


Vice President Kamala Harris sat down for her first media interview Thursday since ascending the Democratic presidential ticket, with some critics arguing the CNN interviewer should have taken a tougher approach similar to an interview just weeks before with former President Trump’s running mate.

CNN’s Dana Bash interviewed Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, for a total of roughly 26 pretaped minutes, which aired Thursday night. Harris was asked about inconsistencies in her political record, Trump’s personal attacks and what she would accomplish on day one in the Oval Office. 

Walz was asked about comments he made on the campaign trail related to his military service — that he once carried weapons in war, though he was never deployed to a war zone. 

Some critics say they wish Bash had pressed the pair in the way she grilled GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance in a one-on-one interview just weeks before. 

‘Mixed marks for Bash, who pushed on some necessary subjects, but missed glaring follow-ups,’ Fox News contributor Guy Benson posted on X. 

More specifically, Vanessa Santos, president of Renegade PR, told Fox News Digital on Friday, ‘Dana was fired up when she grilled JD about his ‘cat lady’ comments. If she would’ve brought even half of that energy to the Harris-Walz interview, voters might have learned something last night.’ 

‘Instead, she let their nonsensical answers go unchecked and unchallenged,’ she said. 

Bash asked Walz during the interview, ‘You said that you carried weapons in war, but you have never actually deployed in a war zone. A campaign official said that you misspoke. Did you?’ 

Walz replied, ‘I’m incredibly proud. I’ve done 24 years of wearing the uniform of this country, equally proud of my service in a public-school classroom, whether it’s Congress or the governor. My record speaks for itself, but I think people are coming to get to know me. I speak like they do. I speak candidly. I wear my emotions on my sleeves. And I speak especially passionately about our children being shot in schools and around guns. So, I think people know me. They know who I am. They know where my heart is. And again, my record has been out there for over 40 years to speak for itself.’

‘And the idea that you said that you were in war, did you misspeak as the campaign has said?’ Bash pressed. 

‘Yeah. I said we were talking about, in this case, this was after a school shooting, the idea of carrying these weapons of war. And, my wife, the English teacher, she told me my grammar is not always correct,’ he said.

In contrast, during her interview earlier this month with Vance, Bash pressed the Ohio senator for roughly six minutes about his leading the charge on criticizing Walz’s characterization of his military record, challenging his criticisms three separate times during the segment. 

She also pressed him multiple times on his ‘childless cat ladies’ comments from an interview a few years ago. 

But critics argued that Bash didn’t ask the hard-hitting questions Americans wanted to hear during her interview of Harris and Walz on Thursday.

In one light exchange, Bash questioned Harris about a viral photo of Harris’ young niece watching her speech at the Democratic National Convention. 

‘You didn’t explicitly talk about gender or race in your speech. But it obviously means a lot to a lot of people. And that viral picture really says it. What does it mean to you?’ Bash asked.

Harris replied, ‘I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment for all Americans, regardless of race and gender. But I did see that photograph, and I was deeply touched by it.’

To which Bash followed up, ‘Did she talk to you about it afterwards?’

‘Oh, she had a lot to talk about. She had a lot. She listened to everything. And she listens to everything,’ Harris replied.

‘Did she give you your hot takes?’ Bash asked.

‘Oh, yeah, definitely,’ Harris said.

Michael Knowles, host of the conservative talk radio show ‘The Michael Knowles Show,’ commented, ‘Dana Bash only did a bad job if you consider her to be a serious journalist.’

‘In reality, her job was not to ask tough questions, as she did of JD Vance, but rather to allow Kamala Harris to check the box of having endured an uneventful interview,’ he told Fox News Digital. 

Link Lauren, a TikTok influencer and former senior campaign adviser for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., told Fox News Digital, ‘It was as if Dana Bash was leading the witness.’ 

‘She would give options for Kamala to choose from — as if this was the SAT multiple-choice section,’ said Lauren. 

‘Bash is clearly capable of conducting a hardcore interview in the peak of a critical election cycle. It’s unfortunate she didn’t deploy those skills with Harris and Walz and instead put on kid gloves,’ said Santos. 

Santos added that Bash ‘allowing Walz to blame ‘bad grammar’ for lying about his military record seems like a politically motivated tactic, and is a disservice to Americans.’

Conversely, some critics say Bash leaned too far into ‘right-wing talking points’ and should have had a more original line of questioning with Harris and Walz.

Sami Sage, co-founder of Betches Media, posted on X, ‘the CNN interview summarized: Dana Bash: why did you [right wing talking point]? Harris/Walz: because [answer they’ve given 5+ times] Dana Bash: but is it because [right wing talking point]? have you changed your mind on [right wing talking point]?’

Democratic pollster and strategist Matt McDermott commented, ‘Kamala Harris and Tim Walz gave a perfectly thoughtful, insightful interview. But the press continues to be plagued by an inability to interview Democrats without the entire conversation being framed as, ‘What is your response to this false Republican talking point?’’

He added, ‘Framing an interview this way is an absolute disservice to viewers.’ 

Others heaped praise on Bash’s performance. Howard Kurtz, host of Media Buzz on Fox News, said, ‘Anchor Dana Bash did a fine job of pressing the vice president and following up–she does it in a low-key style.’ 

The New York Times said, ‘Dana Bash navigated a tough night adeptly,’ and went on to say, ‘in a setting arranged by the Harris campaign to appear friendly — just three people sitting together at a neighborhood coffee shop in Savannah — it was going to be difficult for Ms. Bash to extract much news out of the vice president. Still, the veteran journalist had a good night.’ 

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On June 5, astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams went to the International Space Station for an eight-day visit. They now face an eight-month stay.

This debacle has brought long overdue attention to Boeing’s and NASA’s incompetence.

However, this failure also belongs to Vice President Kamala Harris. She is the Chair of the National Space Council. For her entire vice presidency, Harris has done the bare minimum required by law as chair of the council and has been totally uninvolved in the policy process. 

Former Pennsylvania Republican Congressman Bob Walker is a leader on space policy. As Chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, he drafted the original 1989 legislation that created the National Space Council.

The council’s purpose is to provide a White House level of leadership on space policy and activities. The importance of space for military, scientific, and commercial purposes has grown dramatically in the 67 years since the Soviet Union launched Sputnik and galvanized America to invest heavily in space.

The leader of the National Space Council has a major opportunity to develop America’s future in space. Vice President Harris has simply passed on that opportunity.

President Joe Biden clearly articulated the importance of Vice President Harris’s job as chairwoman in a Dec. 1, 2021, executive order.

‘The Chair shall serve as The President’s principal advisor on national space policy and strategy.’

So, the leader of the National Space Council has a major opportunity to develop America’s future in space. Vice President Harris has simply passed on that opportunity.

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, the previous council chairman, had a shared vision that space was extraordinarily important to America’s future. Pence grew up as a space enthusiast. Before he was in public office, he would pack up his family and drive to Cape Canaveral to watch space launches. President Trump understood that Making America Great Again had to include a big investment in space. 

The Trump administration was further empowered by the development of reusable rockets. This was a concept we jointly pushed and funded the 1990s – only to have NASA fail to implement our appropriations. 

Fortunately, in 2010, Elon Musk developed a reusable rocket at SpaceX in the private sector. SpaceX has reduced the cost of launching satellites by an estimated 90 percent. The extraordinary success of reusable rockets allowed SpaceX to move from its basic Falcon rocket to the larger Falcon Heavy. It is now to developing its massive Starship, which will revolutionize space travel.

Vice President Pence aggressively pushed the National Space Council to develop a dynamic program for returning to the Moon and sending Americans to Mars. President Trump and Pence also pushed to implement and develop the U.S. Space Force. This was the first-ever focused military effort to secure space for national defense.

To really drive the system, Pence led the National Space Council with eight different meetings. He held people and institutions accountable to achieve real progress. By contrast, Harris has held one meeting a year – the legal minimum.

As a result of Vice President Harris’s lack of leadership, NASA has regressed back into bureaucratic timidity. Huge Boeing contracts have continued to absorb money – despite repeated failures and no tangible results. Boeing’s Starliner program was awarded a $4.5 billion contract and later given an additional $300 million. It is now so over budget that its fixed-priced contract will cost Boeing an additional $1.6 billion to complete.

Boeing appears to be too big to manage. It has problems in its commercial aviation, military aviation, and space divisions. Its management has overemphasized lobbyists to get money from Washington and underemphasized engineers to get work done. 

In 2019, NASA’s inspector general estimated that the Boeing Starliner would cost $90 million per usable seat and the SpaceX Dragon Crew would cost about $55 million per usable seat (various changes have raised the SpaceX cost to $65 million per seat – still $25 million less than Boeing).

In 2023, NASA’s inspector general estimated the enormous Boeing Space Launch System would cost $2.2 billion per launch. One scientific mission called the Europa Clipper was shifted from Boeing to SpaceX for $178 million. It saved $2 billion in launch costs compared to using the Boeing SLS, which is years past deadline and billions over budget.

Since Vice President Harris is pro-government bureaucracy and hostile to business in general, it is no wonder the lobbyist-focused and politically sophisticated Boeing system continues to survive despite its cost and failures.

Now the failure to implement aggressive oversight is coming back to haunt Vice President Harris. Just as she has failed to do her job at the US-Mexico border, she has failed to do her job as Chair of the National Space Council.

The next time you read about the astronauts stranded on the International Space Station, remember who left them there. 

They are Vice President Harris’s abandoned astronauts. If she had done her job and held Boeing accountable, they would be home.

Republican Bob Walker represented Pennsylvania’s 16th District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1977 to 1997. While in Congress, he served as Chairman of the Science, Space and Technology Committee (then known as the Science Committee).

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. believes former President Donald Trump has ‘changed’ as a person compared to his first administration.

Kennedy made the observation while appearing as a guest on an episode of the ‘All-In Podcast’ on Friday.

‘If President Trump wins […] people are going to see a very different President Trump than they did in the first term,’ Kennedy told the hosts about the former president. ‘I think he’s changed as a person, and I’ve known him for, you know, 30 years.’

‘I think he’s interested in his legacy now,’ Kennedy said at another point. ‘He wants to leave behind some accomplishments, and he wants to make our country better. And I think he’s, you know, he’s listening to a wider range of voices. He’s preparing to govern right now.’

Kennedy, who began the 2024 cycle running for president as a Democrat, then shifted to run as an Independent, suspended his campaign last week and endorsed Trump — a historic move for a member of the Democrat Kennedy family dynasty. 

Trump also appointed Kennedy to his transition team alongside fellow former Democratic lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard — a move to broaden his campaign’s coalition and appeal to non-GOP voters.

During the podcast interview this week, Kennedy was also asked if he ever sought or was offered the position of vice-president.

The independent candidate said he never had any interest in the number two slot, joking that it was the ‘worst job in Washington’ for someone like him.

‘I had no interest in being vice president, I grew up in politics — vice president is the worst job in Washington. You have no budget, you have no staff. Your budget actually all comes from the White House. So if you do something that offends the president, he can take away your plane, he can take away your staff,’ Kennedy told the podcast hosts. 

‘And the only thing you really have is the Naval Observatory, which is the official residence of the vice president. He can essentially put you on house arrest,’ the independent candidate continued. ‘And I have very strong views on issues and I felt like if I took that job I’d be on house arrest.’

Fox News Digital’s Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

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Former President Donald Trump touted his relationship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un recently, calling friendly relations with the cloistered country a ‘good thing.’

Trump made the comment at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania this week, reflecting on what some see as among the greatest accomplishments of his administration.

‘I got along with Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Remember I walked over […] the first person to ever walk over from this country,’ the former president said to the crowd.

‘We also looked at his nuclear capability,’ he continued. ‘It’s very substantial […] You know, getting along is a good thing. It’s not a bad thing.

Trump became the first sitting US President to meet with a dictator of North Korea when he shook hands with Kim Jong Un in 2019.

The unexpected and historic summit came as a last-minute surprise to the U.S. public due to a public exchange of insulting messages between Trump and Kim Jong Un not long before they met up.

Trump has made the accomplishment a regular talking point since 2019, proudly boasting about his unique ability to reach the dictator and claiming he would have normalized relations by now if he had been re-elected.

‘It started off rough, remember that? I was saying ‘little rocket man’ and he was saying ‘I’ve got a red button on my desk, and I’m willing to use it,” Trump recalled in an April 2023 interview.  ‘And then all of a sudden we get a call — they want to meet. We would have had that whole situation straightened out shortly after the beginning of my second term.’

Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris has attacked Trump for the meeting with Kim Jong Un, claiming the former president was too soft on the dictator.

‘I will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists. And I will not cozy up to tyrants and dictators like Kim Jong Un, who are rooting for Trump,’ she said during her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. ‘Because they know he is easy to manipulate with flattery and favors. They know Trump won’t hold autocrats accountable — because he wants to be an autocrat,’ 

Neither presidential candidate has offered a thorough and concrete platform on how they would approach relations with North Korea following the 2024 election.

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There are 65 days until Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

But if Americans vote like they did in the last two election cycles, most of them will have already cast a ballot before the big day.

Early voting starts as soon as Sept. 6 for eligible voters, with seven battleground states sending out ballots to at least some voters the same month.

It makes the next few months less a countdown to Election Day, and more the beginning of ‘election season.’

States have long allowed at least some Americans to vote early, like members of the military or people with illnesses. 

In some states, almost every voter casts a ballot by mail.

Many states expanded eligibility in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic made it riskier to vote in-person.

That year, the Fox News Voter Analysis found that 71% of voters cast their ballots before Election Day, with 30% voting early in-person and 41% voting by mail.

Early voting remained popular in the midterms, with 57% of voters casting a ballot before Election Day.

Elections officials stress that voting early is safe and secure. Recounts, investigations and lawsuits filed after the 2020 election did not reveal evidence of widespread fraud or corruption. 

The difference between ‘early in-person’ and ‘mail’ or ‘absentee’ voting.

There are a few ways to vote before Election Day.

The first is , where a voter casts a regular ballot in-person at a voting center before Election Day.

The second is , where the process and eligibility varies by state.

Eight states vote mostly by mail, including California, Colorado, Nevada and Utah. Registered voters receive ballots and send them back.

Most states allow any registered voter to request a mail ballot and send it back. This is also called mail voting, or sometimes absentee voting. Depending on the state, voters can return their ballot by mail, at a drop box, and/or at an office or facility that accepts mail ballots.

In 14 states, voters must have an excuse to vote by mail, ranging from illness, age, work hours or if a voter is out of their home county on Election Day.

States process and tabulate ballots at different times. Some states don’t begin counting ballots until election night, which delays the release of results.

Voting begins on Sept. 6 in North Carolina, with seven more battleground states starting that month

This list of early voting dates is for guidance only. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes and deadlines, go to and your state’s elections website.

The first voters to be sent absentee ballots will be in North Carolina, which begins mailing out ballots for eligible voters on Sept. 6.

Seven more battleground states open up early voting the same month, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada.

September deadlines

In-person early voting in bold.

Sept. 6

  • North Carolina – Absentee ballots sent to voters

Sept. 16

  • Pennsylvania – Mail-in ballots sent to voters

Sept. 17

  • Georgia – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas

Sept. 19

  • Wisconsin – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 20

  • Arkansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas
  • Minnesota, South Dakota – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Virginia – In-person early voting begins
  • Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 21

  • Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas
  • Indiana, New Mexico – Absentee ballots sent
  • Maryland, New Jersey – Mail-in ballots sent

Sept. 23

  • Mississippi – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent
  • Oregon, Vermont – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 26

  • Illinois – In-person early voting begins 
  • Michigan – Absentee ballots sent
  • Florida, Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent
  • North Dakota – Absentee & mail-in ballots sent

Sept. 30

  • Nebraska – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 4

  • Connecticut – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 6

  • Michigan – In-person early voting begins 
  • Maine – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent
  • California – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent
  • Montana – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Nebraska – In-person early voting begins 
  • Georgia – Absentee ballots sent
  • Massachusetts – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 8

  • California – Ballot drop-offs open
  • New Mexico, Ohio – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Indiana – In-person early voting begins
  • Wyoming – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent

Oct. 9

  • Arizona – In-person early voting begins & mail ballots sent

Oct. 11

  • Colorado – Mail-in ballots sent
  • Arkansas, Alaska – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 15

  • Georgia – In-person early voting begins
  • Utah – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 16

  • Rhode Island, Kansas, Tennessee – In-person early voting begins
  • Iowa – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Oregon, Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 17

  • North Carolina – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 18

  • Washington, Louisiana – In-person early voting begins
  • Hawaii – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 19

  • Nevada, Massachusetts – In-person early voting begins 
  • Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas – In-person early voting begins 
  • Colorado – Ballot drop-offs open

Oct. 22

  • Hawaii, Utah – In-person early voting begins 
  • Missouri, Wisconsin – In-person absentee voting begins

Oct. 23

  • West Virginia – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 24

  • Maryland – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 25

  • Delaware – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 26

  • Michigan, Florida, New Jersey, New York – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 30

  • Oklahoma – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 31

  • Kentucky – In-person absentee voting begins
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Vancouver, BC August 30, 2024 TheNewswire Coniagas Battery Metals Inc. (‘Coniagas’ or the ‘Company’) (TSXV: COS) announces that it is holding a first closing of its previously-announced non-brokered private placement at which it will issue an aggregate of 3,201,166 units at a price of $0.12 per unit for gross proceeds of $384,140. Each unit is comprised of one common share and one-half of a common share purchase warrant. Each full warrant will entitle the holder thereof to purchase one additional common share at a price of $0.15 for five years from the date of issuance.

Of the 3,201,166 units to be issued at the first closing, 1,272,000 units will be comprised of a common share that will qualify as a ‘flow-through share’ as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada) and one-half of a common share purchase warrant, representing gross proceeds of $152,640.

Coniagas also announces that it has extended the final closing date of the private placement to September 30, 2024.

As previously announced, the private placement consists of a maximum of 5,000,000 units at a price of $0.12 per unit for maximum gross proceeds of $600,000.

Coniagas will use the proceeds from the private placement of the ‘flow-through’ units for exploration on the Graal property in Québec as well as for metallurgical test work and will use the net proceeds from the private placement of the non-‘flow-through’ units for working capital.

In connection with the first closing, Coniagas will pay cash finders’ fees in an aggregate amount of $14,884.80, representing 7% of the proceeds from subscribers identified by finders and will issue an aggregate of 124,040 warrants to finders, representing 7% of the number of units issued to subscribers identified by them. Each of the finder’s warrants will entitle its holder to purchase one additional common share of Coniagas at a price of $0.15 for two years from the date of issuance. Coniagas will also issue an aggregate of 63,600 common shares to certain finders, representing an amount equal to 5% of the number of units issued to subscribers identified by them.

All securities issued at the first closing are subject to a four-month ‘hold period’ under applicable securities regulations, which will end on December 31, 2024. The private placement is subject to final approval from the TSX Venture Exchange.

About Coniagas Battery Metals Inc.

Coniagas Battery Metals Inc. is a Canadian junior mining company focused on nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals in Quebec. Our strategy is to create shareholder value through the development of our mineral properties, with the goal of becoming a critical metals supplier to the EV market.

Coniagas has achieved notable success with geophysics and shallow drilling at its 100% owned Graal project near Saguenay, Quebec, consistently hitting mineralization. This success has confirmed an open-pit deposit model along a 6 km strike of high-grade nickel and copper, with cobalt, platinum, and palladium byproducts. Upcoming plans include further drilling, an NI 43-101 resource report, metallurgical testing, and consultations with First Nations. The Graal project and immediate work plan are outlined in detail in the ‘NI 43-101 Technical Report Graal Nickel & Copper Project, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada’ dated January 17, 2024. The report is available along with other information at the Company’s website.

‘Frank J. Basa’

Frank J. Basa, P. Eng., Order of Engineers Ontario

Chief Executive Officer

For further information, contact:

Frank J. Basa, P. Eng. Ontario

Chief Executive Officer



Wayne Cheveldayoff, Corporate Communications

P: 416-710-2410 E:

You can follow Coniagas on Social Media:


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Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain forward-looking statements regarding Coniagas Battery Metals Inc. (‘Coniagas’ or the ‘Company’) which include, but are not limited to, comments that involve future events and conditions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Except for statements of historical facts, comments that address the private placement referred to above, resource potential, upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt and security of mineral property titles, availability of funds, and others are forward-looking. No assurance can be given that any of the foregoing will be achieved. In particular, Coniagas cannot give any assurance that it will be able to complete the private placement referred to above, either in whole or in part. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may vary materially from those statements. General business conditions are factors that could cause actual results to vary materially from forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information in this news release or other communications unless required by law.

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Galloper Gold Corp. (CSE:BOOM)(OTC PINK:GGDCF) (the ‘Company’ or ‘Galloper’) is pleased to provide a corporate update as the Company continues to advance its assets in Newfoundland


The Company has entered into a purchase agreement (the ‘Agreement‘) with a third-party vendor (the ‘Vendor‘) to acquire additional mining claims in Newfoundland as part of its continued exploration efforts (the ‘Acquisition‘).

Pursuant to the Agreement, Galloper has agreed to purchase from the Vendor four (4) exploration licenses comprising 16 claims in Newfoundland. As consideration, Galloper will pay the Vendor an aggregate of CAD $45,000 ‎cash and issue to the Vendor 800,000 Galloper common shares. The Acquisition is subject to the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) having no objection.

The claims are on Glover Island and are contiguous to Galloper’s current holdings at its flagship and drill-ready Glover Island Property.


Galloper has entered into an agreement with David Kean (the ‘Consultant’) pursuant to which the Consultant will provide investor relations (IR) services to Galloper Gold for an initial term of seven (7) months beginning September 1, 2024, which may be extended by mutual agreement between the parties.

Galloper Gold will pay the Consultant a fee of $3,500 per month, plus applicable taxes. The Consultant will also be granted stock options to purchase 100,000 common shares of Galloper Gold with an exercise price of CAD $0.12 per share. The options will be in accordance with Galloper Gold’s stock option plan and will expire twelve (12) months from the date of issuance.

The investor relations agreement and grant of stock options are subject to the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) having no objection.


Galloper announces the granting of an aggregate of 3,500,000 stock options of which 2,700,000 will be granted to directors and officers of the Company with an exercise price of $0.12 per share and will expire after 5 years and shall vest immediately. A total of 800,000 stock options (including those to be issued to the Consultant as described above) have been granted to consultants with an exercise price of $0.12 whereby 300,000 options will expire after 24 months and 500,000 options will expire after 12 months and will be subject to vesting provisions. The stock options are subject to the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange, applicable securities laws and the terms of the Corporation’s equity incentive plan.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Mr. Mark Scott
Galloper Gold Corp.

Company Contact:, 778-655-9266

Investor Relations:
MarketSmart Communications
Tel: 877-261-4466

Acknowledgment – Newfoundland & Labrador Junior Exploration Assistance Program

Galloper Gold acknowledges the financial support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Galloper Gold Corp.

Galloper is focused on mineral exploration in the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt with its Glover Island and Mint Pond properties, each prospective for gold and base metals. The Glover Island Property consists of 532 mining claims totaling 13,300 hectares while Mint Pond consists of 499 claims totaling 12,475 hectares.

For more information please visit and the Company’s profile on SEDAR+ at

Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words ‘anticipate’, ‘plan’, ‘continue’, ‘expect’, ‘estimate’, ‘objective’, ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘project’, ‘should’, ‘predict’, ‘potential’ and similar expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company cannot give any assurance that they will prove correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, they involve inherent assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Forward looking statements in this news release include statements regarding the proposed property purchase transaction and acquisition of additional claims, the provision of IR services by the Consultant, and the grant of stock options. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of assumptions, factors and risks, including the risk that the property purchase transaction may not be completed as expected or at all, or that the option grants may vary. These assumptions and risks include, but are not limited to, assumptions and risks associated with mineral exploration generally, risks related to capital markets, risks related to the state of financial markets or future metals prices and the other risks described in the Company’s publicly filed disclosure.

Management has provided the above summary of risks and assumptions related to forward-looking statements in this news release in order to provide readers with a more comprehensive perspective on the Company’s future operations. The Company’s actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits the Company will derive from them. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and, other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

SOURCE: Galloper Gold Corp.

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Canadian miner Equinox Gold (TSX:EQX,NYSEAMERICAN:EQX) announced today the official opening of its Greenstone mine in Geraldton, Ontario, which will be one of Canada’s largest gold mines when it reaches full capacity.

The Greenstone mine began construction in October 2021, with first gold poured on May 22, 2024. Equinox Gold’s acquisition of Orion Mine Finance’s 40 percent interest in Greenstone that month gave the company full ownership of the mine.

Greenstone is currently in its ramp-up phase, with commercial production expected to commence in the third quarter of 2024.

In recent months, the mine has achieved significant production milestones, pouring approximately 2,625 ounces of gold in May, 13,625 ounces in June and 19,750 ounces in July. Furthermore, the mine’s processing facility has reached over 60 percent of its design capacity as of August.

In total, Greenstone is set to produce 400,000 ounces of gold annually for its first five years, with a projected life-of-mine production of over 5 million ounces.

The operation includes a 27,000 metric tons per day processing facility, with gold recoveries anticipated to average 91 percent. The mine, which operates with a life-of-mine strip ratio of 5.1:1, also benefits from Ontario being a favorable mining jurisdiction.

At the time, the Greenstone project was only at 96 percent completion. The commissioning of the mine furthers Beaty and the company’s goal of capitalizing on the gold sector’s strong fundamentals in recent years. The company operates seven other gold mines in the Americas, which combined for production of 543,000 ounces of gold in 2023.

The Greenstone mine is located on the traditional territories of four First Nations: the Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek, the Aroland First Nation, the Ginoogaming First Nation and the Long Lake #58 First Nation. It is also home to the citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario.

Equinox Gold has established long-term partnerships and agreements with the five First Nations, including ones that address environmental management, the use of traditional knowledge and heritage resources, employment and other key areas of collaboration.

Securities Disclosure: I, Giann Liguid, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) lost 10.12 points this week to close at 567.91. Meanwhile, the S&P/TSX Composite Index (INDEXTSI:OSPTX) was up by 60.1 points to finish at 23,346.18.

Statistics Canada released its real gross domestic product (GDP) figures on Friday (August 30) for the second quarter of 2024. The data shows the GDP saw a 0.5 percent quarterly gain in Q2, building on a 0.4 percent increase in the first quarter of the year.

The rise was attributed to higher government expenditures, business investments in engineering structures, machinery and equipment along with an increase in household spending on services. Gains were offset by softening exports, residential construction and household spending on goods.

South of the border, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis released July’s personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index on Friday. The data indicates that it grew 2.5 percent in July on a yearly basis and 0.2 percent compared to June. The figures align with analyst expectations and represent increasing stability in consumer pricing.

PCE is a favored inflation indicator used by the US Federal Reserve when making interest rate policy decisions. The broad consensus amongst economists is that the Fed will lower its benchmark rate when it next meets on September 17 and 18, with most predicting a 25 basis point cut over a 50 basis point one.

US markets were mixed this past week with the S&P 500 (INDEXSP:.INX) seeing a 0.15 percent gain to 5,648.39 points and the Nasdaq 100 (INDEXNASDAQ:NDX) dropping 0.53 percent to 19,574.64 points. Meanwhile, the Dow (INDEXDJX:.DJI) eked out a slight 0.88 percent gain to close the week at 41,563.09 points.

Commodities ended the week broadly down, with the S&P GSCI (INDEXSP:SPGSCI) losing 0.68 percent to US$536.76. After swinging in a range of US$2,500 and US$2,526 per ounce throughout the week, gold ultimately dropped 0.35 percent to end the week at US$2,503.21. Silver moved above US$30 per ounce multiple times early in the week but fell throughout the second half, ending the week down 3.24 percent at US$28.85.

How has this week’s news impacted resource stocks on the TSX and TSX Venture Exchanges? Read on to learn about the top 5 best-performing Canadian mining stocks this week.

1. Superior Mining International (TSXV:SUI)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 55.17 percent; market cap: C$16.75 million; share price: C$0.225

Superior Mining International is a lithium exploration company that owns the Vieux Comptoir property located in the Eeyou Istchee-James Bay region of Québec, Canada.

The property is composed of 544 mineral exploration claims that cover 27,400 hectares and is situated along the La Grande Greenstone Belt. The company describes the project as an early-stage exploration opportunity and is located along strike from lithium projects owned by Patriot Battery Metals (TSX:PMET,OTCQX:PMETF) and Winsome Resources (ASX:WR1,OTCQB:WRSLF).

The most recent update from the project came in August 2023 when Superior Mining announced they had expanded it by nearly 8,000 hectares. The company also shared that hyperspectral and remote sensing data confirmed nine anomalous target trends with 126 pegmatite observations.

The company has not released further news related to the project but announced the appointment of Jacob Hagedorn to its board of directors on Wednesday. Hagedorn has spent the past eight years as a consultant for multiple TSXV-listed resource companies with a focus on property acquisitions and development.

2. Euro Manganese (TSXV:EMN)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 50 percent; market cap: C$20.13 million; share price: C$0.06

Euro Manganese is a manganese development company working to advance its Chvaletice waste recycling project. The operation is focused on extracting manganese from tailings that are part of a decommissioned mine site near Prague, Czechia.

As part of the project’s scope, the company says it will carry out remediation and reclamation work to bring the site into compliance with environmental regulations.

A 2022 feasibility study for the Chvaletice project indicates that it will produce 48,000 metric tons of manganese per year and is expected to have a project life of 25 years. In the study, the company reports a post-tax net present value of US$1.3 billion with an internal rate of return of 22 percent and a payback period of 4 years.

Shares in Euro Manganese saw gains this week after the company announced on Wednesday (August 28) that it had submitted an application for strategic project status under the European Union’s Critical Raw Material Act.

If the application is successful, it will provide for a more streamlined permitting process and access to new avenues for funding.

The company also announced on Monday (August 26) that it entered into an offtake term sheet agreement with Blue Grass Chemical Specialties for the sale of high-purity manganese from Chvaletice. The announcement did not include the volume or pricing of the deal, but once finalized the agreement will become binding.

3. Avanti Helium (TSXV:AVN)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 40 percent; market cap: C$21.76 million; share price: C$0.245

Avanti Helium is an exploration and development company focused on advancing helium assets in Canada and the US toward production.

Its Greater Knappen projects are composed of several project areas in Southern Alberta, Canada, and Northern Montana, US. The combined land packages cover approximately 74,000 acres with multiple targets. According to the project page, Avanti has drilled three exploration wells in Montana, with two testing for a combined 18.5 million cubic feet per day gas rate with 1.1 percent helium concentration.

The company’s Leader project consists of a combined land package of 91,000 acres in Southern Saskatchewan. The surrounding region has seen 84 wells drilled by other companies since 2016, and as of September 2023, it hosted approximately 25 wells producing 450,000 cubic feet of helium per day.

Shares in Avanti climbed this week, although the company hasn’t released news in August.

4. Sage Potash (TSXV:SAGE)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 38.71 percent; market cap: C$10.24 million; share price: C$0.215

Sage Potash is a potash exploration company currently working to advance its portfolio of mineral holdings in Utah’s Paradox basin in the US. Historic oil and gas exploration in the basin dating back a century discovered the potential for the potash beds, but they were too deep for mining methods at the time. Sage has since confirmed their presence through its own exploration.

In a revised technical report from February 2023, the company reported an inferred mineral resource estimate of up to 159.3 million metric tons (MT) of in-place sylvinite from the upper potash bed and up to 120.2 million MT of sylvinite from the lower potash bed.

Sage Potash hasn’t released news in August, but its share price performed strongly this week.

5. Group Eleven Resources (TSXV:ZNG)

Weekly gain: 31.25 percent; market cap: C$41.15 million; share price: C$0.21

Group Eleven Resources is an exploration company working to advance its flagship PG West zinc, lead, copper and silver project in the Republic of Ireland. The wholly owned asset consists of 22 prospecting licenses covering 650 square kilometers and hosts the main Ballywire prospect discovered in 2022.

In a project highlight released on August 21, the company reported that it had drilled 31 holes to date at the Ballywire discovery and identified over 2.6 kilometers of strike length, with mineralization occurring predominantly at depths of 250 to 350 meters.

The most recent exploration results from Ballywire, assays from two step out holes, were released on August 1. One hole encountered a highlighted assay of 25.6 meters grading 2.8 percent zinc, 2.6 percent lead, 72 grams per metric ton (g/t) silver and 0.12 percent copper, including 3.1 meters grading 8.6 percent zinc, 2.7 percent lead, 353 g/t silver and 0.78 percent copper.

Shares in Group Eleven saw gains this week after it reported on Wednesday that it received C$600,000 from the exercise of warrants by Michael Gentile, founding partner and senior portfolio manager at Bastion Asset Management. Gentile increased his holdings in Group Eleven to 16.96 percent of company shares.

Group Eleven said it would use the funds to significantly expand its 2024 drill program at Ballywire.

FAQs for TSXV stocks

What is the difference between the TSX and TSXV?

The TSX, or Toronto Stock Exchange, is used by senior companies with larger market caps, while the TSXV, or TSX Venture Exchange, is used by smaller-cap companies. Companies listed on the TSXV can graduate to the senior exchange.

How many companies are listed on the TSXV?

As of June 2024, there were 1,630 companies listed on the TSXV, 925 of which were mining companies. Comparatively, the TSX was home to 1,806 companies, with 188 of those being mining companies.

Together the TSX and TSXV host around 40 percent of the world’s public mining companies.

How much does it cost to list on the TSXV?

There are a variety of different fees that companies must pay to list on the TSXV, and according to the exchange, they can vary based on the transaction’s nature and complexity. The listing fee alone will most likely cost between C$10,000 to C$70,000. Accounting and auditing fees could rack up between C$25,000 and C$100,000, while legal fees are expected to be over C$75,000 and an underwriters’ commission may hit up to 12 percent.

The exchange lists a handful of other fees and expenses companies can expect, including but not limited to security commission and transfer agency fees, investor relations costs and director and officer liability insurance.

These are all just for the initial listing, of course. There are ongoing expenses once companies are trading, such as sustaining fees and additional listing fees, plus the costs associated with filing regular reports.

How do you trade on the TSXV?

Investors can trade on the TSXV the way they would trade stocks on any exchange. This means they can use a stock broker or an individual investment account to buy and sell shares of TSXV-listed companies during the exchange’s trading hours.

Data for this 5 Top Canadian Mining Stocks article was retrieved at 1:00 p.m PST on August 30, 2024, using TradingView’s stock screener. Only companies trading on the TSX and TSXVwith market capitalizations greater than C$10 million are included. Companies within the non-energy minerals and energy minerals sectors were considered.

Article by Dean Belder; FAQs by Lauren Kelly.

Securities Disclosure: I, Dean Belder, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

Securities Disclosure: I, Lauren Kelly, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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Hydrogen stocks are benefiting from cleantech sector momentum as the world moves closer to a green energy future.

The most abundant element on Earth, hydrogen is a colorless gas. It can be produced in liquid form and burned to generate electricity, or combined with oxygen atoms in fuel cells. In this way, hydrogen — which produces no carbon emissions — can replace fossil fuels in household heating, transportation and industrial processes such as steel manufacturing.

Rising demand for carbon-free energy sources alongside significant new government policies are driving growth in the hydrogen market. Grand View Research projects that the global hydrogen-generation market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.3 percent from 2024 to 2030, reaching US$317.39 billion by the end of the forecast period.

It’s worth noting that the downside to hydrogen as a clean energy source is that 99 percent of the hydrogen fuel currently in production is derived from power generated by coal or gas. To combat this problem, some companies are pursuing green hydrogen, which is produced by splitting hydrogen atoms from oxygen using electrolyzers powered by renewable energy.

US hydrogen stocks

The US hydrogen market is well established, accounting for “more than half the world’s fuel cell vehicles, 25,000 fuel cell material handling vehicles, more than 8,000 small scale fuel systems in 40 states, and more than 550 MW of large-scale fuel cell power installed or planned,” according to the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association.

Looking at the medium to long term, the use of hydrogen as a fuel source is expected to grow on further investments and strong government incentives. US President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law in mid-2022, and it includes policies and incentives for hydrogen, such as a production tax credit aimed at further boosting the US market for clean hydrogen.

In October 2023, the Biden administration stated that US$7 billion in funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will be awarded across seven regional clean hydrogen hubs ‘to accelerate the domestic market for low-cost, clean hydrogen.’ More recently, in January 2024 the administration announced US$623 million in grants for building hydrogen refueling infrastructure in a corridor spanning from California to Texas.

1. Linde (NYSE:LIN)

Company Profile

Market cap: US$225.73 billion; share price: US$472.73

Leading global industrial gases and engineering company Linde has been producing hydrogen for more than a century and is a pioneer in new hydrogen production technologies. Linde’s operations cover each step of the hydrogen value chain, from production and processing through distribution and storage. The company also uses its gases for industrial and consumer applications.

Globally, the company has more than 500 hydrogen production plants. Through its ITM Linde Electrolysis joint venture, Linde has become one of the world’s leading suppliers of green hydrogen produced using proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer technologies. This also makes it one of the few green hydrogen stocks.

This August, Linde signed a US$2 billion long-term supply agreement to supply clean hydrogen to Dow’s (NYSE:DOW) Path2Zero Project in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.

2. Air Products & Chemicals (NYSE:APD)

Company Profile

Market cap: US$61.603 billion; share price: US$277.10

Founded in 1940, Air Products & Chemicals sells industrial gases and chemicals and provides related equipment and expertise to a wide range of industries, including the refining, chemical, metals, electronics, manufacturing, and food and beverage segments.

In addition to producing oxygen, nitrogen, argon and helium, the company operates more than 100 hydrogen plants and maintains the world’s largest hydrogen distribution network. Air Products has an extensive hydrogen-dispensing technology patent portfolio and has been involved in more than 250 hydrogen-fueling projects worldwide.

Air Products also has a joint venture project now under construction with ACWA Power (SR:2082) and NEOM Company in Saudi Arabia. Called the NEOM Green Hydrogen Complex, the operation will be powered by 4 gigawatts of renewable power from solar and wind to produce 600 metric tons per day of carbon-free hydrogen, which it says will be delivered in the form of green ammonia. Once production begins at the complex in 2026, Air Products will be the sole offtaker and plans to deliver the green ammonia to Europe’s transport sector.

3. Cummins (NYSE:CMI)

Company Profile

Market cap: US$42.39 billion; share price: US$309.31

Indianapolis-based Cummins designs, manufactures and distributes engines, filtration and power-generation products with a specialization in diesel and alternative fuel engines and generators.

In March 2023, the company announced the launch of a new brand, Accelera, which features “a diverse portfolio of zero-emissions solutions, includ(ing) battery systems, fuel cells, ePowertrain systems and electrolyzers.” The brand encompasses Cummins’ established battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell systems, as well as electrolyzers for hydrogen refueling stations. Shortly after, Accelera started electrolyzer production in Minnesota, US. The facility is Cummins’ first electrolyzer production site in the country.

The hydrogen fuel cell company showcased its next generation B6.7H hydrogen engine at the April 2024 Intermat Sustainable Construction Solutions and Technology Exhibition in Paris. The following month heralded the launch of its next-gen hydrogen fuel cell technology for commercial vehicles, specifically the FCE300 and FCE150 fuel cell engines.

Canadian hydrogen stocks

Like its neighbor to the south, Canada is a world leader in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, especially when it comes to innovation, research and development. In terms of the global hydrogen market, the country reportedly generates C$200 million in hydrogen technology exports according to data from January 2023.

The federal government is heavily invested in the sector both in terms of funding and the implementation of clean energy policies. “Development of an at-scale, clean hydrogen economy is a strategic priority for Canada, needed to diversify our future energy mix, generate economic benefits and achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050,’ Natural Resources Canada states.

In British Columbia, the Government of Canada has recently invested C$9.4 billion to launch a new Clean Hydrogen Hub that will use electrolyzer technology and hydroelectricity to generate hydrogen that can be sold to industry users. On the global stage, Canada and its trading partner Germany have agreed to each commit C$300 million for a total of C$600 million to launch Atlantic Canada’s hydrogen export industry.

1. Ballard Power Systems (TSX:BLDP)

Company Profile

Market cap: C$730.556 million; share price: C$2.52

Ballard Power Systems is a global leader in hydrogen fuel cell technology and is working to accelerate the adoption of this technology. The company develops and manufactures PEM fuel cell products that create electrical energy from the combination of hydrogen and air. Ballard’s products are designed for heavy-duty trucks, buses, trains and marine applications, as well as backup power storage.

Two of Ballard’s 200 kilowatt fuel cell modules are located on the world’s first hydrogen-powered ferry, operated by Norwegian company Norled. The company is also supplying hydrogen fuel cell modules to global carbon-reduction company First Mode; they will be used to power several hybrid hydrogen and battery ultra-class mining haul trucks.

In 2024, Ballard is planning to deliver a minimum of 100 of its FCmove-HD+ modules to NFI Group to be used in the latter’s New Flyer next generation Xcelsior CHARGE FC hydrogen fuel cell buses, which will be deployed across the US and Canada. The company also announced in April that it had secured its largest order ever — 1,000 hydrogen fuel cell engines to be supplied to European bus manufacturer Solaris. Ballard launched its 9th generation, high-performance fuel cell engine, the FCmove®-XD, at the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo in Las Vegas this May.

2. Westport Fuel Systems (TSX:WPRT)

Company Profile

Market cap: C$136.91 million; share price: C$7.73

Headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Westport Fuel Systems supplies advanced alternative fuel delivery components and systems to the transportation industry worldwide. This includes its high pressure direct injection (HPDI) fuel system for commercial vehicles. The system can run on biogas, natural gas, hydrogen, and other alternative fuel products. The company has operations in partnership with leading global transportation brands across more than 70 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, and South America.

One of those partners is Swedish automaker Volvo Group. The two firms are working together to commercialize Westport’s HPDI fuel system technology for long-haul and off-road applications that will use renewable fuels now and hydrogen in the future.

Westport is also working with a leading global provider of locomotives and related equipment for the freight and transit rail industries on a two-year proof of concept project to adapt its hydrogen HPDI fuel system for use with the locomotive original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM) engine design. The project is fully funded by the OEM.


Company Profile

Market cap: C$78.624 million; share price: C$0.17

Carbon emission Reduction and fuel-saving technology company dynaCERT’s patented HydraGENTM technology system supplies engines with pure hydrogen and oxygen gases to generate a cleaner, more efficient burn. The company’s proprietary HydraLytica Telematics allows for the monitoring of fuel consumption and calculating GHG emissions savings in the tracking of possible future Carbon Credits.

The technology is scalable and can be tailored for a number of industry applications including in trucking, busing, construction, mining, and power generation. dynaCERT serves customers on a global scale, including in Europe, North America and Oceania. In March 2024, the company expanded its footprint further with the announcement of a purchase order of its HydraGEN Technology Units by a company in Guyana.

In June, dynaCERT made an initial acquisition of 15 percent ownership in electrolysis company Cipher Neutron. The following month, Cipher was granted an Advanced Contract Award Notification to design and construct two 250 kilowatt electrolyser stacks for Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada.

Australian hydrogen stocks

Australia is another important hotspot for investing in hydrogen. The Australian Government says that ‘over AU$200 billion is currently in the investment pipeline for hydrogen and derivatives’, accounting for 20 percent of announced renewable hydrogen projects worldwide.

The Australian government’s National Hydrogen Strategy, which it updated in 2023, highlights its intention to position the country as a “major player” in the global hydrogen market by 2030. To this end, Australia has partnered with a number of other nations on hydrogen technology.

Australia and Germany are working together on a hydrogen technology development program that will help Australia build out its capacity to export hydrogen to Germany as it seeks to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Through a partnership with Japan, Australia is developing new hydrogen fuel cell technology and looking to establish the world’s first clean liquefied hydrogen export pilot project, and its government has invested more than AU$500 million in the development of regional hydrogen hubs across the country.

Most recently, in May the Australian government announced an A$22.7 billion package to bolster the country’s domestic manufacturing and renewable energy sector, including A$6.7 billion for renewable hydrogen production starting in mid-year 2028 to the 2039-40 fiscal year.

1. Gold Hydrogen (ASX:GHY)

Company Profile

Market cap: AU$99.039 million; share price: AU$0.645

Gold Hydrogen is an exploration and development company with a focus on making new hydrogen and helium discoveries in South Australia using recorded government data with modern exploration techniques.

During initial drill work conducted at its Ramsey project in 2023, Gold Hydrogen reconfirmed the historical figures for hydrogen while also demonstrating new purity levels of up to 86 percent. Additionally, strong levels of up to 17.5 percent purity helium were also found. Well-testing this year further confirmed and improved upon those results.

In August, Gold Hydrogen reported high concentrations of hydrogen and helium at surface. “To have an initial world first to see Hydrogen and Helium to surface is very exciting for our further ongoing exploration and drilling programs in even better locations,” stated Gold Hydrogen Managing Director, Neil McDonald. Using new seismic information, the company has identified sites for its first wells it intends to drill beginning in 2025.

2. Hazer Group (ASX:HZR)

Company Profile

Market cap: AU$79.389 million; share price: AU$0.33

Technology development company Hazer Group is working to commercialize the HAZER Process, a low-emission hydrogen and graphite production process initially developed at the University of Western Australia. It uses iron ore as a process catalyst to convert natural gas and similar feedstocks into hydrogen for use as an industrial chemical and in fuel cells, as well as into high-quality synthetic graphite for use in lithium-ion batteries.

Hazer kicked off the year with the start-up of its commercial demonstration plant; it is now producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon. “This is a landmark achievement for Hazer, as we realise the successful start-up of our CDP and the production of low-cost, low-emissions hydrogen and graphitic carbon utilising our world-first pyrolysis technology,’ Hazer’s CEO Glenn Corrie said.

In May, the company inked an agreement with Canadian utility FortisBC for the development of a hydrogen production facility in British Columbia which will use Hazer’s proprietary technology. The proposed commercial production facility will have a design capacity of up to 2,500 tpa of clean hydrogen and approximately 9,500 tpa of Hazer graphite.

Hazer soon followed that up by signing an MOU with South Korea’s POSCO Steel in June. Under the proposed agreement, POSCO would integrate Hazer’s hydrogen and graphite production technology into its steel manufacturing process.

3. Pure Hydrogen (ASX:PH2)

Company Profile

Market cap: AU$54.522 million; share price: AU$0.145

Pure Hydrogen is focused on becoming a leading producer and supplier of hydrogen and hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered vehicles such as buses and waste collection vehicles. The company has several partnerships with companies for its technology. Pure Hydrogen’s hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered Prime Mover truck was displayed at the Brisbane Truck Show last year.

Pure Hydrogen has a 40 percent stake in the Turquoise Group, an Australian clean energy company, as well as exclusive long-term acquisition rights for the company’s future hydrogen production. Turquoise Group announced in May 2024 that it had produced the first graphene powder and hydrogen during testing at its commercial demonstration plant in Brisbane, Queensland.

In August, Pure Hydrogen launched Australia’s first registered hydrogen-powered semi-truck, the Hydrogen Fuel Cell 110kW 6×4 Prime Mover.

FAQS for hydrogen investing

Which is better: EVs or hydrogen?

According to research from TWI Global, there are pros and cons to both electric vehicles (EVs) and hydrogen vehicles. In terms of range and charging time, hydrogen beats electric hands down. However, while a hydrogen-powered vehicle doesn’t need much time to refuel compared to an EV, there is still much more EV charging infrastructure currently available compared to hydrogen fueling stations. EVs are also cheaper to purchase than hydrogen vehicles. As far as safety and emissions are concerned, it’s a draw between the two.

Why does Elon Musk not like hydrogen?

Elon Musk’s SpaceX has used hydrogen to fuel its rockets, and Musk has more recently talked about hydrogen playing an important role in industrial applications, such as steelmaking. However, he has balked at the idea of hydrogen fueling vehicles, calling fuel cells “fool cells.” Speaking at a Financial Times conference in May 2022, Musk said, “It’s important to understand that if you want a means of energy storage, hydrogen is a bad choice.”

Why is Toyota investing in hydrogen?

Toyota (NYSE:TM,TSE:7203) first invested in hydrogen fuel cell technology in 1992 as its executives saw clean energy as the future of transport. However, with EVs dominating the clean car space, the automaker began to shift its focus to compete with its peers. Toyota brought its newest hydrogen-powered vehicle to market in the fall of 2023 — a revamped Crown sedan that also has a hybrid-electric version. For 2024, the auto maker is introducing the first prototype of its Toyota Hilux trucks with a hydrogen fuel cell powertrain.

Who is the leader in hydrogen energy?

Today, the US leads the world in hydrogen production, followed by Germany and Canada. By 2030, Australia is expected to be the leader in hydrogen energy, followed by the US and Spain.

Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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