all, this is politics. But the most malicious response came from Kennedy’s own family.

For daring to follow his conscience, Bobby was condemned by his siblings in a public statement promoted publicly by his sister Kerry Kennedy, and posted on the social media platform X. Kerry, who dropped the ‘Cuomo’ from her name after her 2005 divorce from Andrew, was the spearpoint of the denunciation within which they excoriated Bobby for betraying ‘the values that our father and family hold most dear.’

Values are worth talking about, and in the midst of this extraordinary time for our country, a response had to made, which I originally posted on X. 

Here is that Open Letter to Kerry Kennedy:

You people are awful. Despite your family’s checkered past and horrible behavior of so many of the men, Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief. Despite the questionable establishment of your family’s wealth, the treatment of Marilyn Monroe, the general womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to her death, allegations of rape, one could go on and on, but the point is your family has stayed loyal and protective of family members who have done the most appalling of things. But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves and publicly condemn him. Never a word for the trail of abused or abandoned women left behind by a Kennedy, but because one of your men supports Trump in an effort to make the lives of Americans better, that alone is beyond the pale.

In your ugly treatment of your brother, you reveal the rot that has broken the hearts of the American people so many times over the years. Beyond that, the economic destruction of American families is something your family would never truly understand. You are not touched by the worry about having enough gas to get to work, or whether or not you can afford eggs this week, if you’ll be safe walking in your own neighborhood, or if your child will be safe in their urban public school or even if they will know how to read and write while collecting their diploma.

You keep doing civil rights work and public service virtue signaling. But in the meantime, make a pledge to not keep doing damage, as Americans are simply looking for a way to reclaim their own futures, the safety of their families, and knowing that maybe, just maybe, they can leave their children a little better off with a future they can rely on. The condition of this country should shock everyone, even if their name is Kennedy. We know it at least shocks one of you who, like us, has had enough of the fear and hopelessness assigned to us for generations.

Americans are happy to see Bobby on our side as we refuse to comply and will not go gentle into the catastrophes to which we are expected to succumb. Instead, with Trump and all who join us, we will fight, fight, fight!

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The car industry is backing away from rolling out electric vehicles in favor of hybrid options, indicating more defeats to the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to force EV sales on American buyers. 

Ford announced last week that the car giant is changing its electric vehicle strategy and backing away from its planned all-electric, three-row SUV, instead favoring the creation of hybrid vehicles for its next rollout of three-row SUVs. 

‘Our focus here is to remake Ford into a higher-growth, higher-margin, more capital-efficient and durable business, and that means these vehicles need to be profitable,’ John Lawler, Ford vice chair and chief financial officer, said on a call with media Wednesday morning. ‘And if they’re not profitable, based on where the customer is in the market is, we will pivot and adjust and make those tough decisions.’

The announcement is a blow to left-wing electric car initiatives, many of which have been promoted by Harris across her last three and a half years as vice president. 

‘It is abundantly clear that the federal government’s push to ram electric vehicles down everyone’s throat was unwanted and unworkable. The mandates forced on Americans under Biden-Harris will dismantle what remains of Michigan’s industrial base, destroy American jobs, and make us more dependent on Communist China,’ Republican Michigan congressional candidate Tom Barrett told Fox News Digital in reaction to Dearborn-based Ford’s move last week. ‘In Congress, I will continue my fight to protect the rights of consumers to purchase the vehicle that meet their needs and their family’s budget, not the social engineering agenda of bureaucrats in Washington.’

Fox News Digital examined Harris’ record and involvement with the electric vehicle push and programs amid her vice presidency, and found the Democrat has had a heavy hand in promoting the end to traditional gas-powered vehicles. Harris ascended to the top of the Democratic presidential ticket last month, after President Biden exited the race amid mounting concerns over his mental acuity and 81 years of age. 

Stretching back to her Senate career, Harris was one of the original co-signers of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Sen. Edward Markey’s, D-Mass., 2019 Green New Deal legislation, which worked to establish a blueprint to shift the nation to 100% ‘clean energy’ by 2040. The measure failed in the Senate. 

After the Biden-Harris ticket won the 2020 election, Harris continued spearheading climate change initiatives, most notably taking charge of the Clean School Bus program. The EPA-backed program was created nearly three years ago as a provision under the Biden administration’s 2021 infrastructure bill, and allocated $5 billion for the program. The EPA has since made $1 billion in grants available to help deliver nearly 2,500 electric school buses to school districts across the nation. 

Harris and EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan were touted by the federal government as the point people for the program, but it has only delivered 60 battery-electric or low-emissions propane-fueled school buses, the Washington Free Beacon reported last month. 

‘Every school day, 25 million children ride our nation’s largest form of mass transit: the school bus. The vast majority of those buses run on diesel, exposing students, teachers, and bus drivers to toxic air pollution,’ Harris said of the program earlier this year. ‘Today, we are announcing nearly $1 billion to fund clean school buses across the nation. As part of our work to tackle the climate crisis, the historic funding we are announcing today is an investment in our children, their health, and their education. It also strengthens our economy by investing in American manufacturing and America’s workforce.’

Amid the bus plan rollout, Harris found herself in a viral moment in 2022, when she visited a Seattle school to promote the program and gushed about her love of yellow school buses – comments that were subsequently mocked on social media. 

‘Who doesn’t love a yellow school bus, right? Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? It’s part of our experience growing up. It’s part of a nostalgia, a memory of the excitement and joy of going to school to be with your favorite teacher, to be with your best friends and to learn. The school bus takes us there,’ Harris said in the rambling remarks. 

Critics quickly shot back that Democrats ‘really can’t let [Harris] talk in public about anything.’ 

‘Democrats have been hiding Kamala, but she just had a press conference and talked about yellow school buses and my goodness they really can’t let her talk in public about anything,’ OutKick founder Clay Travis posted on X at the time. 

‘Selina Meyer,’ The Federalist author Eddie Scarry tweeted, referencing Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ character on the HBO comedy ‘Veep.’

Republican activist Matthew Foldi tweeted, ‘Find yourself someone who loves you as much as Kamala Harris loves Venn diagrams and yellow school buses.’

CNN contributor Mary Katherine Ham also joked, ‘Please sing Wheels on the Bus, please sing Wheels on the Bus.’

Harris was in fact caught on camera awkwardly singing ‘the wheels on the bus go round and round,’ in another viral moment. 

Harris was also charged with helping lead the ‘Electric Vehicle Charging Action Plan’ in December 2021, to ensure 50% of car sales were electric vehicles by 2030. The Biden-Harris administration further cracked down on the plan this year with one of the most significant climate regulations in U.S. history – it would force half of all new cars and trucks sold in 2030 to be electric. 

‘Together, we’ve made historic progress. Hundreds of new expanded factories across the country. Hundreds of billions in private investment and thousands of good-paying union jobs. And we’ll meet my goal for 2030 and race forward in the years ahead,’ Biden said in March of the plan. 

The $7.5 billion federal program, which was part of 2021’s infrastructure bill, aimed to install half a million EV charging stations across the nation, but has only produced as many as eight federal charging stations as of May. 

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was confronted with the lack of charging stations in May on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ when host Margaret Brennan grilled him as to why only up to eight stations had been installed. 

‘Now, in order to do a charger, it’s more than just plugging a small device into the ground,’ the secretary said. ‘There’s utility work, and this is also really a new category of federal investment. But we’ve been working with each of the 50 states.’

‘Seven or eight, though?’ Brennan said with a laugh.

‘Again, by 2030, 500,000 chargers,’ Buttigieg said. ‘And the very first handful of chargers are now already being physically built.’

Car industry leaders have long argued that the push by Democrats – most notably the Biden-Harris administration – for EVs was rolled out too quickly and will likely fail. 

‘The problem with the whole EV movement is that there was a colossal amount of hype behind it, largely from what I like to call the liberal mainstream media, making it sound like everybody’s next vehicle was going to be an EV,’ former Ford, Chrysler and General Motors executive Bob Lutz told Fox Digital in April. ‘And of course, the government was pushing it, because of their climate change policies. And it just plain wasn’t going to happen.’

‘And yes, it did come too soon and too fast,’ he added. 

Earlier this year, data found that electric vehicles were eating into Ford’s profit margin. Ford Model e, the company’s EV division, had a net loss of $4.7 billion last year – with $1.6 billion of that in the last quarter – and Ford’s chief financial officer John Lawler explained during the company’s earnings call in February that both ‘the quarter and year were impacted by challenging market dynamics and investments in next-generation vehicles.’ 

Ford, which is the second-largest EV brand in the nation behind Tesla, said last week when announcing its shift in its EV strategy that it will face a $400 million write-down of ‘certain product-specific manufacturing assets’ for canceling the EV SUV. 

Fox News Digital reached out to Ford Sunday for additional comment on its future with EVs, but did not immediately receive a reply. 

As Democrats continue championing the frenzied electric vehicle push, former President Trump has vowed to end the Biden administration’s ‘mandate’ increasing the sales of electric vehicles. 

‘I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one. Thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now, and saving U.S. customers thousands and thousands of dollars per car,’ he said from the RNC in Milwaukee last month. 

Trump again discussed electric vehicles in his interview with Tesla founder Elon Musk earlier this month. Musk’s Tesla is the nation’s largest electric vehicle manufacturer. Trump explained that Musk’s cars are ‘incredible,’ but that fossil fuels are deeply intertwined with even building EVs and that the U.S. needs to ‘drill, baby, drill.’

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign for comment on the state of EVs just days after she accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination, but did not immediately receive a reply. 

Fox News’ Kristen Altus and Eric Revell contributed to this report. 

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Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., recommended that Israel threaten to ‘blow up’ Iran’s oil refineries if the remaining hostages taken by Hamas during the Oct. 7 terrorist attack are not released soon. 

Appearing on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ Graham was asked to respond to Israel’s military reporting that it launched preemptive strikes that struck and destroyed thousands of Hezbollah rocket launchers in Lebanon before a planned attack on Israel this weekend, as well as the hostage and cease-fire talks that are resuming in Cairo, Egypt, on Sunday. 

‘How should the U.S. respond to what’s going on in the Middle East? And what is your message to get the cease-fire and hostage release deal across the finish line?’ CNN’s Jake Tapper asked the senator. 

‘Well, number one, I think we got to remember that October the 7th attack was generated, in my view, to stop normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel. It’s a nightmare for Iran and her proxies, for the Arabs and Israelis to reconcile and make peace and take the region in a different direction,’ Graham said. ‘As to the hostages, I would hold Iran responsible for their well-being.’

‘If I were the state of Israel, I would tell the ayatollah, if these people do not come home alive – the ones that are left alive – and if we don’t get the bodies of the fallen, we’re going to blow up your oil refineries,’ Graham added. ‘That’s the only way you’re ever going to get the hostages released is to put pressure on Iran.’ 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday vowed more ‘surprising blows’ against Iran-backed terrorist groups after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reportedly struck launch sites in Lebanon just minutes before Hezbollah was planning to fire thousands of rockets into central Israel.

 ‘What happened today is not the end of the story. Hezbollah tried to attack the State of Israel with rockets and drones early in the morning,’ Netanyahu said at a government meeting in Tel Aviv. ‘We instructed the IDF to carry out a powerful preemptive strike to remove the threat.’ 

Michael Herzog, Israeli ambassador to the United States, said in an appearance on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation’ that the IDF operation prevented a wider conflict. 

‘We identified concrete planning and preparation by Hezbollah to launch a massive missile and drone attack into Israel,’ Herzog said. ‘And we carried the real-time operation in order to degrade those capabilities that were about to be launched as well. We were successful. And nevertheless, they launched several hundred rockets into Israel and also drones that were aimed at central Israel. And we intercepted all of them. One of our soldiers was killed by the debris of Israeli interceptors.’ 

‘I believe that the success of our operation yesterday prevented an escalation to a major war,’ he added. ‘This threat is still there. We still need a settlement with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.’ 

Israel faces Iran-backed terrorist groups on multiple fronts: Hamas in Gaza, Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The war in Gaza began when Hamas and other terrorists staged a surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people, primarily civilians. Hamas is believed to still be holding around 110 hostages. Israeli authorities estimate about a third are dead.

Israel’s military announced the deaths of four more soldiers in combat in central Gaza on Friday.

In Egypt, the U.S. delegation, led by CIA Director William Burns and White House Middle East adviser Brett McGurk, held talks with senior Egyptian officials and then with Egyptian and Qatari mediators, according to a person familiar with the ongoing talks who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to comment publicly.

The Egyptian and Qatari negotiators were expected to meet with Hamas officials on Saturday evening. Hamas won’t take part directly in Sunday’s talks but will be briefed by Egypt and Qatar, senior Hamas official Mahmoud Merdawy told The Associated Press. Merdawy said Hamas’ position hadn’t changed from accepting an earlier draft that would include the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

An Israeli delegation that arrived Thursday included the heads of the Mossad foreign intelligence service and Shin Bet security service and Maj. Gen. Eliezer Toledano.

The U.S. has been pushing a proposal that aims at closing the gaps between Israel and Hamas as fears grow over a wider regional war after the recent killings of leaders of the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups, both blamed on Israel.

President Biden called Netanyahu on Wednesday to stress the urgency of reaching a deal and discussed developments with the leaders of Qatar and Egypt on Friday.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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Radiopharm Theranostics (ASX:RAD, “Radiopharm” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative oncology radiopharmaceuticals for areas of high unmet medical needs, is pleased to announce that it has increased its ownership stake in Radiopharm Ventures, LLC, a joint venture created with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, from 51% to 75%.

Radiopharm Ventures, LLC, is a joint venture created in Q3 2022 between MD Anderson and Radiopharm Theranostics
Leading candidate B7H3 mAb is successfully completing preclinical studiesB7H3 Phase I therapeutic clinical trial planned to start in H1 CY2025B7H3 Phase 1 will be the first clinical trial globally targeting B7H3 as with a systemic radiopharmaceuticalTwo additional preclinical Radiopharm Ventures’ assets show early positive results – move to final candidate selection

The move to an increased ownership percentage comes as the joint venture continues to show promising progress in its cancer therapeutic pipeline, including the advancement of its leading B7H3 candidate and other preclinical assets.

B7-H3 is an immune checkpoint protein that is very infrequently seen in the majority of healthy cells but it is consistently abnormally overexpressed in the majority of cancer tissues. High expression of B7H3 in cancer is associated with greater tumor size and lymphatic invasion.

The B7H3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) lead candidate is successfully completing preclinical studies.

The company plans to initiate a Phase I therapeutic trial in the first half of calendar 2025, making a significant step toward clinical application.

Additionally, two other preclinical candidates have demonstrated early positive results and have progressed towards final candidate selection, with potential applications across multiple solid tumour types.

To support these advancements and its ownership percentage increase to 75%, Radiopharm has committed an additional USD$4.0 million to the joint venture, to cover future preclinical and clinical expenses.

Radiopharm and MD Anderson launched Radiopharm Ventures, LLC in September 2022 to develop novel radiopharmaceutical products for cancer treatment. The joint venture leverages MD Anderson’s expertise in antigen discovery and molecular imaging alongside Radiopharm’s capabilities in developing radiopharmaceutical therapies.

Riccardo Canevari, CEO & Managing Director of Radiopharm, commented: ‘We are encouraged by the progress to date within Radiopharm Ventures. The increased ownership by RAD, coupled with the advancements in the associated programs, positions us well to enter a Phase 1 clinical trial with B7H3 next year.”

Click here for the full ASX Release

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Microsoft said Friday it will hold a conference in September for cybersecurity firms to discuss ways the industry can evolve following a faulty CrowdStrike software update that caused millions of Windows computers to crash in July.

The incident sent internet-connected systems into disarray. Airlines canceled thousands of flights, logistics companies reported package delivery delays and hospitals delayed medical appointments. Delta Air Lines, which said fallout from the outage cost the company $550 million, is seeking damages from CrowdStrike and Microsoft.

Microsoft will meet with CrowdStrike and other security companies at its campus in Redmond, Washington, on Sept. 10 to discuss how to prevent similar issues in the future, a Microsoft executive told CNBC in an interview. The person requested anonymity because they didn’t have approval to discuss internal matters publicly.

The executive said participants at the Windows Endpoint Security Ecosystem Summit will explore the possibility of having applications rely more on a part of Windows called user mode instead of the more privileged kernel mode.

Software from CrowdStrike Check Point, SentinelOne and others in the endpoint-protection market currently depend on kernel mode. Such access helps SentinelOne “monitor and stop bad behavior and prevent malware from turning off security software,” a spokesperson said.

Applications in user mode are isolated, meaning that if one crashes, it won’t bring down others. But an application in kernel mode that fails can cause all of Windows to crash. On July 19, CrowdStrike released a buggy content configuration update for its Falcon sensor for Windows computers, with the intent to gather data on new attacks, prompting crashes at the operating system level. IT administrators rebooted PCs that received the update displaying a “blue screen of death” screen, one by one.

The Microsoft executive said removing kernel access in Windows would only solve a small percentage of potential problems.

Apple in recent years has limited kernel access in macOS and the company discourages developers from using kernel extensions.

Attendees at Microsoft’s Sept. 10 event will also discuss the adoption of eBPF technology, which checks if programs will run without triggering system crashes, and memory-safe programming languages such as Rust, the executive said.

Last year Microsoft donated $1 million to the nonprofit Rust Foundation, which pays stipends to people working on the language.

Microsoft competes with CrowdStrike with its Defender for Endpoint product. That team will attend like any other cybersecurity company and won’t receive preferential treatment, the executive said.

“We will share further updates on these conversations following the event,” Microsoft Corporate Vice President Aidan Marcuss wrote in a blog post.

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Israel said Saturday its military was prepared for any possible retaliatory attacks by Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah or Iran for the killings of their senior leaders.

The news comes amid claims in the Israeli media that there are situational assessments that Hezbollah could attack soon.

Both Hezbollah and Iran have been threatening to retaliate against Israel since a string of figures in Iran-backed militant groups were killed over a span of weeks. Those killings included the death of Hezbollah’s most senior military commander Fu’ad Shukr in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut at the end of July and the assassination of Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

Asked about the threats of retaliation, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Daniel Hagari told reporters Saturday that the military was prepared for any possible attack by either Hezbollah or Iran.

“We take our enemies’ threats seriously and we’ve been ready for a long period. We’re highly prepared both in the offense and defense, but above all, any threat toward the citizens of Israel we identify, we eliminate, and that’s how we’ll continue. Any development that will be, we’ll update the public immediately,” Hagari said.

Hagari was then pressed by a reporter from Israel’s state-run Kan 11 television channel, who said there were situational assessments that Hezbollah could attack soon. The IDF spokesperson did not say whether he was familiar with those assessments, nor did he give any indication of when an attack might be expected.

“We’ve been, like I said, we’ve been ready, first of all, both in offense and defense, for a long time. We operate to eliminate threats and will continue to do so. With any change or development, we will immediately update the public. Our mission is to defend the citizens of Israel,” Hagari said.

A major attack against Israel could risk disrupting the ceasefire talks that US officials have said were at an advanced stage prior to the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran, which Iran has blamed on Israel. Israel hasn’t confirmed or denied responsibility.

There are currently 109 Israeli hostages being held in Gaza, including 36 believed to be dead, according to data from the Israeli government press office. This week, the bodies of six Israeli hostages were retrieved from tunnels in Gaza in an Israeli military operation in the city of Khan Younis.

Israel’s war in Gaza was launched after Hamas-led militants attacked the country on October 7, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli authorities. More than 40,200 people have died in Gaza during the war, according to Palestinian authorities.

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German police have detained a suspect accused of stabbing to death three people at a music festival in the western city of Solingen on Friday in an attack which sent shockwaves through the country.

The suspect was detained at a refugee shelter following a major manhunt which saw authorities establish “extensive search measures” throughout the German state of North Rhine Westphalia and deploy special forces. Police had earlier arrested a 15-year-old boy in connection with the incident, but said he was not the alleged attacker.

“We have just recently arrested the real suspect. And now he’s being questioned and everything else is being clarified and then we can also say: Are we right? Do we have enough evidence? I can only tell you that it’s now more than just an assumption,“ Northrhine-Westfalia’s interior minister Herbert Reul told German public broadcaster ARD on Sunday.

“Not only did we have a lead on this person, we also found evidence,“ he added.

Prior to the suspect’s arrest, people in the city of Solingen had been warned to exercise caution and be on alert while the perpetrator remained on the run. For hours after the attack, authorities were unable to present a clear picture of what the suspect might look like.

Those killed have been revealed as two men aged 67 and 56, and a woman aged 56. Eight others were injured, including four with life-threatening injuries.

A motivation for the attack has not yet been determined but terrorism has not been ruled out.

While Islamic State claimed responsibility through its Amaq news service, it offered no evidence to back up its claim.

A police spokesman, Thorsten Fleiß, said the attacker specifically targeted the necks of his victims. “After evaluating the initial images, we assume that it was a very targeted attack on the neck,” he said during a press conference.

Several people were stabbed, apparently at random, in the attack at a central square in the city of Solingen on Friday evening, about 25 kilometers (15 miles) east of Düsseldorf, police said.

Crowds had gathered at the square in Solingen Friday to celebrate the “Festival of Diversity,” a three-day event marking the 650th anniversary of the city’s founding. Police say the attack happened close to the stage where a musical act was performing.

Eyewitness Lars Breitzke said the attack happened just meters away from him. Speaking to local newspaper the Solinger Tageblatt, Breitzke said he realized something was wrong by the expression on the face of the singer on stage. Then, he said, “a person just meters away from me fell down.”

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz condemned the attack as an “upsetting” and “terrible” event.

Friday’s attack came amid rising rates of knife crime in Germany, recently prompting the Interior Ministry to propose tightened laws to tackle the issue.

Police data shows that there were 8,951 incidents of knife crime that caused serious bodily harm in Germany in 2023 – 791 cases more than the previous year.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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Officers from France’s anti-fraud office, attached to French customs, took him into custody Saturday evening after he arrived at Bourget Airport on a flight from Azerbaijan, BFMTV reported.

Durov, 39, was wanted under a French arrest warrant due to the lack of moderation on Telegram which led to it being used for money laundering, drug trafficking and sharing pedophilic content, according to BFMTV.

According to BFMTV, the Telegram founder had not regularly travelled to France and Europe since the arrest warrant was issued.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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The Israeli military is striking what it says are “terror targets in Lebanon” after identifying that Hezbollah was “preparing to fire missiles and rockets toward Israeli territory.”

“A short while ago, the IDF identified the Hezbollah terrorist organization preparing to fire missiles and rockets toward Israeli territory,” Israel Defense Force spokesperson Daniel Hagari said early Sunday local time.

‎‏”In a self-defense act to remove these threats, the IDF is striking terror targets in Lebanon, from which Hezbollah was planning to launch their attacks on Israeli civilians,” Hagari added.

Flights from Tel Aviv airport in Israel will be temporarily suspended Sunday morning, the airport authority said, after the Israeli military said it is conducting pre-emptive strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The Golan Regional Council has instructed all residents in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights to remain near shelters until further notice, canceling agricultural, educational, and other public activity.

The Israeli military and Hezbollah have been exchanging fire for months, and the cross-border hostilities have raised the specter of a regional conflagration which have prompted intense diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions.

Israel’s latest strike aimed at Hezbollah targets in Lebanon come after its military said on Saturday that it was prepared for any possible retaliatory attacks by Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah or Iran for the killings of their senior leaders. The news comes amid claims in the Israeli media that there are situational assessments that Hezbollah could attack soon.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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Editor’s Note: This story contains graphic and disturbing descriptions of sexual violence.

Ibrahim Salem, 34, said he felt a deep sense of dread when a soldier ordered him to undress during his captivity in Israel’s notorious Sde Teiman prison.

“They told me to strip,” the Palestinian said, reflecting on the torment he endured during his eight months in Israeli detention. “That’s when I knew I was beginning my journey to hell.”

He and other Palestinians at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahia were handcuffed, blindfolded, and transported on trucks “like animals,” he recalled.

No one heard from him for eight months.

On May 23, Saja Mishreqi, a lawyer at the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), who represented Salem, was informed by the Israeli Supreme Court that he was in Ktzi’ot Prison, a detention facility in the Negev run by the Israel Prison Service (IPS). He was eventually released without charge on August 1.

Ordered to strip naked

During interrogations, Salem said, he would be asked: “Where are the hostages? Where are Hamas’ weapons? Are you Hamas? Are you Qassam (Hamas’ military wing)? Are you Islamic Jihad?”

Salem alleges to have been beaten, verbally abused, had hot water poured on him, and told by soldiers that the rest of his family had been killed.

But the worst part, he said, was the sexual abuse.

Salem said much of prisoners’ time in detention was spent in their underwear, but before each interrogation session, soldiers would order him to strip naked.

“They would bring the metal detector and run it all over our bodies, then they would hover it over private parts and hit me there,” he said. As he crouched in pain, naked, with five or six soldiers looking, he said he felt the troops violate him from behind.

“With the pain, I would lean forward. Then suddenly, they would push it (a baton) into my butt,” he said. “Inside.”

After interrogation, he was given only “seconds” to put his underwear back on, he said, adding that any perceived delay in doing so would result in another beating from the soldiers.

The IDF added that it “cannot address the conditions of his arrest and detention for most of that period,” noting that misconduct during detention is “contrary to the law and IDF orders, and is therefore strictly prohibited.”

Salem was released to the Gaza Strip on August 1 after an assessment found that releasing him wouldn’t pose a risk to national security, the IDF said, adding that he was brought before a judge in a district court for a judicial review during his detention.

Taunted with pictures of exhumed bodies

Salem said an interrogator showed him a picture of what he was led to believe were exhumed remains of six family members he had buried in the yard of Kamal Adwan Hospital. Salem said the interrogator taunted him, making him count six bodies in the picture.

“On what grounds do you take away bodies and desecrate them?” Salem recalled telling the interrogator. “These bodies are ours. We need to bury them.”

The interrogator responded that the bodies “might be hostages” abducted by Hamas on October 7, to which Salem said he responded, crying: “My nephews, are they hostages? Five years old?”

More than 40,200 Palestinians have been killed and nearly 93,000 injured in Israel’s assault on the strip, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

Leaked surveillance footage last month from the Sde Teiman prison provided a rare glimpse into the facility.

CCTV video obtained by Israel’s Channel 12 showed Israeli soldiers selecting one of more than two dozen Palestinian detainees lying on the ground. Behind a wall of shields obstructing the view of security cameras, the soldiers allegedly sodomize the detainee. The victim was taken to a hospital with injuries to his rectum, according to Israeli non-profit organization Physicians for Human Rights Israel. The Israeli military has declined to comment on the video.

Shortly after the incident, 10 Israeli soldiers were arrested over the alleged abuse of a Palestinian detainee at the facility, according to IDF. Five have so far been released, and five are under house arrest.

‘Systematic policies’

Mishreqi said that Salem was detained under Israel’s controversial Unlawful Combatants Law, which rights watchdog Human Rights Watch has said “strips away meaningful judicial review and due process rights.”

The law permits the military to detain people for up to 30 days without a detention order, after which they must be transferred to prison, according to the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), a Jerusalem-based non-governmental organization (NGO). Over 4,000 Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip have been detained by Israel since the war began, PCATI said in a report last month, adding that the law deprives detainees of their rights as prisoners of war and the protections for civilian populations under humanitarian law in occupied territories.

As of April, more than 9,500 Palestinians were being held in Israeli prisons, including more than 3,500 without charge, according to Addameer Prisoner’s Support and Human Rights Association, a Palestinian NGO. The figure doesn’t include detainees from Gaza, the group said.

Salem is one of many former detainees who have recalled harrowing stories from their time in Israeli prisons to human rights groups and news outlets. Their testimonies have led to calls for reforms across all of Israel’s prisons.

Israel has greatly reduced the number of people being held at Sde Teiman in the wake of calls for its closure. In June, a state attorney told Israel’s Supreme Court that hundreds of Palestinian detainees have been transferred out of the facility.

A report published by Israeli human rights group B’Tselem this month documented “abuse and inhuman treatment of Palestinians” held in Israeli custody since October 7. The report, which collected testimonies from 55 Palestinians, showed “the rushed transformation of more than a dozen Israeli prison facilities, military and civilian, into a network of camps dedicated to the abuse of inmates as a matter of policy.” The IDF has repeatedly denied allegations of systematic abuse.

Salem said there were some 150 detainees with him in the second facility where he was held.

On the day of his release, Salem said he was taken to the Gaza border by the IDF but was told he couldn’t return to his home in Jabalya, in northern Gaza. He is now living in a displacement camp in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza.

He has moved from detention tents to displacement tents throughout his ordeal, he said, and the memories of the abuse he said he experienced continue to live with him.

He has yet to reunite with his wife and children, who remain in northern Gaza, and can only communicate with them by phone. Two of his children require surgeries for injuries sustained in the Israeli airstrike, he said.

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