


There are 62 days until Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

But if Americans vote like they did in the last two election cycles, most of them will have already cast a ballot before the big day.

Early voting starts as soon as Sept. 6 for eligible voters, with seven battleground states sending out ballots to at least some voters the same month.

It makes the next few months less a countdown to Election Day, and more the beginning of ‘election season.’

States have long allowed at least some Americans to vote early, like members of the military or people with illnesses. 

In some states, almost every voter casts a ballot by mail.

Many states expanded eligibility in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic made it riskier to vote in-person.

That year, the Fox News Voter Analysis found that 71% of voters cast their ballots before Election Day, with 30% voting early in-person and 41% voting by mail.

Early voting remained popular in the midterms, with 57% of voters casting a ballot before Election Day.

Elections officials stress that voting early is safe and secure. Recounts, investigations and lawsuits filed after the 2020 election did not reveal evidence of widespread fraud or corruption. 

The difference between ‘early in-person’ and ‘mail’ or ‘absentee’ voting.

There are a few ways to vote before Election Day.

The first is , where a voter casts a regular ballot in-person at a voting center before Election Day.

The second is , where the process and eligibility varies by state.

Eight states vote mostly by mail, including California, Colorado, Nevada and Utah. Registered voters receive ballots and send them back.

Most states allow any registered voter to request a mail ballot and send it back. This is also called mail voting, or sometimes absentee voting. Depending on the state, voters can return their ballot by mail, at a drop box, and/or at an office or facility that accepts mail ballots.

In 14 states, voters must have an excuse to vote by mail, ranging from illness, age, work hours or if a voter is out of their home county on Election Day.

States process and tabulate ballots at different times. Some states don’t begin counting ballots until election night, which delays the release of results.

Voting begins on Sept. 6 in North Carolina, with six more battleground states starting that month

This list of early voting deadlines is for guidance only. In some areas, early voting may begin before the dates listed. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes, and deadlines, go to and your state’s elections website.

The first voters to be sent absentee ballots will be in North Carolina, which begins mailing out ballots for eligible voters on Sept. 6.

Six more battleground states begin early voting the same month, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada.

September deadlines

In-person early voting in bold.

Sept. 6

  • North Carolina – Absentee ballots sent to voters

Sept. 16

  • Pennsylvania – Mail-in ballots sent to voters

Sept. 17

  • Georgia – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas

Sept. 19

  • Wisconsin – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 20

  • Virginia – In-person early voting begins
  • Minnesota, South Dakota – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Idaho, Kentucky, West Virginia – Absentee ballots sent
  • Arkansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas

Sept. 21

  • Maryland, New Jersey – Mail-in ballots sent
  • Indiana, New Mexico – Absentee ballots sent
  • Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas

Sept. 23

  • Mississippi – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent
  • Oregon – Absentee ballots sent
  • Vermont – Mail-in ballots sent

Sept. 26

  • Illinois – In-person early voting begins & mail-in ballots sent
  • Michigan – Absentee ballots sent
  • Florida – Mail-in ballots sent
  • North Dakota – Absentee & mail-in ballots sent
  • Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent to voters outside the state

Sept. 30

  • Nebraska – Mail-in ballots sent

October deadlines

Oct. 4

  • Connecticut – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 6

  • Maine – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent

Oct. 7

  • California – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent
  • Nebraska – In-person early voting begins 
  • Georgia – Absentee ballots sent
  • Massachusetts – Mail-in ballots sent
  • Montana – In-person absentee voting begins

Oct. 8

  • California – Ballot drop-offs open
  • New Mexico, Ohio – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Indiana – In-person early voting begins
  • Wyoming – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent

Oct. 9

  • Arizona – In-person early voting begins & mail ballots sent

Oct. 11

  • Colorado – Mail-in ballots sent
  • Arkansas, Alaska – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 15

  • Georgia – In-person early voting begins
  • Utah – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 16

  • Rhode Island, Kansas, Tennessee – In-person early voting begins
  • Iowa – In-person absentee voting begins
  • Oregon, Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 17

  • North Carolina – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 18

  • Louisiana – In-person early voting begins
  • Washington – Mail-in ballots sent
  • Hawaii – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 19

  • Nevada, Massachusetts – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 21

  • Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas – In-person early voting begins 
  • Colorado – Ballot drop-offs open

Oct. 22

  • Hawaii, Utah – In-person early voting begins 
  • Missouri, Wisconsin – In-person absentee voting begins

Oct. 23

  • West Virginia – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 24

  • Maryland – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 25

  • Delaware – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 26

  • Michigan, Florida, New Jersey, New York – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 30

  • Oklahoma – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 31

  • Kentucky – In-person absentee voting begins
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Adisyn Ltd (ASX: AI1) (“Adisyn” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has successfully negotiated a surrender of its Bibra Lake lease (ASX: 31 July 2024), resulting in approximately $350k in savings per year.


Bibra Lake lease surrendered resulting in ~$350k annual savings.Adisyn to continue providing data centre solutions through third-party providers.Consistent with Company’s strategy of reducing costs and moving to capital light model.Continued focus on strategic partnerships to deliver next generation data centre and cybersecurity solutions in an AI-driven world.The lessor has agreed to indemnify Adisyn against any potential damages if found liable in the legal matter with Cannontech Technologies Ltd.

Adisyn and the lessor of the Bibra Lake data centre in WA have signed a surrender of lease agreement. The Agreement allows Adisyn to exit from the lease on 18 October 2024 and is expected to result in annual savings of ~$350k per year, net of costs expected for a lease of the Company’s new corporate office. The annual savings will be achieved from the date of the exit of the Bibra Lake lease.

The Company will continue to offer data centre services to new and existing customers through the use of third-party data centre providers, and will look to relocate all existing profitable customers to an alternative data centre in Perth, where those customers will continue to be serviced by Adisyn.

Adisyn will undertake the decommissioning and sale of plant and equipment at the Bibra Lake site, the cost of which it expects will be offset by proceeds of sales of the decommissioned plant and equipment.

The move is consistent with Adisyn’s focus on moving to a capital lite model (ASX: 15 Apr 2024, 1 May 2024), and provides the Company with the ability to prioritise it’s business development efforts towards SME’s in the defence industry supply chain, and continue engaging in strategic partnerships to develop solutions that leverage the Company’s learnings in data centres and cyber security, such as the collaboration with 2D Generation (ASX: 15 July 2024).

AI1 Managing Director Blake Burton said: ‘We’re delighted with the outcome of our negotiations which will allow AI1 to reduce expenses while being able to deliver capital light data centre and cyber security solutions to our customers. In addition, it frees up time and resources to apply to strategic collaborations, including with 2D Generation, where we can use our learnings from data centres to develop data centre and AI related technologies to solve current industry challenges.’

Update on legal proceedings

On 17 March 2023, the Company announced it had been named as second defendant in a dispute between the lessor of the Bibra Lake Premises, and Cannontech Technologies Ltd, in respect of the ownership of certain equipment located at the Premises (‘Legal Matter’). Further updates were provided to the market in announcements dated 29 September 2023 and 28 February 2024.

As a condition of the surrender of lease, the lessor has agreed to indemnify Adisyn against any potential exposure to damages for the Legal Matter in the event that Cannontech Technologies Ltd are successful in their proceedings. Adisyn will also file a notice of intention to abide, the effect of which is that Adisyn will not take any further part in the Legal Matter and accept any order made by the Court with the benefit of the indemnity from the lessor.

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Boss Energy Limited (ASX: BOE; OTCQX: BQSSF) ) is pleased to provide an update on the strong progress being made as part of the commissioning and production ramp up at its Honeymoon Uranium Mine.



First NIMCIX production column achieves nameplate uranium productionA total of 72,516lbs of uranium produced in the months of July and AugustPreliminary updates on costs to be provided once the second and third IX circuits (NIMCIX columns) are commissioned


NIMCIX production column 2 constructed with hydrotesting completedWet commissioning and sequence testing of column 2 underway, on target for production in September 2024 as scheduledSecond wellfield being flushed in preparation to supply Pregnant Leach Solution (PLS) to column 2RO Plant 2 commissioned and operating in line with expectationsConstruction of NIMCIX column 3 on target for commissioning and production in December quarter, 2024

Boss Managing Director Duncan Craib said: “We continue to meet or exceed all of our key targets and are comfortably on track to meet our production guidance.

“The first IX circuit is now operating at nameplate capacity, proving that the technology works at the rate and scale forecast in the Feasibility Study. This is a pivotal point in the project’s development. “Commissioning of the second IX circuit is underway and construction of the third is advancing rapidly.

“Supplies of the pregnant leach solution, grades and extraction rates are meeting or exceeding our targets and overall uranium production rates are rising in line with the schedules in the Feasibility Study”.

Honeymoon Production Results for months of July and August 2024

On 22 April 2024, the Company was pleased to announce a major milestone with production of the first drum of uranium at its 100 per cent-owned Honeymoon Uranium Project in South Australia.

As expected, and in-line with Feasibility Study forecasts, Honeymoon’s production continues to increase as set out in the results for the combined months of July and August 2024.

In August 2024, NIMCIX column 1 achieved nameplate production.

Bringing each new NIMCIX production column online will result in a proportional increase in production and lower the cost per pound produced.

Notes: (1) Conversions: There are 1,000 litres per m3 and 0.0000022 lbs per mg. (2) The weighted average is calculated based on total flow for the quarter.

Plant recovery continues to improve with production optimisation. The variance between IX Production and U308 drummed is due to a build-up of inventory in circuit as well as losses from the circuit. During commissioning and ramp up, losses from the precipitation and dewatering circuits were higher than design which has been a focus for the operations team over the previous month. Losses have been reduced to circa 3.5% in August as improvements were, and continue to be, implemented.

It is important to note that while the tenors being achieved from initial wellfields exceed the average LOM tenors forecast in the Feasibility Study1, the project is still in the ramp-up phase and therefore these tenors should not be extrapolated across the LOM. Boss’ production guidance remains based on the forecast tenors contained in the Feasibility Study.

Given the time taken to ramp-up wellfields in ISR projects, preliminary cost updates will be provided once columns 2 and 3 are commissioned.

Since acquiring Honeymoon in December 2015, Boss has invested significant time and capital in making technical improvements to the project. Boss has now been able demonstrate that the first NIMCIX column can operate at nameplate uranium production which adds confidence that the Company will meet its FY25 production target of 850,000 lbs of U308 as set out in Feasibility Study.

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Boss Energy Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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C29 Metals Limited (“C29” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its application for the northern tenement has been granted in 48 calendar days.


C29 Metals has received notification that’s its application for the northern tenement for the Ulytau Uranium Project located in Kazakhstan has been granted.The tenement granting process has been completed in 48 calendar days further demonstrating the efficiency of the Government agencies and their support for the Company’s activities.The northern tenement sits to the north of the Ulytau Uranium Project tenement and immediately north of the historic Bota Burum Uranium mine.The northern tenement is interpreted as having a similar mineralised trend to that of the existing Ulytau Project area1.C29 Metals will immediately commence the exploration approval process for this new northern tenement.The approval for the Company’s planned exploration drilling programs at the Ulytau Uranium Project is at an advanced stage & is on track.

The Northern application sits to the north of the Ulytau Uranium project tenement and immediately North of the historic Bota Burum Uranium mine. The Northern licence application area is ~39 km2.

The northern tenement is interpreted as having a similar mineralised trend to that of the existing Ulytau Project area1.

C29 Metals Managing Director, Mr Shannon Green, commented:

“Another very exciting step in executing our stated strategic plan for rapid growth with this highly prospective application being granted in such a rapid timeframe. Continuing to demonstrate the positive operating environment in Kazakhstan and the support the Company is receiving”.

Figure 1 below shows the interpreted mineralised uranium trend with the newly granted tenement.

Project Location and History

The Ulytau Uranium Project is located in the Almaty Region of Southern Kazakhstan approximately 15 km southwest of the Bota-Burum mine, one of the largest uranium deposits mined in the former Soviet Union. Exploration for uranium has been carried out in the area since 1953. Production of Uranium at the Bota Burum mine next to the village of Aksuyek commenced in 1956 and continued until 19912.

Total mined reserves of Bota Burum are quoted at 20,000 tonnes of Uranium (44 million pounds)2,3.

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Chariot Corp Limited (ASX:CC9) (“Chariot”) refers to the announcement dated 30 August 2024 entitled “Chariot and Mustang Lithium LLC repossess Horizon and Halo lithium projects” (the “Original Announcement”) pursuant to which the Company announced that Mustang Lithium LLC (“Mustang”), in which Chariot holds a 24.1% interest, was in the process of terminating property option agreements entered into by two of its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Horizon Lithium LLC and Halo Lithium LLC, with Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) listed Pan American Energy Corp. (CSE:PNRG) (“Pan American Energy”) and POWR Lithium Corp. (CSE:POWR) (“POWR”), respectively. This action by Mustang will result in Horizon Lithium LLC’s and Halo Lithium LLC’s repossession of full and unencumbered ownership of the Horizon Lithium Project and Halo Lithium Project, respectively.

As disclosed in the Original Announcement:

Each of Pan American Energy and POWR decided not to make the required payment of claims maintenance fees to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) and to surrender their respective interests in the mineral claims constituting the Horizon Lithium Project and the Halo Lithium Project (together, the “Projects”). Both have cited current lithium market conditions as the principal reason for terminating their respective property option agreement.Mustang completed a capital raising of US$250,000 through the issue of convertible notes and has used the funds raised to pay the maintenance fees to the BLM to maintain its interest in the Projects.

Chariot disclosed the mineral resource estimate stated in Figure 1 (the “Horizon NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate”) in relation to the Horizon Lithium Project in the Original Announcement which was prepared by Pan American Energy in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) standards. This mineral resource estimate is considered a “foreign estimate” for the purposes of the ASX Listing Rules (“Listing Rules”) as it relates to a “material mining project” that the Company is reacquiring an interest in and therefore is required to be reported in compliance with Chapter 5 of the Listing Rules (particularly Listing Rule 5.12). The purpose of this announcement is to include the requisite disclosures required by Listing Rule 5.12 in respect to the Original Announcement.

Pan American Energy reported the Horizon NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate to the Canadian Securities Exchange on 20 November 2023 and subsequently released an NI 43-101 compliant technical report on 4 January 20241.

Effective Date 15 November 2023, reported by Pan American Energy Corp. Resources are reported above a cut-off grade of 300 ppm Li.

Cautionary Statement

A “mineral resource” is as defined in the JORC Code (“Mineral Resource”) and the “competent person” is as defined in the JORC Code (the “Competent Person”).

The Horizon NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate contained in this announcement and the Original Announcement has been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 standards and has not been reported in accordance with the JORC Code.

Investors and other users of the Horizon NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate are cautioned that, as is the case with any Mineral Resource, reported tonnages and grades obtained from sparse points of observation, are subject to change as further data that adds to knowledge of the Mineral Resource are received and interpreted. The reported Mineral Resource may also be subject to variation when compiled by a different Competent Person, reflecting differences in interpretation of available data and previous experience with the commodity and style of mineralisation being reported.

The reported tonnes and grades have been reported and classified in compliance with the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (CIM, 2014). The CIM Definition Standards are closely comparable with the JORC Code.

The Competent Person for this announcement has yet to complete sufficient work to classify the foreign estimate in accordance with the JORC Code.

However, the Competent Person confirms that the information contained in this announcement and the Original Announcement is an accurate representation of the available data and studies for the Horizon Lithium Project.

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Turkey is looking to collaborate with China on rare earths processing as part of a broader initiative to bolster the country’s presence in the electric vehicle (EV) and battery markets.

According to Bloomberg, the initiative is a strategic move that Turkey hopes will enhance its appeal to Chinese manufacturers, including major companies like BYD (OTC Pink:BYDDF,SZSE:002594), the world’s largest EV producer.

Under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish government has been proactive in seeking Chinese involvement in the exploitation and processing of rare earth elements.

In 2022, Turkey discovered a large deposit of the critical metals in Beylikova, near Eskisehir in Central Anatolia.

Since then, Turkey has positioned itself as a potentially key player in the global rare earths supply chain, targeting various high-tech applications such as EVs and renewable energy technologies.

The country is hopeful that it can go beyond being only a rare earths supplier, and is seeking to establish a comprehensive value chain that includes processing, manufacturing and final production stages.

A successful partnership with China — a global rare earths and EV powerhouse — could position Turkey as a more attractive destination for Chinese companies looking to expand their manufacturing capabilities.

In line with these efforts, Turkey plans to send Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar to China in October to engage in advanced discussions with officials in the country. The delegation will aim to finalize details regarding the collaboration as both nations explore opportunities for cooperation in the rare earth elements sector.

The upcoming visit will follow Erdogan’s earlier discussions with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Kazakhstan, where they explored the potential for joint development of Turkey’s rare earths deposits.

If successful, the partnership will come at a time when China is tightening its grip on its rare earths sector — the Asian nation recently announced plans to implement stricter regulations on the mining, smelting and trading of rare earths.

These new rules, which will be effective starting on October 1, emphasize state ownership of rare earths resources and require detailed traceability for all enterprises involved in the sector. The regulations also include restrictions on the export of technology related to rare earth magnets, which are vital for EVs and other advanced technologies.

Securities Disclosure: I, Giann Liguid, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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Labyrinth Resources Limited (‘the Company’ or ‘Labyrinth’) provides an update to the entitlement offer timetable which was initially announced on 17 July 2024.

Amendments to the timetable have been made given the initial estimated date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (‘EGM’) for the transaction has been moved to Friday, 13 September 2024.

The updated timetable for the entitlement offer is as follows:

The above dates are indicative only and subject to change.

For further details, refer to the Company’s Notice of EGM lodged with the Company’s ASX platform on 14 August 2024.

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Silver found momentum in the first half of 2024, breaking through US$30 per ounce for the first time since 2012.

The white metal’s strong price gains came as high industrial demand met with precious metals investors entering the market amid global uncertainty and speculation of a rate cut from the US Federal Reserve.

Gold has also performed strongly during the year, setting several new all-time highs.

Although silver has declined from its year-to-date high of US$32.27 on May 20, it has stayed relatively close to the US$30 mark, and higher prices have provided strong fundamental support for silver miners.

Below is an overview of the five largest silver-mining stocks by market cap as of August 29, 2024, as per data gathered using TradingView’s stock screener. Read on to learn more about their activities and operations.

1. Pan American Silver (TSX:PAAS)

Company Profile

Market cap: C$9.95 billion; share price: C$27.58

Pan American Silver is among the world’s largest primary silver producers, with silver assets located throughout the Americas and operations in Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.

According to its Q2 report, released on August 7, overall, the company produced 4.57 million ounces of silver during the period. Its largest silver-producing asset is the La Colorada mine in Mexico, which produced 835,000 ounces of silver during the quarter. Production at the mine saw a 310,000 ounce decline year-over-year due to ventilation issues, but the company said it had completed upgrades and expects a return to normal production in the second half of 2024.

The rest of its production came from the El Peñon gold-silver mine in Chile, which produced 850,000 ounces of silver, Huaron in Peru at 829,000 ounces, San Vicente in Bolivia at 774,000 ounces, Cerro Moro in Argentina at 570,000 ounces and Dolores in Mexico at 440,000 ounces.

In the report, the company noted lower production through H1 2024. Still, it said it was on track to meet the lower end of guidance of 21 million to 23 million ounces of silver in 2024 with production to be more heavily weighted to the fourth quarter than it originally indicated at the start of the year.

2. First Majestic Silver (TSX:FR)

Press ReleasesCompany Profile

Market cap: C$2.25 billion; share price: C$7.59

First Majestic has a portfolio of three silver-producing mines in Mexico: San Dimas in Durango, Santa Elena in Sonora and La Encantada in Coahuila. The first two also produce gold.

In addition to its producing assets, the company announced on March 23 that it had commenced bullion sales from its own minting facility in Nevada, US, named First Mint.

According to the company’s Q2 2024 report, the company produced 2.1 million ounces of silver during the quarter. San Dimas was its largest producer, delivering more than 1.14 million ounces of silver, while La Encantada contributed 585,329 ounces and Santa Elena produced 376,947 ounces.

As for H1, First Majestic has produced 4.1 million ounces of silver, a 21 percent decline in production versus the same period in 2023. First Majestic attributed this to a decline in grades at San Dimas as well as labor inefficiencies at the mine due to ongoing negotiations.

In the report, the company indicates production guidance for 2024 to be 8.9 million to 9.5 million ounces of silver, a slight change from the 8.6 million to 9.6 million ounces at the start of the year.

3. MAG Silver (TSX:MAG)

Press ReleasesCompany Profile

Market cap: C$1.82 billion; share price: C$17.91

MAG Silver is a silver production company that has a 44 percent stake in the Juanicipio mine in Zacatecas, Mexico. The remaining 56 percent of the operation is owned by Fresnillo (LSE:FRES,OTC Pink:FNLPF).

In addition to Juanicipio, the company also has two exploration projects, Deer Trail and Larder. Deer Trail is a silver, gold, lead, zinc and copper property in Utah, US, that hosts a historic mine, and Larder is a gold project located in Ontario, Canada. The company carried out drilling at both during the second quarter.

In the company’s Q2 2024 management discussion on August 1, MAG Silver reported mining operations at Juanicipio had produced 9.4 million ounces of silver during the first half of the year, with 5 million ounces being produced during the second quarter.

The company also announced Fresnillo had increased full-year guidance for the mine, and it is now expected to produce between 16.3 million and 17.3 million ounces of silver in 2024. The increase is due to improved expected grades of 420 to 460 grams per metric ton (g/t) up from 380 to 420 g/t.

4. SilverCrest Metals (TSX:SIL)

Press ReleasesCompany Profile

Market cap: C$1.66 billion; share price: C$11.38

SilverCrest Metals is a silver producer that owns the Las Chispas mine located in Sonora, Mexico.

Through the first half of the year, SilverCrest reported in its Q2 2024 financial results that the mine produced 2.87 million ounces of silver, up from the 2.82 million ounces produced during the first six months of 2023. In Q2, silver production totalled 1.46 million ounces.

In total, the company said it had mined 100,019 metric tons of ore from the underground mine in Q2 compared to 74,400 MT in Q2 2023, and that mining and development were above the expected rates from its 2023 technical report. It attributed these higher levels to focusing on ramp-up efforts and deploying two mining contractors to work simultaneously.

SilverCrest sold 5.26 million silver equivalent ounces in H1. The company indicated that due to the strong results in the first half of the year, it had upgraded its guidance to 10 million to 10.3 million silver equivalent ounces sold from 9.8 million to 10.2 million.

5. Gatos Silver (TSX:GATO)

Press ReleasesCompany Profile

Market cap: C$1.14 billion; share price: C$16.60

Gatos Silver is a silver-focused production and exploration company. Its flagship asset is the Cerro Los Gatos mine and district, located south of Chihuahua City, Mexico. Gatos owns 70 percent of the asset, which is a joint venture with Dowa Metals and Mining. The site consists of 14 predominantly silver, lead and zinc mineralization zones.

In the company’s Q2 2024 financial results released on August 6, it reported that it had produced 4.67 million ounces of silver through the first half of the year representing an increase over the 4.43 million ounces produced through the first six months of 2023. In Q2, its production totaled 2.3 million ounces of silver and 3.88 million silver equivalent ounces.

The company indicated that it remains on track to achieve its 2024 guidance of 8.4 million to 9.2 million ounces of silver with all-in sustaining costs expected to be in the lower half of its original range of US$9.50 to US$11.50 per ounce of payable silver.

FAQs for silver investing

Is silver a good investment?

Silver comes with many of the same advantages as its sister metal gold. Both are considered safe-haven assets, as they can offer a hedge against market downturns, a weakening US dollar and inflation.

Additionally, many investors like being able to physically own an asset, and with its lower price point, buying silver coins and bars is an accessible option for building a precious metals portfolio. Of course, physical silver isn’t the only way to invest in the metal — there are also silver stocks and various silver exchange-traded funds.

It’s up to investors to do their due diligence and decide whether silver is the right match for their portfolio.

Does silver go up when the stock market goes down?

Historically, silver has shown some correlation with stock market moves, although it’s not consistent. When the stock market has seen its worst crashes, silver has moved down, but by a less significant amount than the stock market has, showing that it can act as a safety net to lessen losses in tough circumstances.

However, silver is also known for its volatility. What’s more, because it has industrial applications as well as a currency side, silver is less tied to the stock market than gold is.

Securities Disclosure: I, Dean Belder, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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As September begins, gold is facing a familiar challenge — the month is historically marked by price declines.

Despite its strong performance so far this year, which has seen the yellow metal reach an all-time high of US$2,531.70 per ounce, market participants are now closely watching whether these gains will persist.

According to Bloomberg, since 2017 the precious metal has consistently suffered a ‘September curse,’ averaging a 3.2 percent decline during the period — the steepest drop of any month in the year.

September is also typically the worst month for US stocks, but a strong month for the American dollar.

This pattern has raised concerns among investors and analysts alike, who are debating whether the factors that have bolstered gold throughout 2024 will be able to counteract its typical seasonal weakness.

A key driver behind gold’s price surge has been geopolitical uncertainty, particularly Russia’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine and tensions in the Middle East. These factors have heightened demand for gold as a safe-haven asset.

Expectations that the US Federal Reserve will cut interest rates have also boosted gold. Anticipation of these cuts has bolstered its price by reducing the appeal of the US dollar, which traditionally has an inverse relationship with gold.

‘We still see very significant value in long gold positions, and maintain our bullish $2,700 forecast for 2025. Fed rate cuts are poised to bring Western capital back into the gold market,’ Lina Thomas, commodities strategist at Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS), told Reuters last month. The Fed’s next meeting will run from September 17 to 18.

The reason for gold’s recent September dips may be related to a ‘sell in May and go away’ philosophy from traders. Bloomberg notes that some choose to buy gold to hedge against volatility while they are on vacation, only to offload their positions when they return in the fall and can participate the market more actively once again.

With that said, gold isn’t guaranteed to go down — the news outlet states that using a timeframe of three decades gold has actually risen in September. And there are a number of other factors that could help it sustain high levels.

Central banks, particularly China’s central bank, have been significant buyers of gold, a trend that has provided strong support for the metal. China’s gold-buying spree lasted 18 consecutive months until April of this year, and although it’s now taken a pause, the potential for renewed purchasing remains from the Asian nation and others remains.

As September continues, the question remains whether this and other supportive factors will be enough to offset the historical trend of declines. The outcome of the Fed’s meeting later this month, alongside geopolitical developments, will likely play a crucial role in determining whether gold can break the ‘September curse’ this year.

Securities Disclosure: I, Giann Liguid, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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As the market moves into the second half of year, the lithium sector has continued to experience challenges.

However, after 2023’s broad fluctuations, the lithium sector exhibited greater stability in the first half of 2024.

While oversupply and weak prices kept some companies from registering large gains during the period, others saw share price growth. Read on to discover which lithium-focused companies on Canadian and Australian exchanges have performed the best in 2024.

The list below was generated using TradingView’s stock screener, and data was gathered on August 27, 2024. While US lithium companies were considered for the list, none were up year-to-date at the time data was gathered. All lithium stocks had market caps above $10 million in their respective currencies when data was gathered.

Top Canadian lithium stocks

1. Q2 Metals (TSXV:QTWO)

Press ReleasesCompany Profile

Year-to-date gain: 140 percent; market cap: C$76.02 million; current share price: C$0.60

Exploration firm Q2 Metals is exploring its flagship Mia lithium property in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Québec, Canada. The property contains the Mia trend, which spans over 10 kilometers. Also included in Q2 Metals’ portfolio is the Stellar lithium property, comprising 77 claims and located 6 kilometers north of the Mia property.

This year, Q2 Metals has also focused on exploring the Cisco lithium property, which is situated in the same region. On February 29, the company entered into three separate option agreements to gain a 100 percent interest in Cisco, news that caused its share price to skyrocket; it reached a year-to-date high of C$0.54 on March 4.

In mid-May, Q2 Metals released re-assayed results from 2023 drilling conducted at Cisco by the property’s vendors. The company used the analytical method it has applied to its Mia drill cores.

“We are pleased with the positive outcome of the re-analysis of the Cisco drill results,” said Q2 Metals Vice President of Exploration Neil McCallum. “A thorough review of the quality control measures has solidified that the new results are more accurate than the original results previously announced. It’s not an unexpected change as the analytical methods now used are more accurate at higher grades above roughly 1.5 percent Li2O and we have several samples above that range.”

Later that month, the company announced the start of a summer drill program at the Cisco property. It has since released multiple significant updates, including the confirmation of eight new mineralized zones on July 8.

Q2 Metals closed the acquisition of Cisco in June and now wholly owns the project.

2. Volt Lithium (TSXV:VLT)

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Year-to-date gain: 104.3 percent; market cap: C$66.96 million; current share price: C$0.47

Volt is a lithium development and technology company aiming to become a premier North American lithium producer utilizing its proprietary direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology to extract lithium from oilfield brine. It has a Canadian field simulation center in Calgary, Alberta, and is deploying its technology starting in the Permian Basin in West Texas.

On April 29, Volt announced a strategic investment of US$1.5 million by an unnamed company operating in the Delaware Basin in West Texas for the deployment of a field unit to produce lithium hydroxide monohydrate.

In the lead-up to the deployment, Volt significantly increased its DLE production capacity to 96,000 liters per day.

In August, the company announced the successful deployment, installation and commencement of function-testing of its first field unit at the operator’s site. According to the statement, Volt has scaled up the field unit again, and it is now capable of processing over 200,000 liters of oilfield brine per day.

3. Foremost Lithium (CSE:FAT)

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Year-to-date gains: 16.02 percent; market cap: C$21.44 million; share price: C$3.91

Foremost Lithium is an exploration company with several hard rock lithium properties, which it calls the Lithium Lane projects, in the Snow Lake district of Manitoba, Canada, as well as the Lac Simard South project in Québec, Canada.

In early June, Foremost announced plans to spin out its Winston gold-silver project in New Mexico, US, into a new wholly-owned subsidiary, Rio Grande Resources. Winston includes three historic mine sites.

In May, the company completed its winter drill program at the Zoro lithium project in Manitoba. The drilling encompassed 21 diamond drill holes over 5,826 meters and targeted previously untested mineralization southeast of Dyke 1, where the company has an inferred resource of 1.07 million metric tons with a 0.91 percent lithium oxide grade.

According to the statement, the preliminary results “demonstrated the continuity of lithium mineralization along Dyke 1.”

In mid-August, Foremost Lithium announced positive results from the program, with one hole intersecting 1.15 percent lithium oxide over 4.97 meters and 1.52 percent over 5.02 meters, and another hitting 1.1 percent lithium oxide over 9.88 meters. These results could enhance the project’s overall resource potential.

Top Australian lithium stocks

1. Vulcan Energy Resources (ASX:VUL)

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Year-to-date gain: 31.72 percent; market cap: AU$718.8 million; current share price: AU$3.82

Europe-focused Vulcan Energy Resources aims to support a carbon-neutral future by producing lithium and renewable energy from geothermal brine. The company is currently developing the Zero Carbon lithium project in Germany’s Upper Rhine Valley. Vulcan is utilizing a proprietary alumina-based adsorbent-type direct lithium extraction process to produce lithium with an end goal of supplying sustainable lithium for the European electric vehicle market.

On April 11, Vulcan announced the commencement of lithium chloride production at its lithium extraction optimization plant in Germany. According to the company, the milestone marks the first lithium chemical production in Europe using local supply. The plant consistently exhibited over 90 percent lithium extraction efficiency.

Vulcan will now prepare the 40 million euro facility for commercial production. The company already has binding lithium offtake agreements in place with major automakers and battery manufacturers, and expects to supply enough lithium for 500,000 electric vehicles during the first phase of production.

In August, Vulcan reported that commissioning of its lithium hydroxide optimization plant, CLEOP, near Frankfurt, had begun. As noted in the statement, this step is key in Vulcan’s plan to produce Europe’s first battery-grade lithium hydroxide from a European source, supporting the local battery market.

2. Prospect Resources (ASX:PSC)

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Year-to-date gain: 23.6 percent; market cap: AU$57.06 million; share price: AU$0.11

Africa-focused explorer Prospect Resources holds a diversified portfolio of assets located in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia. The company’s lithium projects, Omaruru and Step Aside, are in Namibia and Zimbabwe, respectively.

In late June, Prospect released an update on its exploration activities at the projects. The company reported strong assay results from Phase 4 diamond drilling at Step Aside, and shared results from follow-up Phase 2 drilling at Omaruru.

In a release, Managing Director Sam Hosack highlights the significant mineralization potential at both projects.

Moving forward, Prospect plans to slow down spending at its lithium projects as it turns to its newly acquired Mumbezhi copper project. The company believes it can monetize Step Aside in the near term to aid in this goal.

In its most recent quarterly results, Prospect noted the completion of drilling and fieldwork for the Phase 4 diamond drilling program at the Step Aside lithium project in Zimbabwe, with no further exploration planned. The project is being prepared for sale to help fund Mumbezhi.

Meanwhile, the Omaruru lithium project in Namibia has completed Phase 2 drilling, and spending has been reduced to holding costs as focus shifts to the Mumbezhi project. At the Bikita Gem lithium project in Zimbabwe, Prospect has begun fieldwork and trenching after entering a joint venture earn-in agreement in May, with a limited drilling program planned to ‘to test the subsurface below a number of historical lithium-bearing (petalite) targets identified at the Project.’

FAQs for investing in lithium

How much lithium is on Earth?

While we don’t know how much total lithium is on Earth, the US Geological Survey estimates that global reserves of lithium stand at 22 billion metric tons. Of that, 9.2 billion MT are located in Chile, and 5.7 billion MT are in Australia.

Where is lithium mined?

Lithium is mined throughout the world, but the two countries that produce the most are Australia and Chile. Australia’s lithium comes from primarily hard-rock deposits, while Chile’s comes from lithium brines. Chile is part of the Lithium Triangle alongside Argentina and Bolivia, although those two countries have a lower annual output.

Rounding out the top five lithium-producing countries behind Australia and Chile are China, Argentina and Brazil.

What is lithium used for?

Lithium has many uses, including the lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles, smartphones and other tech, as well as pharmaceuticals, ceramics, grease, lubricants and heat-resistant glass. Still, it is largely the electric vehicle industry that is boosting demand.

How to invest in lithium?

Those looking to get into the lithium market have many options when it comes to how to invest in lithium.

Lithium stocks like those mentioned above could be a good option for investors interested in the space. If you’re looking to diversify instead of focusing on one stock, there is the Global X Lithium & Battery Tech ETF (NYSE:LIT), an exchange-traded fund (ETF) focused on the metal. Experienced investors can also look at lithium futures.

Unlike many commodities, investors cannot physically hold lithium due to its dangerous properties.

How to buy lithium stocks?

Through the use of a broker or an investing service such as an app, investors can purchase lithium stocks and ETFs that match their investing outlook.

Before buying a lithium stock, potential investors should take time to research the companies they’re considering; they should also decide how many shares will be purchased, and what price they are willing to pay. With many options on the market, it’s critical to complete due diligence before making any investment decisions.

It’s also important for investors to keep their goals in mind when choosing their investing method. There are many factors to consider when choosing a broker, as well as when looking at investing apps — a few of these include the broker or app’s reputation, their fee structure and investment style.

Securities Disclosure: I, Georgia Williams, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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