


The World Food Programme is freezing employee movement in Gaza after one of its vehicles was targeted with repeated gunfire just meters from an Israeli checkpoint, according to a statement by the humanitarian agency.

“Despite being clearly marked and receiving multiple clearances by Israeli authorities to approach, the vehicle was directly struck by gunfire as it was moving toward an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) checkpoint,” the statement by the agency read.

The armored vehicle was one of two returning from a mission escorting humanitarian aid through the Palestinian enclave. A photo released by the WFP showed multiple bullet marks in the driver’s side window; at least 10 bullets hit the vehicle, according to the agency.

None of the employees onboard were physically harmed, it said.

The World Food Programme is the UN’s main food relief agency, and a key pillar of the humanitarian aid network in besieged Gaza, distributing food throughout the devastated territory, where famine has been spreading for months.

Humanitarian workers typically coordinate their routes with Israeli forces in order to move with relative safety. “As last night’s events show, the current deconfliction system is failing and this cannot go on any longer,” WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain said in the statement.

In April, aid workers from another hunger relief group, the World Central Kitchen, were killed in an Israeli attack while traveling through Gaza by car, despite coordinating with Israeli authorities on their route and itinerary. The airstrikes hit three cars in their convoy, killing three Britons, a Palestinian, a US-Canadian dual citizen, an Australian, and a Pole.

In a press briefing Wednesday, the UN Secretary General’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said the WFP aid vehicle that was shot had been clearly marked, describing the WFP logo as “probably one of the most recognizable in the world” in conflict zones.

He said the UN had formally protested to Israel over the incident and emphasized the responsibility of United Nations member states to protect UN aid workers, who serve populations in some of the world’s most dangerous places.

“Whether it’s Gaza, whether it’s in Sudan, whether it’s in Chad, whether it’s anywhere else or in Ukraine, in places of fighting, they don’t operate on the whims of (Secretary General) Antonio Guterres,” he said.

“They operate on behalf of the United Nations… It is incumbent on all member states who are part of this organization to ensure the protection of humanitarian workers who work for them, so to speak.”

Pressure is mounting on Hamas, which governs Gaza, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seal a ceasefire and hostage release deal against the backdrop of severe starvation, dire water shortages, mass displacement and disease in the enclave.

Israel’s military campaign in Gaza has killed at least 40,435 Palestinians and injured another 93,534 people, according to the Ministry of Health there. The Israeli military launched its aerial and ground assault in the isolated enclave after Hamas attacked southern Israel on October 7, killing around 1,200 people and abducting more than 250, according to Israeli authorities.

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Abdul Rahman sleeps in a battered car seat, rocked by his mother Niveen Abu al-Jidyan. For the moment, he’s blissfully unaware of the drones overhead, or the incurable disease crippling his body.

Abdul Rahman is the first person in Gaza in 25 years to be diagnosed with polio – once one of the world’s most feared diseases, but now easily preventable with a vaccine.

Polio mostly affects children under 5 years old, and can cause irreversible paralysis and even death. It’s highly infectious and there is no cure; it can only be prevented by immunization, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

As a precaution, the Israeli military is already vaccinating troops on operations in Gaza.

But Abdul Rahman was not so lucky. Living amid war, he has not been able to receive the standard infant immunizations that would have protected him. Polio vaccination is generally recommended to begin within a few months of birth.

Before the war, Gaza had near-universal vaccine coverage, but it has since dropped to just over 80%.

The resurgence of the virus – eliminated in most of the developed world – highlights the struggles facing Gaza’s two million residents, who have lived under Israeli bombardment since October last year. Many people in the enclave are deprived of food, medical supplies and clean water, with up to 90% of the population internally displaced.

To curb the outbreak, WHO says it will launch alongside UN children’s agency UNICEF a mass vaccination drive to inoculate 640,000 children under the age of 10 in the besieged enclave.

Vaccine coverage needs to reach around 95% of the targeted population to prevent polio from spreading. If the vaccination drive fails to reach that threshold, WHO warns it would be “just a matter of time” before polio infects thousands of children in Gaza.

But an operation of that scale under an ongoing Israeli military offensive that has killed more than 40,000 people and crippled infrastructure across the Palestinian enclave means the effort will likely be plagued with challenges – like the repeated evacuation orders that have forced thousands to flee their homes.

“We previously had 22 health centers across Gaza, only five of those are currently functioning. Bombardments in all areas of the Gaza Strip (mean there is) an increasingly shrinking space in which we’re able to operate.”

The vaccination drive will begin on August 31 if conditions allow.

COGAT, the Israeli government agency that coordinates movement into and out of Gaza, says it has allowed more than 25,000 vials of the polio vaccine into the strip, along with cooling equipment needed to keep the medicine at the required temperature.

But it is already too late for Abu al-Jidyan and her son.

“I feel helpless. It is difficult for me and the doctors because the situation is very bad,” she said.

All she wants now is for her boy to be able to walk. While there’s no cure for polio, there are treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms – but these will be hard to find for the Abu al-Jidyan family given the state of Gaza’s battered healthcare system.

From his mother, a plea: “Take him abroad for treatment or find a solution so my son can start walking and start moving again.”

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In a city known for its private members clubs battling for exclusivity, one gilded room in Manhattan reigns supreme: a powerful club of countries within the United Nations headquarters that has resisted adding a new member for nearly eight decades.

The UN Security Council has been dominated by just five countries (the United States, China, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom) since its inception from the ashes of World War II, when much of the world was still under colonial rule.

Today, countries around the world get to take turns in the council as non-permanent members, but no country in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America or the Caribbean has the permanent members’ crucial veto power.

The veto allows permanent members, known as the P5, to block any resolution, ranging from peacekeeping missions to sanctions, in defense of their national interests and foreign policy decisions.

But there is a renewed push to reform this colonial-era world order.

As world leaders prepare to return to the UN headquarters for the annual General Assembly this September, Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has reiterated Africa’s longstanding pitch to reform the council, including two new permanent member spots for African countries.

African issues take up nearly 50% of the council’s daily business, and the bulk of its resolutions concerning peace and security. The continent is also home to more than a quarter of UN member states and more than a billion people but remains “grossly underrepresented in this vital organ of the UN,” Bio told a high-level meeting in August. Sierra Leone represents the African Group at the United Nations, comprised of the 54 countries from the continent.

The council, responsible for maintaining global peace and security, has the power to deploy peacekeeping missions, authorize the use of force, impose sanctions, and pass resolutions – many of which have enjoyed great effectiveness despite high-profile deadlocks on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war.

More than a dozen peer-reviewed studies have found that the bulk of UN peace-keeping missions have helped curb violence and reduce conflict in countries such as Sierra Leone.

The yearslong push to reform the UN’s most powerful body is gaining political momentum: US President Joe Biden even made the case for permanent seats for Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean during a speech to the UN in 2022. Some diplomats are optimistic that September’s general debate – when national leaders address the assembly and which the UN hopes will be used as a critical moment to reflect on the future of the multilateral system – will see consensus around a roadmap for Security Council reform.

The summit’s draft document, ‘Pact for the Future,’ acknowledges the need to fix the “historical injustice against Africa as a priority” and Africa’s special status in negotiations going forward.

While September is unlikely to bring an expansion of the council, “we might see a track, a blueprint on how to get the expansion done in reasonable time,” according to Marschik. On Tuesday, the General Assembly adopted an oral decision reaffirming its central role concerning council reform, and voted to include the issue in the upcoming session’s agenda.

Growing stalemate

Deep divisions among the permanent members have led to growing frustration with the Security Council’s inability to stem the world’s biggest problems, from bloody conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, to the threat of nuclear weapons and climate change.

France and the United Kingdom have limited their use of veto power since 1989. But the post-Cold-War years have seen the US, Russia, and China use the chamber to “exonerate their allies and shield themselves from the consequences of their unpopular foreign policy decisions,” she added.

Sierra Leone’s foreign minister believes more equity in the council would help break the gridlock and lend it more credibility.

He added that in “a world that is more diverse, that is more globalized, interconnected, there is need for the council to be democratized for representation based on geography.”

Beyond the five veto-wielding powers, there are ten non-permanent seats, three of which go to Africa, on the council. The non-permanent seats don’t have veto powers, and they are elected by region by the General Assembly for a two-year term.

There’s agreement among the council’s permanent members and diplomats in the halls of the UN’s iconic midtown Manhattan complex that it is time to evolve. But rivalries and national interests among the UN’s 193 member states have blocked attempts to change as they struggle to agree on which countries to include, the scale of the enlargement of permanent and non-permanent members; and what their powers on the council will look like.

Brazil and India, for example, would like permanent spots on the council, a prospect that would not go down well with India’s longtime rivals, Pakistan and China, or Argentina and Mexico in Brazil’s case, said one UN diplomat.

Decades-long debate

Beyond the African Union push for two permanent and an additional two non-permanent seats on the council, there are at least five other constellations of UN member states that have their own separate ideas on what reform should look like.

There’s “more political momentum to this, but it doesn’t mean we’re necessarily any step closer to achieving reform,” he added.

But what could work is “lowercase reform,” say experts and diplomats, who point to a 2022 initiative tabled by Liechtenstein that was adopted by the General Assembly. It mandates that any veto case by the P5 be debated in the General Assembly. While the process cannot overturn a veto, it raises the political cost of the P5 exercising their unilateral power.

Enlargement is possible, say advocates, pointing to 1963 when the council was enlarged from 10 to 15 member states. “So maybe, on the other hand, maybe this is an opportunity,” said a senior diplomat at the UN. “I think the fact that people are talking about it, means there’s more traction,” the diplomat added.

“But we’re a long way away from real, operationalized Security Council reform.”

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Editor’s Note: This story contains graphic descriptions of violence.

As tears roll down her face and her body shivers with pain, Hamida cradles her 4-year-old daughter and baby boy on her lap, comforting them as they cry for their father.

The 22-year-old ethnic Rohingya is surviving on the kindness of fellow refugees in a camp near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh – and trying to process the horrors she endured in neighboring Myanmar, where a civil war is raging between the country’s military and rebel groups including the Arakan Army.

“After they entered my home, they hit me, beat me, and I was struggling to get free when they raped me,” Hamida says. “For at least one hour, they tied me up.”

Hamida – who asked to only use her first name for fear of reprisals – says seven Arakan Army soldiers gang-raped her during the attack in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state in late July.

“I screamed, so they closed my mouth with their hands,” she says. “They raped me. They beat me with their guns. They kicked me. Still, I can’t move (without) pain.”

During the attack, she says her husband heard her screams and ran into their hut to save her – but he was pinned down and forced to watch.

“They slaughtered my husband after they raped me,” she says. “Four Arakan Army soldiers were holding him down tightly, and one slaughtered him with a big sharp knife.”

Known as the world’s biggest refugee camp, more than a million Rohingya Muslims are sheltering in makeshift tents near the town of Cox’s Bazar – most of whom fled there in August 2017, after Myanmar’s military killed an estimated 10,000 people in what United Nations experts labeled a genocide.

Now, new arrivals like Hamida are bringing reports of mass murder, bombing attacks on civilians, and burning villages – which bear hallmarks of the 2017 attacks, seven years later. But this time, the ethnic Rakhine rebel group Arakan Army is being blamed for the brutality.

‘It felt like the end of the world’

Witnesses say the deadliest day for attacks was August 5, when an estimated 200 people were killed as drones rained down bombs on those fleeing fighting in the town of Maungdaw.

Videos circulated widely online show piles of bodies – mostly women and children surrounded by their belongings – scattered around a mangrove forest along the shoreline, slaughtered as they tried to board boats to Bangladesh.

Abdul Bashar, a 48-year-old father who survived the drone attacks, says they took place around 6 p.m. that day.

“When we reached the border fence, we saw a large bomb fall on a group of people, killing many of them,” he says. “They were attacking with drones, gunfire, and heavy weapons. It felt like the end of the world.”

Bashar saw his 17-year-old son die, along with his sister, who was killed as she breastfed her 8-month-old daughter.

“I couldn’t look back because bombs were falling heavily,” he said. “I had two of my children with me, and I was bleeding.”

Bashar is now sheltering in a Cox’s Bazar camp with his 10-year-old nephew – whose parents and five siblings died in the attack. The boy survived despite severe shrapnel wounds to his arm.

“I feel that death would be better than living through this,” Bashar said.

A new report from human rights group Fortify Rights urges the International Criminal Court (ICC) to “investigate a massacre of Rohingya civilians perpetrated by the Arakan Army (AA).” A separate report from Human Rights Watch says the attacks “raise the specter of ethnic cleansing.”

He said AA fighters had “never targeted or killed innocent civilians,” claiming the August 5 drone attacks were carried out by the military.

In response to a separate question about Hamida’s testimony of gang rape, the AA’s Khaing Thu Ka said the group would “certainly investigate” her case.

The Rohingya people – a largely Muslim ethnic group with a distinct language and culture – have long been persecuted and denied citizenship in majority-Buddhist Myanmar, with official propaganda describing them as “Bengalis” or “illegal immigrants.” They are also denied official status in Bangladesh, making them known as “the world’s most unwanted people.”

Bangladesh’s new interim chief Muhammad Yunus has promised to continue supporting the Rohingya in his country, but has appealed for the fighting in Myanmar to end so they can return to their homeland with “safety, dignity and full rights.”

Overnight exodus

Tight controls remain in place along the 18-mile (30-kilometer) shoreline of the Naf River snaking between Myanmar and its neighbor – with Bangladeshi border guards under orders to try to keep the fleeing Rohingya out.

Refugees are now using the cover of darkness to try to evade capture, often setting out from Myanmar around 10 p.m. to make the 1.8-mile (3-kilometer) journey across the water.

All the phones on her boat had been switched off for security during the journey, so he went for hours without hearing an update.

“I am really very concerned,” said Mohammed, who didn’t want to use his real name. “This is my big sister.”

He’s worried that his sister, who can’t swim, could drown during the crossing. Many refugee boats have sunk in recent weeks, the bodies of their desperate passengers eventually washing ashore and buried in shallow graves on the beach.

Compounding Mohammed’s fears are the pre-dawn sounds of explosions and rifle fire just across the river – a reminder of why his sister and other Rohingya are fleeing.

On the Bangladesh side, it has become a game of cat and mouse for the coast guard to spot boats emerging from the inky waters before they make it onto land. The full moon casts a silver glow over the river, putting incoming boats in extra danger of being spotted.

Mohammed’s sister never appears that night, and by dawn, his panic starts to rise.

“The world is now dark for me,” he said. “I lost everything … in my life.”

Hours later, he hears that his sister made it to land further up the coast – but was kidnapped by brokers demanding payment for her release. Eventually she was able to reunite with Mohammed in the camps, but the family spent all of their money trying to get her to safety.

‘AA wants to wipe out Rohingyas’

Calls are now growing for Bangladesh to allow humanitarian access for the incoming refugees.

“UNHCR is calling on Bangladesh to provide access to safety for refugees escaping the violence in Northern Rakhine State, most recently in Maungdaw township,” said Shari Nijman, spokesperson for UNHCR Bangladesh. “Among new arrivals are many women and children, including some with critical injuries from gunshots and shelling.”

Jamila Begum, 45, made it across in a boat with four of her grandchildren, including a 6-month-old baby.

She said her family tried to run from their homes on August 5 during a pause in the fighting, but then bombs “fell on the roof of the house,” killing Begum’s daughter as she held her youngest child – along with her husband and 7-year-old daughter.

Begum fled with her surviving grandchildren and they hid for five days before boarding a boat to Bangladesh. But her eldest grandchild didn’t make it – he died from his injuries before they were able to find a boat, and she was forced to leave him on the beach.

After they left, she heard the AA had set fire to her village.

Now, Begum is safe in the camps but fears for the future of her grandchildren, as their only guardian.

“Sadness will not go from our lives,” she says.

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More than 1 million people in southern Japan have been urged to evacuate as Typhoon Shanshan made landfall Thursday, leaving thousands of residents without power and lashing Kyushu island with gusty winds, torrential rain and dangerous storm surges.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a rare emergency warning for the storm, saying it was expected to bring damaging flooding and landslides to most of Kyushu, the country’s southernmost main island.

Japanese authorities on Thursday warned that a “life-threatening situation” was imminent for towns in Kyushu’s Oita prefecture and called on a further 57,000 people to evacuate and take “live-saving actions” as it issued its highest typhoon alert.

The center of the storm is now about 70 kilometers (40 miles) north of the city of Kagoshima after hitting the mainland with windspeeds of up to 185 kph (115 mph).

Video from Miyazaki, close to where the storm made landfall, showed downed electricity pylons and roads strewn with tree branches and other debris.

Shanshan weakened ahead of landfall but it’s dumping huge amounts of rain onto the island as it crawls north at 13 kph (8 mph). Slower storms can be more destructive, with strong gusts or rainstorms that pound the same areas for hours or days.

Already, rainfall has reached 0.5 meters (20 inches) in many areas and forecasters say totals could reach as high as 1 meter (40 inches) across some isolated and hilly regions.

More than 255,150 households on Kyushu were without power Thursday morning, according to Kyushu Electric Power.

And Japan’s two largest carriers, Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways (ANA), announced more than 400 flight cancellations ahead of the storm.

Shanshan is expected to turn to the east and move through Kyushu, weakening to a tropical storm by the end of Thursday.

It will continue to move slowly over Japan’s southwest, before crossing into more central regions through the weekend and even into early next week, as a much weaker storm.

The main threat across the rest of Japan will continue to be widespread significant rainfall, with some areas in Shikoku and Honshu expected to see above 0.5 meters (20 inches).

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High-level US and Chinese officials discussed potential talks between US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in the months ahead as the two countries press ahead on stabilizing communication in their increasingly contentious relationship.

US national security adviser Jake Sullivan is wrapping up three days of talks with counterparts in Beijing, where he met Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Central Military Commission vice chairman Gen. Zhang Youxia – the first meeting between a US official and Chinese military figure in that role since 2018.

The meetings follow efforts over the past year from both sides to repair fractured lines of communication, even as US-China relations remain fraught over a host of frictions including Beijing’s aggressions in the South China Sea and toward Taiwan, and US trade controls targeting China.

Beijing has also been carefully watching the upcoming US elections, where a change of administration in January could impact the trajectory of the relationship between the world’s two largest economies.

Readouts from both sides suggested that some sort of call or talks between Biden and Xi in the coming weeks could be on the cards even as the US president knows he will no longer be in the White House next year whoever wins the election.

In Sullivan’s meetings with Wang, the two sides “welcomed ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication, including planning for a leader-level call in the coming weeks,” a White House readout following meetings Tuesday and Wednesday said.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry readout said they discussed a “new round of interaction between the two heads of state.”

Expectations for significant progress on sticking points in the relationship during this meeting were low, especially as the US elections loom.

“For both sides, they have no strong motivation to push aggressively … because of the election, both are in a ‘wait and see’ mode” while looking to maintain current relations without incident, said Liu Dongshu, an assistant professor at the City University of Hong Kong.

Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to maintain a level of continuity with Biden’s China policy, while Republican candidate Donald Trump had a combative and mercurial relationship with China as president and has threatened to broadly expand American tariffs on Chinese imports if re-elected.

Military talks

Wang and Sullivan also discussed plans to hold a call between their respective military theater commanders, both sides said.

Such talks – part of a broader resumption of regular military discussions following a meeting between Biden and Xi in November – would involve commanders leading American troops in the Indo-Pacific and those leading Chinese strategy in the Southern and Eastern theater.

Wang and Sullivan’s discussion of military communication comes amid especially heightened tensions in the South China Sea, where Chinese and Philippine ships have been engaged in a series of violent, but non-lethal confrontations in recent months.

Commander of US Indo-Pacific Command Adm. Samuel Paparo earlier this week suggested the US could escort Philippine ships through the South China Sea, which Beijing claims almost in its entirety despite a major international ruling to the contrary.

In his meeting Thursday with Zhang, a senior figure in China’s powerful Central Military Commission, Sullivan stressed “US commitment to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea” and “the importance of cross-Strait peace and stability,” in reference to Taiwan, according to a White House readout.

Sullivan also raised cyberspace, efforts to reach a ceasefire in the war in Gaza, and American concerns about what the US says is China’s support for Russia’s defense industrial base as it wages war on Ukraine.

In introductory remarks ahead of the meeting, which took place at Chinese military headquarters in Beijing, Sullivan acknowledged how “rare” it was to have such exchanges.

“Given the state of the world and the need for us to responsibly manage US-China relations, I think it’s a very important meeting,” he told Zhang.

Zhang called on the United States to “correct its strategic understanding of China, return to a rational and pragmatic policy toward China, (and) earnestly respect China’s core interests,” citing Taiwan as the “core of China’s core interests,” according to a readout published in Chinese state media.

The general also called for both sides to “maintain stability in the military and security field.”

Fraught ties

Prior to those talks, Sullivan held two-days of engagements with Wang, marking the fifth time that the two officials have met over the past year and a half in multiple locations, including their last meeting in January in Bangkok.

The two agreed to advance areas of cooperation, such as counternarcotics and AI safety and risk – but, as expected, made little leeway on major frictions in the relationship.

Wang stressed the importance of US-China coexistence, while calling on the US to stop arming Taiwan and support China’s “reunification” with the island – a self-ruling democracy claimed by Beijing.

The top Chinese diplomat also called on the US to “stop suppressing China in the fields of economy, trade, and science and technology,” calling American concerns about China’s manufacturing overcapacity “an excuse for protectionism.”

Sullivan said the US would “continue to take necessary actions to prevent advanced US technologies from being used to undermine our national security” and expressed concern about China’s “unfair trade policies.”

The Biden administration earlier this year announced it would maintain a set of sweeping import tariffs in place on Chinese goods — with significant increases on categories like semiconductors and electric vehicles expected to be implemented soon. It has also instated controls on Chinese access to American high-tech that could have dual-use civilian and military purposes.

China has responded by limiting the export of certain materials key to produce high-tech goods.

The US has also included Chinese entities in tranches of sanctions targeting Russia’s war machine, including a set released Friday. US officials have repeatedly warned that China’s exports of dual-use goods to Russia were supporting its defense industry and enabling Moscow’s war in Ukraine – a charge Beijing denies.

Sullivan’s visit comes ahead of a series of high-profile multilateral summits in the coming months that could provide a platform for Biden and Xi to meet again in what would be the twilight of Biden’s presidency.

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Daniel Sancho, a chef who made YouTube videos, was sentenced by a Thai court on Thursday to life in prison for killing Edwin Arrieta Arteaga last year in a hotel room on Koh Phangan, an island off the coast of southern Thailand.

The trial heard that the 30-year-old killed Arrieta after the pair had a fight and put parts of his body in plastic bags before discarding them around the island.

Sancho had faced the death penalty. But the court on the island of Koh Samui commuted the sentence to life imprisonment due to his cooperation during the trial.

“The court saw his confession to the murder was useful during the trial. So the court commuted the sentence to life imprisonment,” Paisan said.

The court found Sancho guilty on all three charges: premeditated murder, concealment of a body and hiding another person’s documents.

Sancho claimed he killed Arietta in self-defense and admitted to hiding his body, according to the Agence France-Presse news agency. Sancho denied destroying Arrieta’s passport, which has never been found.

Paisan said evidence showed Sancho had made preparations for the killing, suggesting it was premeditated.

“Before committing the murder, the defendant had bought a knife, gloves, plastic bags, garbage bags, (a cleaning sponge), cleaver knife and a saw,” he said.

Before the murder, Sancho had booked a room in a different hotel to where the killing happened, Paisan added.

Sancho’s parents, Silvia Bronchalo and Rodolfo Sancho – who are both actors – appeared in court, Paisan said. Parents of the deceased were not present in the courtroom.

Rodolfo Sancho is one of the most recognizable faces on the small screen in Spain, having starred in hit series “The Ministry of Time” and “Isabel.”

Daniel Sancho was arrested in August last year, soon after the killing of Arrieta, a plastic surgeon from Montería in northern Colombia.

Sancho, who wore a face mask to court, “appeared to accept his fate, with no objection” following his sentencing, Paisan said.

Sancho’s lawyer, Marcos Garcia-Montes, told reporters he would appeal the sentence. Under Thai law, he has the right to appeal to a higher court.

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Many Americans were surprised to recently see a coalition of the country’s most radical politicians — Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Rep Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Sen. Richard Blumentha l, D-Conn., to name a few — teaming up to introduce heavy-handed legislation against the peer-to-peer payment companies (like PayPal, Venmo, Zelle and CashApp) that have improved all our lives. Blumenthal even went so far as to dispatch a separate letter to the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) demanding an investigation into Zelle.   

I wasn’t surprised to see any of these developments. When I served on the U.S. Congress’ Financial Services Committee, including its Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, I can’t tell you how many times I witnessed my Democratic colleagues attempt to directly or indirectly knife these upstart payment processors.  

Most Americans know that big-government politicians have long had a vendetta against Bitcoin and today’s other cryptocurrencies. They, of course, view them as competition to the hegemony of the U.S. dollar, which the radical left relies upon to fund its reckless spending priorities. These progressive politicians see regulating these private marketplace options and ultimately replacing them with a government-run cryptocurrency as the only sustainable path forward. 

However, fewer Americans are aware that these same big-government politicians have also had it out for PayPal, Venmo and the rest of the peer-to-peer payment processors for quite some time now — and for quite the same reasons. 

The Biden administration brass, especially CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, have fought aggressively to convince the American people to stop using PayPal, Zelle and the like as ‘substitutes for a traditional bank or credit union account,’ — which they laughingly contend present safety concerns. But their pleas haven’t fooled the American people, millions of whom continue using these new financial tools every day.  

Which brings us back to the legislation introduced in July. Left with no other options to get their way other than government coercion, the administration handed the ball off to its favorite relief pitchers in Congress — Warren, Waters and Blumenthal — to reshape the nation’s laws in their favor. 

The resulting new bill that this left-wing cabal released, the Protecting Consumers from Payment Scams Act, would put peer-to-peer payment processors on the hook for every single instance of scamming that occurs on their platform. Meaning that every time an American gets fooled by a bad actor into sending money for nonexistent goods and services, these companies would have to pick up the tab. 

However, fewer Americans are aware that these same big-government politicians have also had it out for PayPal, Venmo and the rest of the peer-to-peer payment processors for quite some time now — and for quite the same reasons. 

The legislation’s sponsors claim this bill is necessary to protect public safety, but everyone knows this argument is completely nonsensical. Scams don’t even comprise a single percentage point of the transactions on these platforms. 

Do consumers sometimes make mistakes? Sure, but these errors are not the result of security flaws on these apps.  

The mistakes that consumers make on PayPal and Zelle are no different than when members of the citizenry occasionally send bank wire transfers to scammers, but you don’t hear the Biden administration or its congressional relief pitchers calling for the banks to pick up these tabs. Why is that?  

Well, it’s because their goal for their anti-PayPal and Zelle legislation isn’t actually to protect the public.  

The true purpose behind the bill is two-fold: to make it increasingly financially difficult for these companies to continue operating, and to generate negative press against their businesses in hopes of shrinking their massive user bases. 

The American people won’t fall for their scare tactics, and the rest of Congress won’t either. I fully expect the Republican-led House Financial Services Committee to kill this bill before it receives even a few breaths of oxygen. Millions of everyday Americans will stand to benefit. 

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There are 69 days until Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

But if Americans vote like they did in the last two election cycles, most of them will have already cast a ballot before the big day.

Early voting starts as soon as Sept. 6 for eligible voters, with seven battleground states sending out ballots to at least some voters the same month.

It makes the next few months less a countdown to Election Day, and more the beginning of ‘election season.’

States have long allowed at least some Americans to vote early, like members of the military or people with illnesses. 

In some states, almost every voter casts a ballot by mail.

Many states expanded eligibility in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic made it riskier to vote in-person.

That year, the Fox News Voter Analysis found that 71% of voters cast their ballots before Election Day, with 30% voting early in-person and 41% voting by mail.

Early voting remained popular in the midterms, with 57% of voters casting a ballot before Election Day.

Elections officials stress that voting early is safe and secure. Recounts, investigations and lawsuits filed after the 2020 election did not reveal evidence of widespread fraud or corruption. 

The difference between ‘early in-person’ and ‘mail’ or ‘absentee’ voting.

There are a few ways to vote before Election Day.

The first is , where a voter casts a regular ballot in-person at a voting center before Election Day.

The second is , where the process and eligibility varies by state.

Eight states vote mostly by mail, including California, Colorado, Nevada and Utah. Registered voters receive ballots and send them back.

Most states allow any registered voter to request a mail ballot and send it back. This is also called mail voting, or sometimes absentee voting. Depending on the state, voters can return their ballot by mail, at a drop box, and/or at an office or facility that accepts mail ballots.

In 14 states, voters must have an excuse to vote by mail, ranging from illness, age, work hours or if a voter is out of their home county on Election Day.

States process and tabulate ballots at different times. Some states don’t begin counting ballots until election night, which delays the release of results.

Voting begins on Sept. 6 in North Carolina, with seven more battleground states starting that month

This list of early voting dates is for guidance only. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes and deadlines, go to and your state’s elections website.

The first voters to be sent absentee ballots will be in North Carolina, which begins mailing out ballots for eligible voters on Sept. 6.

Seven more battleground states open up early voting the same month, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada.

September deadlines

In-person early voting in bold.

Sept. 6

  • North Carolina – Absentee ballots sent to voters

Sept. 16

  • Pennsylvania – Mail-in ballots sent to voters

Sept. 17

  • Georgia – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas

Sept. 19

  • Wisconsin – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 20

  • Arkansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas
  • Minnesota, South Dakota – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Virginia – In-person early voting begins
  • Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 21

  • Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas
  • Indiana, New Mexico – Absentee ballots sent
  • Maryland, New Jersey – Mail-in ballots sent

Sept. 23

  • Mississippi – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent
  • Oregon, Vermont – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 26

  • Illinois – In-person early voting begins 
  • Michigan – Absentee ballots sent
  • Florida, Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent
  • North Dakota – Absentee & mail-in ballots sent

Sept. 30

  • Nebraska – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 4

  • Connecticut – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 6

  • Michigan – In-person early voting begins 
  • Maine – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent
  • California – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent
  • Montana – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Nebraska – In-person early voting begins 
  • Georgia – Absentee ballots sent
  • Massachusetts – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 8

  • California – Ballot drop-offs open
  • New Mexico, Ohio – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Indiana – In-person early voting begins
  • Wyoming – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent

Oct. 9

  • Arizona – In-person early voting begins & mail ballots sent

Oct. 11

  • Colorado – Mail-in ballots sent
  • Arkansas, Alaska – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 15

  • Georgia – In-person early voting begins
  • Utah – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 16

  • Rhode Island, Kansas, Tennessee – In-person early voting begins
  • Iowa – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Oregon, Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 17

  • North Carolina – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 18

  • Washington, Louisiana – In-person early voting begins
  • Hawaii – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 19

  • Nevada, Massachusetts – In-person early voting begins 
  • Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas – In-person early voting begins 
  • Colorado – Ballot drop-offs open

Oct. 22

  • Hawaii, Utah – In-person early voting begins 
  • Missouri, Wisconsin – In-person absentee voting begins

Oct. 23

  • West Virginia – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 24

  • Maryland – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 25

  • Delaware – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 26

  • Michigan, Florida, New Jersey, New York – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 30

  • Oklahoma – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 31

  • Kentucky – In-person absentee voting begins
This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

Experts researching advancements in artificial intelligence are now warning that AI models could create the next ‘enhanced pathogens capable of causing major epidemics or even pandemics.’ 

The declaration was made in a paper published in the journal Science by co-authors from Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University and Fordham University, who say that AI models are being ‘trained on or [are] capable of meaningfully manipulating substantial quantities of biological data, from speeding up drug and vaccine design to improving crop yields.’ 

‘But as with any powerful new technology, such biological models will also pose considerable risks. Because of their general-purpose nature, the same biological model able to design a benign viral vector to deliver gene therapy could be used to design a more pathogenic virus capable of evading vaccine-induced immunity,’ researchers wrote in their abstract. 

‘Voluntary commitments among developers to evaluate biological models’ potential dangerous capabilities are meaningful and important but cannot stand alone,’ the paper continued. ‘We propose that national governments, including the United States, pass legislation and set mandatory rules that will prevent advanced biological models from substantially contributing to large-scale dangers, such as the creation of novel or enhanced pathogens capable of causing major epidemics or even pandemics.’ 

Although today’s AI models likely do not ‘substantially contribute’ to biological risks, the ‘essential ingredients to create highly concerning advanced biological models may already exist or soon will,’ Time quoted the paper’s authors as saying. 

They reportedly recommend that governments create a ‘battery of tests’ that biological AI models must undertake before being released to the public – and then from there officials can determine how restricted access to the models should be. 

‘We need to plan now,’ Anita Cicero, the deputy director at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and one of the co-authors of the paper, said according to Time. ‘Some structured government oversight and requirements will be necessary in order to reduce risks of especially powerful tools in the future.’ 

Cicero reportedly added that biological risks from AI models could become a reality ‘within the next 20 years, and maybe even much less’ without the proper oversight. 

‘If the question is can AI be used to engineer pandemics, 100% percent. And as far as how far down the road we should be concerned about it, I think that AI is advancing at a rate that most people are not prepared for,’ Paul Powers, an AI expert and CEO of Physna – a company that helps computers analyze 3D models and geometric objects – told Fox News Digital. 

‘The thing is that it’s not just governments and large businesses that have access to these increasingly powerful capabilities, it’s individuals and small businesses as well,’ he continued, but noted that ‘the problem with regulation here is that one, as much as everyone wants a global set of rules for this, the reality is that it is enforced nationally. Secondly is that regulation doesn’t move at the speed of AI. Regulation can’t even keep up with technology as it has been, with traditional speed.’ 

‘What they are proposing that you do is have the government approve certain AI training models and certain AI applications. But the reality is how do you police that?’ Powers said. 

‘There are certain nucleic acids that are essentially the building blocks for any potential real pathogen or virus,’ Powers added, saying, ‘I would start there… I would start on really trying to crack down on who can access the building blocks first.’ 

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS