


The Trump campaign is doubling down on former President Trump’s debate performance this week, calling it a clear victory against Vice President Kamala Harris, despite recent reports that Harris is gaining momentum in battlegrounds Georgia and North Carolina.

‘Their little reaction to the debate and performance is nothing but a sugar high, and it’s artificial, and it’s based entirely on the fact that she came out and she managed to deliver her memorized lines, and she put on a fine performance, which we anticipated she was going to do, because she’s able to go out and memorize things and go out and put on a performance,’ senior Trump campaign adviser Tim Murtaugh told Fox News Digital in an interview Thursday.

‘They placed so much emphasis on that debate, and so many millions of people tuned in to hear why she was running for president, because they had heard that she’d been in hiding most of the time, and they were expecting her to explain the rationale for what her record is and what her goals would be as president and what her plans would be. And they walked away not having heard or learned anything,’ he said.

The campaign’s assessment comes as Trump himself said Thursday he will not be doing any more debates.

While debate watchers initially gave the victory to Harris after Tuesday’s showdown, there are still six toss-up states on the map worth a combined 78 electoral votes. The election is still considered up for grabs for either candidate.

As of Thursday, Trump has lost his edge in Georgia and North Carolina in the latest Fox News Power Rankings, giving Harris a lead in the overall forecast for the first time. 

Over the last 12 months of the Fox News Poll, between 48%-50% of registered voters have said they supported Trump. While Biden polled as low as 45% earlier this year, Harris is now only one point behind Trump at 49% in the latest Fox national survey

Criminal indictments, a conviction, the primaries, a last-minute change in opponents and an assassination attempt did nothing to move the former president out of that three-point range.

But Murtaugh believes Trump had ‘a strong performance’ and that he refused to let Harris ‘escape her liberal record and her responsibility in the Biden-Harris administration.’ 

Murtaugh pointed to Harris’ flip-flop record in which she’s tried to distance herself from her former progressive record. 

‘And everyone knows what they are. It’s fracking, it’s the wall, it’s making illegal immigration or making illegally crossing the border not illegal. She reversed herself on outlawing health insurance that people get from their employer,’ Murtaugh said. ‘She reversed herself on gun confiscation. She’s reversed herself on a variety of tax cuts. You know, she’s actually even reversed herself on plastic straws.’

‘And she also needed to try to separate herself from the Biden-Harris administration,’ Murtaugh said. ‘And she absolutely did not do that. And so while the pundits might think, ‘Oh, wow, what a great performance she put on,’ because she went out and did her lines, in fact, the truth is, the grocery store will not let you buy food with style points.’

On top issues like the economy, Trump clearly has the upper hand, according to polls. In a CNN poll conducted after the debate, 55% of voters preferred Trump’s economic platform compared to Harris’, trailing behind at 35%. 

And while pundits and debate watchers called the victory for Harris, middle-of-the-road voters may not have been convinced, according to Reuters and the New York Times’ interviews with undecided voters.

‘She needed to connect with these people and convince them that she wasn’t hiding and that she is a serious candidate, and she failed. You don’t get another chance to make a first impression on those people,’ Murtaugh said. 

Fox News Digital’s Remy Numa contributed to this report. 

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Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) – Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) (FRA:A3Y) (OTCMKTS:ALTHF) is pleased to announce the execution of an Offtake Letter of Intent between Zweckverband Industriepark Schwarze Pumpe (ZISP) and Altech Batteries GmbH.


– Strategic Offtake Letter of Intent agreement

– Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park Association

– Offtake for 30MWh of 1MWh CERENERGY(R) GridPacks per annum

– For the first five years of production

– Agreement to also collaborate to convert industrial park from coal to renewable energy

– Altech’s CERENERGY(R) GridPack storage solution integrated

– GridPack deliveries start by mid-2027 or when plant is ready

Under this Offtake Letter of Intent (LOI), ZISP will purchase 30MWh of energy storage capacity annually, consisting of 1MWh GridPacks, for the first five years of production. The price of these batteries has been agreed and aligned to Altech’s Definitive Feasibility Study assumptions. The purchase of these batteries is subject to performance tests, battery specifications and the batteries meeting customer requirements. This offtake LOI constitutes an important aspect of the financing process.

The LOI also highlights both parties’ commitment to work together to change the energy landscape of the Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park by transitioning it entirely to renewable energy. A combination of wind, solar, and Altech’s CERENERGY(R) GridPack Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will ensure continuous power supply, even during low energy generation or outages.

Partners and Project Overview

This initiative comes at a critical time for Lusatia, one of Germany’s coal-reliant regions. ZISP, a crossborder municipal association between the states of Spremberg and Spreetal, oversees the Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park, managing its water, waste, road infrastructure, and energy needs. Meanwhile, Altech Batteries GmbH (ABG), a subsidiary of the globally active Altech Group, specialises in advanced battery technology. ABG’s 8ha site within the park intends to manufacture the CERENERGY(R) solid-state sodium chloride batteries, developed with the Fraunhofer Institute, for industrial grid use.

Pioneering the Energy Transition in Lusatia

Germany’s Energiewende is driving a nationwide shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. As coal use is phased out, especially in Lusatia, new energy solutions are critical. This partnership between ZISP and Altech is a key step in replacing coal with sustainable, renewable energy solutions that align with Germany’s 2020 legislative mandate for the coal phase-out. The project also supports ZISP’s goal of achieving certification under the EU’s ‘Zero Valley’ initiative, making Schwarze Pumpe a model for renewable energy storage and generation.

Developing an Energy Storage Strategy

To transition fully to renewable energy, wind and solar power, combined with Altech’s CERENERGY(R) GridPack batteries will be key to achieving this. This partnership between ZISP and Altech marks the transformation of Schwarze Pumpe from a coal-reliant industrial park to a renewable energy hub. By integrating CERENERGY(R) batteries, the project positions the park as a replicable model for industrial regions across Europe, fostering a new economic structure cantered on renewable energy. Altech’s scalable BESS solution ensures renewable energy is stored efficiently, overcoming a key challenge in transitioning from coal.

Key Terms of the Agreement

– Start of deliveries from the 120 MWh plant from mid-2027 or later as per project development

– Technical data and guarantees according to the attached data sheet

– Price per GridPack at standard market conditions

– Purchase volume 30MWh per annum for 5 years, being 2027 through 2031

– The parties intend to develop a detailed acceptance contract subject to the performance data and warranty to be met by Altech

– An option for additional delivery volumes at a later date is negotiable

– Both parties will jointly develop a business and technical partnership to deliver scalable energy solutions, with contracts to be finalised in early 2025

Management Comment – CEO Iggy Tan

‘This Letter of Intent marks a significant milestone for Altech Batteries as it represents our first offtake agreement for the CERENERGY(R) GridPack Battery Energy Storage System. The interest shown by the Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park Association (ZISP) in our technology is a clear signal of growing demand for innovative energy storage solutions, particularly as industries shift toward 100% renewable energy.

It’s encouraging to see potential customers like ZISP recognise the value of our scalable and reliable battery systems. This LOI not only validates the commercial potential of our CERENERGY(R) technology but also supports our future growth strategy, as securing such agreements strengthens Altech’s position for project financing and expansion.

We’re excited to continue working closely with ZISP, and we believe this partnership will pave the way for future demand as the industrial park moves toward a green energy future. With the first delivery expected mid-2027, this agreement is just the beginning of what we expect will be a significant increase in battery demand.’

About Altech Batteries Ltd:  

Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) (FRA:A3Y) is a specialty battery technology company that has a joint venture agreement with world leading German battery institute Fraunhofer IKTS (‘Fraunhofer’) to commercialise the revolutionary CERENERGY(R) Sodium Alumina Solid State (SAS) Battery. CERENERGY(R) batteries are the game-changing alternative to lithium-ion batteries. CERENERGY(R) batteries are fire and explosion-proof; have a life span of more than 15 years and operate in extreme cold and desert climates. The battery technology uses table salt and is lithium-free; cobalt-free; graphite-free; and copper-free, eliminating exposure to critical metal price rises and supply chain concerns.

The joint venture is commercialising its CERENERGY(R) battery, with plans to construct a 100MWh production facility on Altech’s land in Saxony, Germany. The facility intends to produce CERENERGY(R) battery modules to provide grid storage solutions to the market.

Altech Batteries Ltd

Iggy Tan
Managing Director
Altech Batteries Limited
Tel: +61-8-6168-1555

Martin Stein
Chief Financial Officer
Altech Batteries Limited
Tel: +61-8-6168-1555

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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Metals Australia Ltd (ASX: MLS) continues to make significant progress advancing its flagship Lac Carheil high-grade flake-graphite development project in the Tier 1 global mining province of Quebec, including:

Comprehensive metallurgical testwork1 confirming higher quantities of higher-value coarse flake graphite in the Northwest zone of the Mineral Resource2 (Figure 1 & Table 1), with average mass recoveries of 32.4% in the + 100# product fraction (+149 micron), compared to ~ 25.5% in the Southeast portion of the resource. This represents a 27% increase in the proportion of coarse flake graphite in this zone of the resource where coarse flake attracts premium pricing, as outlined in our scoping study3.Enhanced processing capability achieved in design updates to the flake graphite concentrator flowsheet4 to maximise recovery of coarse flake and optimise production efficiency – at an initial production rate of 100,000 tonnes per annum of concentrate (+95% Graphitic Carbon – Cg) (Figure 2).Land holding at Lac Carheil increased by 62% to 11,905 hectares through pegging of further claims covering potential southeast extensions of the existing resource and for placement of key infrastructure.Applications lodged with Government agencies to access grants under various funding programs, with further submissions planned, to advance Pre-Feasibility Study.Extensive local consultation and engagement with consultants, contractors, government and First Nations organisations, including the economic development arm of the Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam, in line with the Company’s commitment to establish a socially acceptable project for all stakeholders.

In addition to the advancements being made by the Company, the strategic value of the Lac Carheil high- grade flake-graphite project stands to be significantly enhanced from the outcome of a 30-day consultation period announced by the Canadian Government on August 26th 2024 (September 10 to October 10, 2024) seeking inputs on the potential application of a surtax on a range of Chinese imports related to critical manufacturing sectors, including critical minerals.

This follows the imposition of a 100% surtax on Chinese-made EVs due to come into effect on October 1, 2024, and a 25% surtax on imports of steel and aluminium from China, effective October 15, 2024. Lac Carheil’s strategic significance is also linked directly to, and referenced in, Quebec’s Plan for The Development of Strategic Minerals5 (2020-2025).

Based on its reviews of the projects outlined in the above plan, Metals Australia is unaware of any graphite projects actively progressing in Canada that have both the resource grade and upside potential that Lac Carheil exhibits.

Metals Australia CEO Paul Ferguson commented:

“We are delighted to report progress on multiple fronts at Lac Carheil as we continue to advance our flagship high- grade flake-graphite project in Quebec to Pre-Feasibility Study status.

This progress comes as we wrap up our phase one field exploration program at our Corvette River project in Canada, where we expect to receive assay results later this month, and the recent launch of aggressive exploration programs across our three Australian gold and critical minerals projects – Warrambie, Big Bell North and Warrego East.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have had the pleasure of engaging in person with a broad range of stakeholders on country in Ontario and Quebec regarding the development of Lac Carheil. The very clear message from those discussions is that our project is rapidly developing a profile as one of the best graphite projects advancing in North America today.

Earlier this week, the Lac Carheil project received a further potential tailwind when Canada’s Department of Finance launched a 30-day consultation process on a range of potential new surtaxes, including on critical minerals, in response to what it claimed were unfair Chinese trade practices. The Government has already shown its teeth on this issue by imposing a 100% surtax on all Chinese-made EVs, effective October 1, 2024, and a 25% surtax on imports of steel and aluminium, effective October 15, 2024.

Our project can contribute to forecasted shortfalls of graphite required to meet national and homeland security requirements across North America. This future stands in stark contrast to the state of domestic market supply for graphite in North America today. There is extremely limited onshore production of graphite in North America. Nearly all graphite used in the growing North American battery industry is sourced from offshore jurisdictions. This places Lac Carheil as a project of strategic importance for a domestic supply of high-quality graphite. This is essential for securing the supply chain certainty required for the clean energy transition.

The work we committed to completing as part of our planned PFS is rapidly advancing. Comprehensive metallurgical test work for the PFS level flowsheet design of the planned 100,000 tonnes per annum concentrate plant is well progressed – as are the plant designs for the concentrate plant. We are very close to dispatching the bulk concentrate sample to Germany that will launch the downstream design phase of the project, on schedule.

The design work to date has also given rise to a prioritised list of follow-up projects that we intend to further refine and progress as we move from PFS level studies and into the Feasibility Study design. We have held discussions related to grant funding avenues in Canada, including in Quebec, and in the USA, with funding applications made and more to follow. The work we are proposing is innovative and the solutions to be generated match well with the criteria set by governments for grant funding.

While our recent endeavours have focused heavily on the engineering and scientific elements of design, we are cognizant of our need to engage broadly with stakeholders and communities to ensure we understand their concerns, identify solutions as we look to establish enduring partnerships with those communities and stakeholders.

In that regard, a large focus of my recent trip was spent engaging with government at the provincial and local levels and speaking with stakeholders, including existing and prospective service providers, First Nations economic development groups and to seek further meetings with governments and First Nations communities. I was appreciative of the many groups we were able to speak with face to face and to those who have committed to follow up discussions.

As a board and management team, we remain dedicated to collaborating with all stakeholders to develop this strategically significant project for the betterment of all.”

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xReality Group Limited (XRG) specialises in building and operating immersive XR products and experiences that enhance lives. xReality Group’s portfolio includes physical and digital simulation used across the enterprise, defence and consumer markets. Using technology we create experiences without the physical limitations found in the real world.

XR stands for Extended Reality and is a catch-all term for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). Extended Reality combines physical and digital simulation for both consumer and enterprise market segments. The XR category is growing rapidly with the market predicted to grow from US $26B in 2020 to US $905B in 2027. Facebook’s parent, Meta, is investing $10Bn US/year alone into accelerating development of the Metaverse.

xReality Group companies include Operator XR, a Defence and Law Enforcement simulation training company, Red Cartel, an XR production company, two Australian iFLY Indoor Skydiving Facilities, and four FREAK Virtual Reality venues.

xReality Group is an Australian company that specialises in building and operating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and physical simulation for the enterprise markets, including law enforcement, defence and consumer leisure market
The company serves both entertainment and enterprise segments both locally and internationally.xReality Group operates four major brands across the end markets including Operator XR which serves our Law Enforcement and Military markets; iFLY Downunder and iFLY Gold Coast (both entertainment and professional); FREAK Entertainment (retail market); and Red Cartel (enterprise).Operator XR is the fastest growing segment for the company, focusing on defence and law enforcement agencies across the globe. The total addressable market for Operator XR is valued at US$3.37 billion with the US accounting for nearly 40% of the total market.

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Brightstar Resources Ltd (ASX: BTR) (Brightstar) is pleased to announce it has executed a significant drill-for-equity agreement with Topdrill Pty Ltd (Topdrill) which complements the existing arrangement and underpins the strong working relationship between Brightstar and Topdrill.


Brightstar and Topdrill have executed a drill-for-equity agreement worth $4 million, whereby up to 50% of future drilling services invoiced by Topdrill can be paid in Brightstar ordinary sharesThe agreement with Topdrill cornerstones Brightstar’s multi-drill rig exploration program to aggressively advance the consolidated Sandstone Project post the completion of the transactions with Alto Metals Ltd and Gateway Mining Ltd1This $4 million drill-for-equity arrangement is in addition to an existing $1million agreement with Topdrill and further enhances Brightstar’s financial capacity to deliver on its multi hub exploration and development strategyAt Brightstar’s election, equity issued via the arrangement is to be voluntarily escrowed for six months and will be issued at the 20-Day VWAP on the invoice date

Brightstar’s Managing Director, Alex Rovira, commented

“We are pleased to expand materially upon the strong relationship with Topdrill and the existing drill-for-equity agreement, which aligns with our strategic ambition of partnering with tier 1 industry partners as we seek to genuinely build a WA-focused gold exploration, development and production business in a rising gold price environment.

The significant investment offers a cost-effective approach to enhance our aggressive exploration plans across Brightstar’s growing gold project portfolio and demonstrates Topdrill’s confidence in Brightstar’s team, Brightstar’s assets and development plan of organically growing gold production to become a material, multi-asset producer in Western Australia.

It is fantastic to see Topdrill’s commitment to not only Brightstar, but a number of emerging ASX-listed WA gold exploration companies with promising projects. This funding assistance, against the backdrop of continuing challenging equity capital markets, to effectively enable companies to drill more holes and discover more gold, is great to see and has a meaningful benefit to the junior exploration sector. Brightstar applauds Tim Topham and the team for this approach to working with the junior resources sector to enable more exploration and potential discoveries in WA.

Brightstar is currently completing a +30,000m RC and DD drilling program across the Company’s Menzies and Laverton asset base, with the drilling expected to complete in September. Results from these programs, both infill and extensional in nature, will be used in future Mineral Resource Estimate upgrades and will feed into Brightstar’s definitive feasibility study underway.

Subject to the successful completion of the Gateway Mining Ltd and Alto Metals Ltd transactions, expected for completion in September and November respectively, Brightstar anticipates mobilising a drill rig for infill and extensional drilling programs across the Gum Creek and Sandstone properties to advance the projects meaningfully towards mining studies and ultimate commercialisation of the significant mineral resource endowment.

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Lion Selection Group Limited (Lion, the Company) is pleased to announce it has been able to increase its participation in the $24M equity fundraising announced by Brightstar Resources Limited (Brightstar, ASX:BTR) on 2 August 20241. Lion announced its commitment to invest $4.3M in this fundraising on 2 August 20242 and has recently provided an increased commitment for a further $1.5M, taking Lion’s total investment via the deal to $5.8M.

Lion to invest a further $1.5M in Brightstar in tranche two of the placement announced on 2 August 2024.
This will take Lion’s total participation in the placement to $5.8M.Assuming the completion of all the transactions announced on 2 August, Lion to become 6.1% shareholder in the enlarged Brightstar.

Lion’s increased participation is to be settled in tranche two of the placement, expected to take place in mid-September following a general meeting of Brightstar shareholders.

Lion Chief Executive Officer Hedley Widdup said: “Brightstar is already one of our largest investments; Lion strongly grew its holding via the placement announced in August and is pleased to add to this position. The market is valuing gold producers at a large premium versus gold explorers and developers. Brightstar is a company that, in our eyes, has a genuine proposition to bridge that gap; to become a gold producer without taking on excessive finance or hedging, with a strong organic growth pipeline.”

Brightstar Resources – short pathway to production, and strategy to apply cash flow to fund growth

Brightstar has established gold resources at Laverton and Menzies, which are the subject of a feasibility study at present and feature a combined Mineral Resource of 1.46Moz of gold grading 1.6g/t3. A scoping study released in September 20234 contemplated gold production commencing via processing of Brightstar ores at regional process facilities, and the resultant cash flow enabling the rejuvenation of Brightstar’s own process plant near Laverton.

Consolidation and acquisition of Sandstone project

Consolidation and acquisition of ground containing established gold Resources via the Alto and Gateway projects at Sandstone introduces an additional established Resource position of 1.5Moz grading 1.5g/t5. Brightstar intends to undertake an aggressive drilling effort at Sandstone where there is scope to materially increase the resource estimate with focussed exploration.

Result – large gold inventory with a strong growth pathway

The resultant Brightstar will have a pro-forma combined gold resource of 3.0Moz5, between three key projects at Menzies, Laverton and Sandstone. The announced capital raising1 positions Brightstar to be strongly funded, and the strategy to commence production via ore sales or toll treatment is expected to generate cash flows that can support growth. The combination of this strategy and newly consolidated large mineral resource inventory presents the potential to go on to become a large gold producer.

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Gold has long been considered a store of wealth, and the gold price often makes its biggest gains during turbulent times as investors look for cover in this safe-haven asset.

The 21st century has so far been heavily marked by episodes of economic and sociopolitical upheaval. Uncertainty has pushed the precious metal to record highs as market participants seek its perceived security. And each time the gold price rises, there are calls for even higher record-breaking levels.

Gold market gurus from Lynette Zang to Chris Blasi to Jordan Roy-Byrne have shared eye-popping predictions on the gold price that would intrigue any investor — gold bug or not.

While some have posited that the gold price may break US$3,000 per ounce and carry on as high as US$4,000 or US$5,000, there are those with hopes that US$10,000 gold or even US$40,000 gold could become a reality.

These impressive price predictions have investors wondering, what was the highest gold price ever? Gold has set multiple fresh all-time highs (ATH) in 2024 alone, and we share the latest one and what has driven it to this level below. We also take a look at how the gold price has moved historically and what has driven its performance in recent years.

How is gold traded?

Before discovering what the highest gold price ever was, it’s worth looking at how the precious metal is traded. Knowing the mechanics behind gold’s historical moves can help illuminate why and how its price changes.

Gold bullion is traded in dollars and cents per ounce, with activity taking place worldwide at all hours, resulting in a live price for the metal. Investors trade gold in major commodities markets such as New York, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong. London is seen as the center of physical precious metals trading, including for silver. The COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange is home to most paper trading.

There are many popular ways to invest in gold. The first is through purchasing gold bullion products such as bullion bars, bullion coins and rounds. Physical gold is sold on the spot market, meaning that buyers pay a specific price per ounce for the metal and then have it delivered. In some parts of the world, such as India, buying gold in the form of jewelry is the largest and most traditional route to investing in gold.

Another path to gold investment is paper trading, which is done through the gold futures market. Participants enter into gold futures contracts for the delivery of gold in the future at an agreed-upon price. In such contracts, two positions can be taken: a long position under which delivery of the metal is accepted or a short position to provide delivery of the metal. Paper trading as a means to invest in gold can provide investors with the flexibility to liquidate assets that aren’t available to those who possess physical gold bullion.

One significant long-term advantage of trading in the paper market is that investors can benefit from gold’s safe-haven status without needing to store it. Furthermore, gold futures trading can offer more financial leverage in that it requires less capital than trading in the physical market.

Interestingly, investors can also purchase physical gold via the futures market, but the process is complicated and lengthy and comes with a large investment and additional costs.

Aside from those options, market participants can invest in gold through exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Investing in a gold ETF is similar to trading a gold stock on an exchange, and there are numerous gold ETF options to choose from. For instance, some ETFs focus solely on physical gold bullion, while others focus on gold futures contracts. Other gold ETFs center on gold-mining stocks or follow the gold spot price.

It is important to understand that you will not own any physical gold when investing in an ETF — in general, even a gold ETF that tracks physical gold cannot be redeemed for tangible metal.

With regards to the performance of gold versus trading stocks, gold has an interesting relationship with the stock market. The two often move in sync during “risk-on periods” when investors are bullish. On the flip side, they tend to become inversely correlated in times of volatility.

According to the World Gold Council, gold’s ability to decouple from the stock market during periods of stress makes it “unique amongst most hedges in the marketplace.” It is often during these times that gold outperforms the stock market. For that reason, it is often used as a portfolio diversifier to hedge against uncertainty.

What was the highest gold price ever?

The gold price hit US$2,531.70, its all time highest price at the time of this writing, on August 20, 2024. What drove it to set this new ATH?

Gold broke through the important psychological level of US$2,000 per ounce in late 2023 on rising expectations that the US Federal Reserve would begin to reverse course on interest rates, and set multiple new all time highs in 2024. Gold climbed throughout Q2 to over US$2,450 in May, and then moved to US$2,483.35 on July 17.

While interest rate cuts have yet to materialize as of mid-September, gold climbed to over US$2,500 in mid-August on a weakening dollar, positive economic data and the news on August 16 that the Chinese government issued new gold import quotas to banks in the country following a two month pause.

Central bank gold buying has been one of the tailwinds for the gold price this year and China’s central bank has been one of the strongest buyers. It climbed further the following week to its new all-time high.

Fears of a looming recession — or the strong belief that a recession is already here — are also highly supportive for gold heading as we head deeper into 2024. Read our in-depth breakdown of gold’s recent price performance below.

What factors have driven the gold price in the last 5 years?

5 year gold price chart, September 9, 2019, to September 10, 2024.

Chart via InvestingNews.

Despite these recent runs, gold has seen its share of both peaks and troughs over the last decade. After remaining rangebound between US$1,100 and US$1,300 from 2014 to early 2019, gold pushed above US$1,500 in the second half of 2019 on a softer US dollar, rising geopolitical issues and a slowdown in economic growth.

Gold’s first breach of the significant US$2,000 price level in mid-2020 was due in large part to economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To break through that barrier and reach what was then a record high, the yellow metal added more than US$500, or 32 percent, to its value in the first eight months of 2020.

The gold price breached that level again in early 2022 as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine collided with rising inflation around the world, increasing the allure of safe-haven assets and pulling the yellow metal up to a price of US$2,074.60 on March 8, 2022. However, it fell throughout the rest of 2022, dropping below US$1,650 in October.

Although it didn’t quite reach the level of volatility as the previous year, the gold price experienced drastic price changes in 2023 on the back of banking instability, high interest rates and the breakout of war in the Middle East.

After central bank buying pushed the gold price up to the US$1,950.17 mark by the end of January, the US Federal Reserve’s 0.25 percent rate hike on February 1 sparked a retreat as the dollar and Treasury yields saw gains. The precious metal went on to fall to its lowest price level of the year at US$1,809.87 on February 23.

The banking crisis that hit the US in early March caused a domino effect through the global financial system and led to the mid-March collapse of Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second-largest bank. The gold price jumped to US$1,989.13 by March 15. The continued fallout in the global banking system throughout the second quarter of the year allowed gold to break above US$2,000 on April 3, and go on to flirt with a near-record high of US$2,049.92 on May 3.

Those gains were tempered by the Fed’s ongoing rate hikes and improvements in the banking sector, resulting in a downward trend in the gold price throughout the remainder of the second quarter and throughout the third quarter. By October 4, gold had fallen to a low of US$1,820.01 and analysts expected the precious metal to be on the path to drop below the US$1,800 level.

That was before the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel ignited legitimate fears of a much larger conflict erupting in the Middle East. Reacting to those fears, the gold price climbed through the month and closed at US$2,007.08 on October 27. As the Israel-Hamas fighting intensified, gold reached a then new high of US$2,152.30 during intraday trading on December 3.

That robust momentum in the spot gold price has continued into 2024, chasing new highs on fears of a looming US recession, the promise of Fed rate cuts on the horizon, the worsening conflict in the Middle East and the tumultuous US presidential election year. By mid-March, gold was pushing up against the US$2,200 level.

That record-setting momentum continued into the second quarter of 2024 when gold broke through US$2,400 per ounce in mid-April on strong central bank buying, sovereign debt concerns in China and investors expecting the Fed to start cutting interest rates. The precious metal went on to hit US$2,450.05 per ounce on May 20.

Throughout the summer, the hits have just kept on coming. The global macro environment is highly bullish for gold in the lead up to the US election. Following the failed assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump and a statement about coming interest rate cuts by Fed Chair Jerome Powell, the gold spot price hit a new all-time high on July 16 at US$2,469.30 per ounce.

One week later, news that President Joe Biden would not seek re-election and would instead pass the baton to his VP Kamala Harris eased some of the tension in the stock markets and strengthened the US dollar. This also pushed the price of gold down to US$2,387.99 per ounce on July 22.

However, the bullish factors supporting gold over the past year remain in play and the spot price for gold has gone on to breach the US$2,500 level first on August 2 on a less than stellar US jobs report before closing just above the US$2,440 level. A few weeks later, gold pushed past US$2,500 once again on August 16, to close above that level for the first time ever after the US Department of Commerce released data showing a fifth consecutive monthly decrease in a row for homebuilding.

Ongoing economic and geopolitical uncertainty had the gold spot price supported above the US$2,500 level to a new high of US$2,525 per ounce on August 20.

What’s next for the gold price?

What’s next for the gold price is never an easy call to make. There are many factors that affect the gold price, but some of the most prevalent long-term drivers include economic expansion, market risk, opportunity cost and momentum.

Economic expansion is one of the primary gold price contributors as it facilitates demand growth in several categories, including jewelry, technology and investment. As the World Gold Council explains, “This is particularly true in developing economies where gold is often used as a luxury item and a means to preserve wealth.” Market risk is also a prime catalyst for gold values as investors view the precious metal as the “ultimate safe haven,” and a hedge against currency depreciation, inflation and other systemic risks.

Going forward, in addition to the Fed, inflation and geopolitical events, experts will be looking for cues from factors like supply and demand. In terms of supply, the world’s five top gold producers are China, Australia, Russia, Canada and the US. The consensus in the gold market is that major miners have not spent enough on gold exploration in recent years. Gold mine production has fallen from around 3,200 to 3,300 metric tons each year between 2018 and 2020 to around 3,000 to 3,100 metric tons each year between 2021 and 2023.

On the demand side, China and India are the biggest buyers of physical gold, and are in a perpetual fight for the title of world’s largest gold consumer. That said, it’s worth noting that the last few years have brought a big rebound in central bank gold buying, which dropped to a record low in 2020, but reached a 55 year high of 1,136 metric tons in 2022.

The World Gold Council has reported that central bank gold purchases in 2023 came to 1,037 metric tons, marking the second year in a row above 1,000 MT.

‘I think clearing US$2,400 for good — trading a few weeks above that level would be key,’ Lundin said. ‘Eventually I think we’re going to go much higher. The timing of that is always the hard part. Getting back to where I think we’re going to be at the end of this cycle, I think the gold price is going to be somewhere between US$6,000 and US$8,000.’

‘You’ve seen such an incredible breakout (in gold), such an incredible setup — and the public’s just not in the trade yet,’ he said. ‘When they do come back in, I think on the back of some of these capital flows, then that’ll be a big driver of not only gold, but the equities, which today we still really have not seen any material inflows.’

Should you beware of gold price manipulation?

As a final note on the price of gold and buying gold bullion, it’s important for investors to be aware that gold price manipulation is a hot topic in the industry.

In 2011, when gold hit what was then a record high, it dropped swiftly in just a few short years. This decline after three years of impressive gains led many in the gold sector to cry foul and point to manipulation. Early in 2015, 10 banks were hit in a US probe on precious metals manipulation. Evidence provided by Deutsche Bank (NYSE:DB) showed “smoking gun” proof that UBS Group (NYSE:UBS), HSBC Holdings (NYSE:HSBC), the Bank of Nova Scotia (NYSE:BNS) and other firms were involved in rigging gold and silver rates in the market from 2007 to 2013.

Not long after, the long-running London gold fix was replaced by the LBMA gold price in a bid to increase gold price transparency. The twice-a-day process, operated by the ICE Benchmark Administration, still involves a variety of banks collaborating to set the gold price, but the system is now electronic.

Still, manipulation has by no means been eradicated, as a 2020 fine on JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) shows. The next year, chat logs were released in a spoofing trial for two former precious metals traders from the Bank of America’s (NYSE:BAC) Merrill Lynch unit. They show a trader bragging about how easy it is to manipulate the gold price.

Gold market participants have consistently spoken out about manipulation. In mid-2020, Chris Marcus, founder of Arcadia Economics and author of the book “The Big Silver Short,” said that when gold fell back below the US$2,000 mark after hitting close to US$2,070, he saw similarities to what happened with the gold price in 2011.

Marcus has been following the gold and silver markets with a focus specifically on price manipulation for nearly a decade. His advice? “Trust your gut. I believe we’re witnessing the ultimate ’emperor’s really naked’ moment. This isn’t complex financial analysis. Sometimes I think of it as the greatest hypnotic thought experiment in history.”

Investor takeaway

While we have the answer to what the highest gold price ever is as of now, it remains to be seen how high gold can climb, and if the precious metal can reach as high as US$5,000, US$10,000 or even US$40,000.

Even so, many market participants believe gold is a must have in any investment profile, and there is little doubt investors will continue to see gold price action making headlines this year and beyond.

Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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The BRICS nations, originally composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are looking to establish a new reserve currency backed by a basket of their respective currencies.

The potential BRICS currency would allow these nations to assert their economic independence while competing with the existing international financial system. The current system is dominated by the US dollar, which accounts for about 90 percent of all currency trading. Until recently, nearly 100 percent of oil trading was conducted in US dollars; however, in 2023 one-fifth of oil trades were reportedly made using non-US dollar currencies.

Central to this ongoing situation is the US trade war with China, as well as US sanctions on China and Russia. Should the BRICS nations establish a new reserve currency, it would likely significantly impact the US dollar, potentially leading to a decline in demand, or what’s known as de-dollarization. In turn, this would have implications for the United States and global economies.

During the first US Presidential Debate between former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris on September 10, Trump doubled down on his recent pledge to impose strict tariffs on nations seeking to move away from the US dollar as the global currency. He is taking a particularly strong stance against China, threatening to slap 60 percent to 100 percent tariffs on Chinese imports if elected.

It’s still too early to predict when a BRICS currency will be released, but it’s a good time to look at the potential for a BRICS currency and its possible implications for investors.

Table of Contents

Why do the BRICS nations want to create a new currency?Will BRICS have a digital currency?What would the advantages of a BRICS currency be?How would a new BRICS currency affect the US dollar?How would a BRICS currency impact the economy?How can investors prepare for a new BRICS currency?Investor takeaway

Why do the BRICS nations want to create a new currency?

The BRICS nations have a slew of reasons for wanting to set up a new currency. Recent global financial challenges and aggressive US foreign policies have prompted the BRICS countries to explore the possibility. They want to better serve their own economic interests while reducing global dependence on the US dollar and the euro.

When will a BRICS currency be released? There’s no definitive launch date as of yet, but the countries’ leaders have discussed the possibility at length. During the 14th BRICS Summit, held in mid-2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the BRICS countries plan to issue a ‘new global reserve currency,’ and are ready to work openly with all fair trade partners.

In April 2023, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva showed support for a BRICS currency, commenting, “Why can’t an institution like the BRICS bank have a currency to finance trade relations between Brazil and China, between Brazil and all the other BRICS countries? Who decided that the dollar was the (trade) currency after the end of gold parity?”

In the lead up to the 2023 BRICS Summit last August, there was speculation that an announcement of such a currency could be on the table. This proved to be wishful thinking, however.

‘The development of anything alternative is more a medium to long term ambition. There is no suggestion right now to creates a BRICS currency,’ Leslie Maasdorp, CFO of the New Development Bank, told Bloomberg at the time. The bank represents the BRICS bloc.

South Africa’s BRICS ambassador, Anil Sooklal, has said as many as 40 countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS. At the 2023 BRICS Summit , six countries were invited to become BRICS members: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. All but Argentina officially joined the alliance in January 2024.

In recent years, the US has placed numerous sanctions on Russia and Iran. The two countries are working together to bring about a BRICS currency that would negate the economic impacts of such restrictions, according to Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalal, speaking at a press conference during the Russia–Islamic World: KazanForum in May 2024.

Some experts believe that a BRICS currency is a flawed idea, as it would unite countries with very different economies. There are also concerns that non-Chinese members might increase their dependence on China’s yuan instead. That said, when Russia demanded in October 2023 that India pay for oil in yuan, India refused to use anything other than the US dollar or rupees. Russia is struggling to use its excess supply of rupees.

Will BRICS have a digital currency?

BRICS nations do not as of yet have their own specific digital currency, but a BRICS blockchain-based payment system is in the works, according to Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov in March 2024. Known as the BRICS Bridge multisided payment platform, it would connect member states’ financial systems using payment gateways for settlements in central bank digital currencies.

The planned system would serve as an alternative to the current international cross-border payment platform, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system, which is dominated by US dollars.

“We believe that creating an independent BRICS payment system is an important goal for the future, which would be based on state-of-the-art tools such as digital technologies and blockchain. The main thing is to make sure it is convenient for governments, common people and businesses, as well as cost-effective and free of politics,” Ushakov said in an interview with Russian news agency TASS.

What would the advantages of a BRICS currency be?

A new currency could have several benefits for the BRICS countries, including more efficient cross-border transactions and increased financial inclusion. By leveraging blockchain technology, digital currencies and smart contracts, the currency could revolutionize the global financial system. Thanks to seamless cross-border payments, it could also promote trade and economic integration among the BRICS nations and beyond.

A new BRICS currency would also:

Strengthen economic integration within the BRICS countriesReduce the influence of the US on the global stageWeaken the standing of the US dollar as a global reserve currencyEncourage other countries to form alliances to develop regional currenciesMitigate risks associated with global volatility due to unilateral measures and the diminution of dollar dependence

How would a new BRICS currency affect the US dollar?

RomanR / Shutterstock

For decades, the US dollar has enjoyed unparalleled dominance as the world’s leading reserve currency. According to the US Federal Reserve, between 1999 and 2019, the dollar was used in 96 percent of international trade invoicing in the Americas, 74 percent in the Asia-Pacific region and 79 percent in the rest of the world.

According to the Atlantic Council, the US dollar is used in approximately 88 percent of currency exchanges, and 59 percent of all foreign currency reserves held by central banks. Due to its status as the most widely used currency for conversion and its use as a benchmark in the forex market, almost all central banks worldwide hold dollars. Additionally, the dollar is used for the vast majority of oil trades.

Although the dollar’s reserve currency share has decreased as the euro and yen have gained popularity, the dollar is still the most widely used reserve currency, followed by the euro, the yen, the pound and the yuan.

The potential impact of a new BRICS currency on the US dollar remains uncertain, with experts debating its potential to challenge the dollar’s dominance. However, if a new BRICS currency was to stabilize against the dollar, it could weaken the power of US sanctions, leading to a further decline in the dollar’s value. It could also cause an economic crisis affecting American households. Aside from that, this new currency could accelerate the trend toward de-dollarization.

Nations worldwide are seeking alternatives to the US dollar, with examples being China and Russia trading in their own currencies, and countries like India, Kenya and Malaysia advocating for de-dollarization or signing agreements with other nations to trade in local currencies or alternative benchmarks.

While it is unclear whether a new BRICS currency would inspire the creation of other US dollar alternatives, the possibility of challenging the dollar’s dominance as a reserve currency remains. And as countries continue to diversify their reserve holdings, the US dollar could face increasing competition from emerging currencies, potentially altering the balance of power in global markets.

However, a recent study by the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center released in June 2024 shows that the US dollar is far from being dethroned as the world’s primary reserve currency. ‘The group’s ‘Dollar Dominance Monitor’ said the dollar continued to dominate foreign reserve holdings, trade invoicing, and currency transactions globally and its role as the primary global reserve currency was secure in the near and medium term,’ reported Reuters.

Ultimately, the impact of a new BRICS currency on the US dollar will depend on its adoption, its perceived stability and the extent to which it can offer a viable alternative to the dollar’s longstanding hegemony.

How would a BRICS currency impact the economy?

A potential shift toward a new BRICS currency could have significant implications for the North American economy and investors operating within it. Some of the most affected sectors and industries include:

Oil and gasBanking and financeCommoditiesInternational tradeTechnologyTourism and travelThe foreign exchange market

A new BRICS currency would also introduce new trading pairs, alter currency correlations and affect market volatility, requiring investors to adapt their strategies accordingly.

How can investors prepare for a new BRICS currency?

Adjusting a portfolio in response to emerging BRICS currency trends may be a challenge for investors. However, several strategies can be adopted to capitalize on these trends.

Invest in commodities like gold and silver as a hedge against currency risk.Gain exposure to BRICS equity markets through stocks and ETFs that track BRICS market indexes.Consider alternative investments such as real estate or private equity in the BRICS countries.

Prudent investors will also weigh these strategies against their exposure to market, political and currency fluctuations.

In terms of investment vehicles, investors could consider ETFs such as the iShares MSCI BIC ETF (ARCA:BKF) or the Pacer Emerging Markets Cash COW 100 ETF (NASDAQ:ECOW). They could also invest in mutual funds such as the T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets Equity Fund, or in individual companies within the BRICS countries.

Simply put, preparing for a new BRICS currency or potential de-dollarization requires careful research and due diligence by investors. Diversifying currency exposure, and investing in commodities, equity markets or alternative investments are possible options to consider while being mindful of the associated risks.

Investor takeaway

While it is not certain whether the creation of a BRICS reserve currency will come to pass, its emergence would pose significant implications for the global economy and potentially challenge the US dollar’s dominance as the primary reserve currency. This development would present unique investment opportunities, while introducing risks to existing investments as the shifting landscape alters monetary policy and exacerbates geopolitical tensions.

For those reasons, investors should closely monitor the progress of a possible BRICS currency. And, if the bloc does eventually create one, it will be important watch the currency’s impact on BRICS member economies and the broader global market. Staying vigilant will help investors to capitalize on growth prospects and hedge against potential risks.

FAQs for a new BRICS currency

Is a BRICS currency possible?

Some financial analysts point to the creation of the euro in 1999 as proof that a BRICS currency may be possible. However, this would require years of preparation, the establishment of a new central bank and an agreement between the five nations to phase out their own sovereign currencies; it would most likely also need the support of the International Monetary Fund to be successful internationally.

The impact of its war on Ukraine will continue to weaken Russia’s economy and the value of the ruble, and China is intent on raising the power of the yuan internationally. There is also a wide chasm of economic disparity between China and other BRICS nations. These are no small obstacles to overcome.

Would a new BRICS currency be backed by gold?

While Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested hard assets such as gold or oil, a new BRICS currency would likely be backed by a basket of the bloc’s currencies.

That said, speaking at this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference, well-known author Jim Rickards gave a detailed talk on how a gold-backed BRICS currency could work. He suggested that if a BRICS currency unit is worth 1 ounce of gold and the gold price goes to US$3,000 per ounce, the BRICS currency unit would be worth US$3,000, while the dollar would lose value compared to the BRICS currency as measured by the weight of gold.

Importantly though, he doesn’t see this as a new gold standard, or the end of the US dollar or the euro.

“(With) a real gold standard, you can take the currency and go to any one of the central banks and get some gold,” Rickards said at the event. “With BRICS they don’t have to own any gold, they don’t have to buy any gold, they don’t have to prop up the price. They can just rise on the dollar gold market.

How much gold do the BRICS nations have?

As of Q2 2024, the combined central bank gold holdings of the original BRICS nations plus Egypt (the only nation of the five new additions to have central bank gold reserves) accounted for more than 20 percent of all the gold held in the world’s central banks. Russia, India and China rank in the top 10 for central bank gold holdings.

Russia controls 2,335.85 metric tons (MT) of the yellow metal, making it the fifth largest for central bank gold reserves. China follows in the sixth spot with 2,264.32 MT of gold and India places eighth with 840.76 MT. Brazil and South Africa’s central bank gold holdings are much smaller, coming in at 129.65 MT and 125.44 MT, respectively. New BRICS member Egypt’s gold holdings are equally pauce, at 126.57 MT.

Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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Offtake agreements play a critical role in obtaining project financing for high capital expenditures, such as manufacturing plants or processing facilities.

From early-stage enterprises to more mature businesses, cash flow challenges can make it difficult to secure loans to finance infrastructure projects. This type of contract can go a long way to mitigate risk in the eyes of lending institutions.

Offtake agreements are often employed in a wide range of sectors, including mining, energy, agriculture, pharmaceuticals and foodservice manufacturing.

But what are offtake agreements, and how do they work? Here’s a brief overview of these deals and how they are typically structured.

What are offtake agreements in project financing?

An offtake agreement is a binding contract between a company that provides goods or services and a company that needs to procure those goods or services. It formalizes the buyer’s intention to purchase a certain amount of the producer’s future output.

Still confused? Here’s a simple breakdown of how offtake agreements work:

Let’s say a company has been working on a new coffee mug, but is looking for financing to develop this new project before it is actually produced.In order to secure financing from the bank, the company signs an offtake agreement with a coffee shop that is interested in selling the mugs once they are produced. Under the terms and conditions of this contract, the coffee shop agrees to buy all the mugs that the company intends to produce during the next year.The mug producer can assure investors and lenders that there is a market for its product before it begins production. It can also be confident that it has ensured a minimum return on its goods.The coffee shop can continue functioning as normal because it knows that it has secured a supply of mugs for a particular price and for delivery at a particular date.

What are the benefits of offtake agreements in mining?

The risks associated with extracting resources are high. One way exploration companies can reduce these risks is by securing offtake agreements.

Mining offtake agreements are important for many companies, but are particularly crucial for those focused on critical and industrial metals. Many of these metals are not sold on the open market, and that makes it harder for producers to offload them.

Generally, offtake agreements are negotiated after a feasibility study is completed and prior to mine construction; they help assure producers that there is a market for the material they plan to produce. That is beneficial for a number of reasons — most obviously, it means the mining company won’t have to worry about being able to sell its metal.

Additionally, having an offtake agreement tends to make it easier for producers to secure financing to move a project through mine construction. A lender or investor is more likely to finance a project if they are confident that companies are already lining up to buy the metal it will produce.

Buyers will also sometimes provide producers with money to advance their mining projects when an offtake agreement is created. However, that is not always the case.

Of course, this type of contract can also be beneficial for buyers. Offtake agreements allow buyers to purchase metal at a particular market price. This can function as a hedge against future price changes if demand outweighs supply. The terms and conditions of an offtake agreement also guarantee that buyers will receive the product they are purchasing at a specific date.

What risks are associated with offtake agreements?

While offtake agreements have many benefits for both producers and buyers, there are risks associated with them as well.

It’s possible for both parties to back out of an offtake agreement, though doing so usually requires negotiations and often the payment of a fee. Companies also face the risk of not having their offtake agreements renewed once they are in production, and they usually must make sure that their product continues to meet the buyer’s standards.

Offtake agreements can also be complicated and can take a long time to set up. For mining companies that want to move forward quickly with project development, spending that time can be a hindrance. These companies may choose to progress on their own and discover other routes to project financing.

Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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Antilles Gold Limited (“Antilles Gold” or the “Company”) (ASX: AAU, OTCQB: ANTMF) is pleased to advise that the metallurgical test work undertaken by BGRIMM Technology on the gold-arsenopyrite concentrate to be produced by the La Demajagua open pit mine in Cuba, has been completed.

BGRIMM, which is a leading Chinese engineering group specialising in the design and construction of roasters to oxidise refractory gold concentrate, carried out the test work over a 9 month period to demonstrate the technical viability and design parameters for a processing facility that will include a two-stage fluidised-bed roaster, an acid plant and CIL circuit to produce a gold doré, and a separate leach circuit to recover antimony from the gold-arsenopyrite concentrate before roasting.

BGRIMM’s report will be translated from Mandarin to English for inclusion in a new Scoping Study for the expanded La Demajagua project. A summary of recoveries and processing consumables has been provided in English. The attached Memorandum from JJ Metallurgical Services Inc dated 12 September 2024 describes the test work undertaken on the La Demajagua gold-arsenopyrite concentrate by BGRIMM Technology, the anticipated antimony and gold recoveries, and the estimated annual antimony production.


BGRIMM determined a 77.9% antimony recovery from alkaline leaching of the ~53,000tpa of gold-arsenopyrite concentrate with 4.9% antimony content expected to be produced after reverse flotation of the La Demajagua ore, which would yield ~2,028tpa of contained antimony in a precipitate~2,758tpa of antimony is also expected to be contained in the ~5,900tpa of silver- gold-antimony concentrate produced by reverse flotation

Payables of 57% of the prevailing antimony price (currently ~US$26,000/t) have been offered for the combined antimony contained in a blended silver-gold-antimony concentrate delivered to a northern Chinese port.

Antimony is a critical mineral with widespread industrial and technological uses with supply constraints and growing demand. The price of antimony recently doubled after China announced future restrictions on exports of the strategic metal.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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