


The United Nations on Wednesday passed a Palestinian-drafted resolution demanding Israel withdraw from the ‘Occupied Palestinian Territory’ within 12 months, with Israel’s new ambassador calling the measure ‘shameful.’ 

‘This is a shameful decision that backs the Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic terrorism,’ Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said after the vote. 

‘Instead of marking the anniversary of the Oct. 7 massacre by condemning Hamas and calling for the release of all 101 of the remaining hostages, the General Assembly continues to dance to the music of the Palestinian Authority, which backs the Hamas murderers,’ Danon added. 

The draft proposal received support from 124 countries, with 43 abstaining from voting and 14 others voting against it. The U.S. voted against the resolution and was joined by Argentina, Czech Republic, Fiji, Hungary, Israel, Malawi, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga and Tuvalu.

The resolution has no legally binding effect, but the General Assembly has also called on members to ‘take steps towards ceasing the importation of any products originating in the Israeli settlements, as well as the provision or transfer of arms, munitions and related equipment to Israel… where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they may be used in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.’

This is the first resolution proposed by the Palestinians after gaining additional powers as a member following a vote in May, including granting them the ability to propose resolutions. 

The Palestinian territories pushed for the resolution on the back of a July advisory opinion by the United Nations’ International Court of Justice (ICJ) that determined Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories and settlements is illegal and should be withdrawn. 

Andrew Tucker, the director general of The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation, told Fox News Digital ahead of the resolution vote that the proposal would essentially seek to implement the ICJ advisory opinion with a hard timeline, whereas the ICJ merely said it should be done ‘immediately.’

‘The court came out with an opinion in July,’ Tucker explained. ‘It’s an opinion: It’s not a ruling, it’s not a criminal case. They’re not deciding a dispute. It’s a legal opinion that the court is being asked to give by the General Assembly.’

‘But it goes to the heart of the Israel-Palestinian conflict,’ Tucker said. ‘In essence, the court is being asked to give its opinion on really the key issues that have been disputes between Israel and the Palestinians for decades, and the General Assembly is now implementing that opinion.’

‘The court [is] saying: [It] doesn’t matter what Israel’s security concerns are, doesn’t matter [that] there’s a war going on in Gaza,’ Tucker continued. ‘It doesn’t matter that Hezbollah is threatening to attack from the north. All of these things are irrelevant.’

‘The Palestinians have a kind of absolute right to self-determination, and that means that Israel’s presence in the territories has become illegal,’ he added. ‘Now, legally… there’s a lot to be said about this. For example… never before has the right to self-determination been given this level of priority.’

Tucker argued that the implications of such a decision could lead to ‘greater conflict’ because Israel’s expedited exit could leave open the chance for Iran to dig into the West Bank the same way it did with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. 

‘If Israel withdraws from these territories… It’s only 10 kilometers from there at the smallest [point] between the West Bank and Tel Aviv,’ Tucker said. 

‘So whoever gets control of these territories, if it’s hostile toward Israel, which is unfortunately the case, we’re facing a highly, highly volatile security situation,’ he added. 

Reuters contributed to this report. 

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Just days after Vice President Kamala Harris met with the leaders of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to appeal for their endorsement, one that almost always goes blue, the union told her to kick rocks, declining to endorse either her or Donald Trump.

My great-grandfather was a Teamsters boss in Philadelphia in the mid 20th century who ran against Jimmy Hoffa for the national presidency of the union. I once asked him just how corrupt and mobbed-up the legendary Hoffa was, but Pop would never say a word against him. In his brogue, he would simply say, ‘Jimmy was a friend of da workin’ man.’

Decades later, the leadership and 1.5 million members of the Teamsters, along with 500,000 retirees, had to decide this week whether Trump or Harris is the friend of the working man in the 2024 race. 

In this stunning move, and direct snub to Harris, the union decided not to endorse or put its significant resources behind either candidate, and the reason why is very obviously pressure from its membership.

‘I voted for Biden,’ a retired longtime Teamster told me in Washington, Pa., just outside Pittsburgh. ‘But you want facts? Let’s give grocery facts, let’s give electricity facts, let’s give gas facts, let’s give every fact between when he was elected and now.’

For him, the facts added up to a vote for Donald Trump.

And he is not alone.

The results of the Teamsters own internal survey were staggering. Back in July, President Joe Biden, (remember him?) was leading Donald Trump 44-36 percent. Fast forward to today and Trump has surged to a 60-34 lead over Harris in the online survey and 58-31 over the phone lines.

This is a massive shift, more dramatic than we have seen within any other substantial demographic. Cutting off Joe Biden’s ancient roots in the labor movement has left members a clearer choice between Harris and Trump, and it’s bad news for the Veep.

It’s also bad news for many in the Teamsters leadership who bristled when union president Sean O’Brien spoke at the Republican National Convention, as did the left-aligned labor movement in general.

In San Francisco, I met Ray, a Teamster in the hospitality industry, proudly displaying his lapel pin, but he was also frustrated by the national leadership.

‘They don’t seem focused on guys like us,’ he told me. ‘Like they are playing a whole different ball game.’

In general, my conversations with union members across the country this election cycle have differed dramatically, depending on whether it was a private sector union, like the Teamsters, or a public sector union, such as teachers unions.

Private sector members talk more about balancing their needs with the ability of their industries, which they know well, to prosper. Public sector union members seem to expect that the government has endless money and can always go find a Leprechaun and take its pot of gold.

If this huge tidal wave of Teamster votes to Trump is reflected in other unions such as the United Auto Workers Union, or service sector unions, and from the working people I’ve spoken to, and I suspect it is, the electoral implications could be profound. 

As with many Americans, there may be many things that many Teamsters don’t love about Trump. That would explain why Joe Biden, who accurately or not, is seen as a more traditional Democrat than Harris, appealed to them.

But without Biden’s big labor patina and history, it seems most Teamsters have decided that it is time for them to move on from the Democratic Party and Kamala Harris, toward Trump’s promise to make America, and its wages, great again.

Just like Pop so long ago with Jimmy Hoffa, more and more Teamsters today are looking at Trump. They may think he’s imperfect, they may think he’s rough around the edges. But increasingly, they also see him as the race’s only friend of the working man. 


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More than 100 former Republican officials, mostly those who worked in national security or previously in various GOP presidential administrations, have penned a letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and warning about the dangers of a potential second Trump administration.

‘We appreciate that many Republicans prefer Donald Trump to Kamala Harris, for a variety of reasons. We recognize and do not disparage their potential concerns,’ the letter released Wednesday reads. ‘But any potential concerns pale in comparison to Donald Trump’s demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior and disregard for our Republic’s time-tested principles of constitutional governance.’

The signatories insisted in their letter that when it comes to diplomacy, the former president’s ‘unpredictable nature is not the negotiating virtue he extols.’ It added that Trump’s demeanor ‘invites equally erratic behavior from our adversaries, which irresponsibly threatens reckless and dangerous global consequences.’

The Wednesday letter comes roughly three weeks after more than 200 former GOP officials, including people who worked for former President George W. Bush, the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, also came out in favor of a Harris presidency. The letter also comes shortly after former Vice President Cheney and his daughter, former Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, both indicated they would be voting for Harris as well.

The letter on Wednesday was primarily signed by officials who had previously worked in either one of the Bush administrations or under former President Reagan. However, some former Republican members of Congress, including Illinois’ Adam Kinzinger and Virginia’s Barbara Comstock, also signed the Wednesday letter.

In total, it boasted 111 signatures but did include at least two repeats from the August letter endorsing Harris. Another name appeared to be a third repeat from the August letter, but Fox News Digital could not confirm if it was the same person ahead of publication time. Meanwhile, there were also two signatories on the Wednesday letter who also signed the infamous October 2020 letter from dozens of intelligence community officials asserting that the Hunter Biden laptop story broken by the New York Post was ‘disinformation pushed by Russia.’

A Trump campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, slammed the Wednesday letter’s signatories, arguing they are ‘the same people who got our country into endless foreign wars and profited off of them while the American people suffered.’

‘President Trump is the only president in the modern era not to get our country into any new wars,’ Cheung said.

The letter on Wednesday pointed to several reasons why its signatories are supporting Harris for president. Among them were that Harris has ‘consistently championed the rule of law, democracy, and our constitutional principles.’ The letter also said Harris has ‘pledged’ to ensure the U.S. military will continue to be the most lethal fighting force in the world, and it highlighted her support for NATO, Israel and the bipartisan border security act that failed this year. The letter noted that Harris has pledged she will appoint a Republican to her Cabinet ‘in order to encourage a diversity of views and restore a measure of bipartisanship and comity to our domestic politics.’

On national security, the letter lauded Harris for what it described as her ability to ‘engage in orderly national security decision-making.’ It added that a Harris presidency would likely be absent ‘the constant drama and Cabinet turnover of the Trump administration.’ 

However, during Harris’ tenure as vice president, she has come under scrutiny for creating a poor office culture and having a nearly 92% staff turnover rate.

Meanwhile, the letter blasted Trump for cozying up to U.S. adversaries: ‘Donald Trump’s susceptibility to flattery and manipulation by Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, unusual affinity for other authoritarian leaders, contempt for the norms of decent, ethical and lawful behavior, and chaotic national security decision-making are dangerous qualities.’

On Monday, Trump surrogate Tulsi Gabbard praised Trump for the ‘tough work’ he has done engaging with U.S. adversaries, which she insisted was a critical part of successful U.S. diplomacy.

‘President Trump did in his last administration what President Obama refused to do, what President Biden refused to do, what Kamala Harris has made clear she refuses to do, which is to go out and do that tough work that a president and commander in chief has to do in diplomacy,’ Gabbard said. ‘Not just hanging out with your friends and your allies and your partners, but actually going out and talking to your adversaries.’

The Wednesday letter concluded by saying Trump could not be entrusted ‘to support and defend the Constitution’ against foreign and domestic enemies alike. ‘We believe that Kamala Harris can, and we urge other Americans to join us in supporting her,’ the letter said. It also said Trump should never be able to hold political office of any kind in the future.

Currently, the Harris campaign is making a concerted effort to target vulnerable Republican voters, including through paid media and grassroots-driven digital efforts. Harris campaign spokesperson Ian Sams recently told Fox News Digital that Harris ‘has Republican momentum right now.’

‘We are proud of the bipartisan groundswell behind Vice President Harris,’ Sams said. ‘And we will continue working every day to earn the support of Republican voters who want a president like her who still believes in patriotism, freedom, and our Constitution.’

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In an effort to ‘sow discord and shape the outcome of U.S. elections’, Iranian cyber actors sent messages during the summer to people involved in President Biden’s then re-election campaign containing stolen material from former President Trump’s campaign, U.S. agencies said.

‘Iranian malicious cyber actors in late June and early July sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden’s campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign as text in the emails,’ the FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Office of the Director of National Intelligence said in a joint statement on Wednesday. 

The agencies noted that there is currently no information indicating if recipients replied to the messages.

The U.S. intelligence agencies also alleged that Iran has continued their election interference since June and has sent stolen Trump campaign material to U.S. media organizations.

‘Furthermore, Iranian malicious cyber actors have continued their efforts since June to send stolen, non-public material associated with former President Trump’s campaign to U.S. media organizations,’ they said.

The agencies said that the continued election interference from Iran is to ‘stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process.’

‘As the lead for threat response, the FBI has been tracking this activity, has been in contact with the victims, and will continue to investigate and gather information in order to pursue and disrupt the threat actors responsible,’ they said. ‘Foreign actors are increasing their election influence activities as we approach November.’

Iran is not the only foreign adversary accused of meddling with the 2024 presidential election. On July 10, ODNI officials called Russia the ‘preeminent threat’ to the election.

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House Speaker Mike Johnson’s plan to avert a partial government shutdown failed on Wednesday. 

It was voted down 202 to 220, with two Republicans – Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Thomas Massie, R-Ky. – voting ‘present.’

At least nine Republicans voted against House GOP leadership’s bill, a six-month extension of the current year’s federal funding levels coupled with a measure to require proof of citizenship in the voter registration process.

Three Democrats voted in support of the measure – Reps. Jared Golden, D-Maine, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash., and Don Davis, D-N.C.

The bill began hemorrhaging support soon after Johnson rolled it out during a conference call with House Republicans earlier this month – to the frustration of the majority of the House GOP.

A significant number of Republicans object to a stop-gap spending patch called a continuing resolution (CR) on principle – believing it to be an unnecessary extension of government bloat.

National security hawks expressed concern about the impact of a six-month funding extension on military readiness without added funds to keep up with rising costs.

The discord has caused tensions to run high within the House GOP.

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, a vocal supporter of the bill and author of the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, said of fellow Republicans: ‘I would dare any one of my colleagues who are against this plan, come forward with a better plan that we will actually be able to move, pass, and unite the Republican Party to go beat Democrats.’

‘Don’t predict failure and then be the reason why we fail – and that’s what some of my friends are doing, unfortunately,’ Roy said on Steve Bannon’s ‘War Room’ program. 

Johnson allies have also pointed out that this plan would be a strong opening salvo in a negotiation with the Democrat-controlled Senate on government funding – the speaker himself has repeatedly said the SAVE Act is worth fighting for.

Both Republican and Democratic leaders have conceded a CR is necessary to give congressional negotiators more time past the Oct. 1 deadline to hash out fiscal year 2025’s priorities.

Democrats, however, have called for a ‘clean’ CR free from conservative policy riders. And senior lawmakers in both parties argued that a CR through December is the best course of action to allow Congress to reevaluate after the election.

Johnson has repeatedly insisted he had no ‘plan B’ beyond Wednesday’s vote. He said as much to GOP lawmakers in a closed-door Wednesday morning meeting, two sources told Fox News Digital.

But with his initial plan defeated, Johnson is now caught between two warring Republican factions – one that wants him to leverage a partial government shutdown, and one that is reluctantly conceding that the House GOP could be left with no choice but to pass a ‘clean’ CR into December.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump, who initially backed the six-month CR plus SAVE Act plan, more recently advocated for congressional Republicans to shut down the government if they did not get ‘absolute assurances on election security.’

A majority of Republicans, however, are publicly and privately conceding that they would bear the brunt of public anger over a government shutdown weeks before Election Day.

Vulnerable Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., insisted to reporters on Wednesday morning that ‘there’s not going to be a shutdown.’

When asked directly about Trump’s insistence, Lawler answered, ‘I’m not shutting the government down. My colleagues aren’t shutting the government down.’

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National Security communications adviser John Kirby shot down multiple questions Wednesday about possible U.S. involvement in the explosion of hundreds of electronic devices used by Hezbollah members in Lebanon.

‘We were not involved in [Tuesday’s] incidents or [Wednesday’s] in any way. And I don’t have anything more to share,’ Kirby said when asked to respond to the attacks. 

Kirby’s comments came hours after several blasts were heard around Lebanon’s capital of Beirut and other parts of the country. Hezbollah’s Al Manar TV reported the explosions were the result of walkie-talkies detonating. 

At least nine people were killed and another 300 were wounded in Wednesday’s attack, according to Lebanon’s Health Ministry. 

The explosions came just a day after pagers used by hundreds of Hezbollah members exploded throughout Lebanon and parts of Syria, killing at least 12 people – including two children – and wounding thousands more. 

Both attacks are widely believed to have been the work of Israel, which has been fighting with Hezbollah almost daily since Oct. 8, the day after a deadly Hamas-led assault in southern Israel triggered the war in Gaza. 

Since then, hundreds have been killed in strikes in Lebanon and dozens in Israel, while tens of thousands on each side of the border have been displaced. Hezbollah said its strikes are in support of its ally, Hamas.

Reporters repeatedly pressed Kirby on Wednesday to say whether the U.S. was involved in the back-to-back attacks targeting members of Hezbollah or had been informed beforehand.  

Kirby reiterated that he did not ‘have anything more to share today.’ 

‘We want to see the war end. And everything we’ve been doing since the beginning has been designed to prevent the conflict from escalating,’ Kirby said. ‘We still believe that there is a diplomatic path forward, particularly up near Lebanon.’ 

The attacks have heightened fears that what has been intermittent fighting between Israel and Hezbollah could escalate into an all-out war. 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told Israeli troops Wednesday: ‘We are at the start of a new phase in the war — it requires courage, determination and perseverance.’ 

Gallant made no mention of the exploding devices but praised the work of Israel’s army and security agencies, saying ‘the results are very impressive.’ 

Hezbollah announced three strikes on parts of northern Israel Wednesday, at least one of which took place after the latest round of explosions in Lebanon.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Tuesday, Nov. 5, is Election Day – but if Americans vote like they did in the last two election cycles, most of them will have already cast a ballot before the big day.

Wisconsin kicks off early voting today; the first state to make absentee ballots widely available to voters. By the end of the month, more than half of all states will have ballots in at least some voters’ hands, including Michigan and North Carolina.

It makes the next few months less a countdown to Election Day, and more the beginning of ‘election season.’

States have long allowed at least some Americans to vote early, like members of the military or people with illnesses. 

In some states, almost every voter casts a ballot by mail.

Many states expanded eligibility in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic made it riskier to vote in-person.

That year, the Fox News Voter Analysis found that 71% of voters cast their ballots before Election Day, with 30% voting early in-person and 41% voting by mail.

Early voting remained popular in the midterms, with 57% of voters casting a ballot before Election Day.

Elections officials stress that voting early is safe and secure. Recounts, investigations and lawsuits filed after the 2020 election did not reveal evidence of widespread fraud or corruption. 

The difference between ‘early in-person’ and ‘mail’ or ‘absentee’ voting.

There are a few ways to vote before Election Day.

The first is , where a voter casts a regular ballot in-person at a voting center before Election Day.

The second is , where the process and eligibility vary by state.

Eight states vote mostly by mail, including California, Colorado, Nevada and Utah. Registered voters receive mail ballots and send them back.

Most states allow any registered voter to receive a mail or absentee ballot and send it back. Depending on the state, voters can return their absentee ballot by mail, at a drop box, and/or at an office or facility that accepts mail ballots.

In 14 states, voters must have an excuse to vote by mail, ranging from illness, age, work hours or if a voter is out of their home county on Election Day.

States process and tabulate ballots at different times. Some states don’t begin counting ballots until election night, which delays the release of results.

Voting begins in multiple battleground states in September

This list of early voting deadlines is for guidance only. In some areas, early voting may begin before the dates listed. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes, and deadlines, go to and your state’s elections website.

Ballots will be made available to eligible absentee voters in Wisconsin starting today. The Midwestern state is one of the most competitive on the Fox News Power Rankings map. Virginia, Minnesota, and twelve more states kick off their early voting for at least some voters by the end of the week.

Early voting timeline

Subject to change. In-person early voting in bold.

September 11

  • Alabama Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

September 16

  • Kentucky Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

September 19

  • Wisconsin Absentee voting begins.

September 20

  • Virginia Early in-person and absentee voting begins.
  • Idaho, Minnesota, South Dakota Absentee voting begins (including in-person).
  • West Virginia, Wyoming Absentee voting begins.
  • Arkansas, West Virginia Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

September 21 

  • New Jersey, Vermont Absentee voting begins (including in-person).
  • Oklahoma, Rhode Island Absentee voting begins.
  • Delaware, Indiana, Tennessee Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

September 23

  • Maryland Absentee voting begins (including in-person).
  • Mississippi Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

 September 24

  • North Carolina Absentee voting begins.
  • Missouri Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

September 26

  • Illinois Early in-person voting begins.
  • North Dakota Absentee voting begins (including in-person).
  • Florida, Michigan Absentee voting begins.

September 30

  • DC Mail voting begins.
  • Nebraska Absentee voting begins.

October 1

  • Pennsylvania Absentee voting begins (including in-person).

October 4

  • Connecticut Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

October 6

  • Maine Absentee voting begins (including in-person).

October 7

  • California Mail voting begins (including in-person absentee).
  • Montana Absentee voting begins (including in-person).
  • Georgia Absentee voting begins.
  • Nebraska Absentee in-person voting begins.
  • New Hampshire, South Carolina, Texas Absentee voting begins. Excuse required.

 October 8

  • Indiana Early in-person voting begins.
  • New Mexico, Ohio Absentee voting begins (including in-person).
  • Wyoming Absentee in-person voting begins.

October 9

  • Arizona Early in-person and absentee voting begins.

October 11

  • Alaska, Massachusetts Absentee voting begins.

October 14

  • Colorado Mail voting begins.

October 15

  • Georgia Early in-person voting begins.
  • Utah Mail voting begins.

October 16

  • Kansas Early in-person and absentee voting begins.
  • Rhode Island, Tennessee Early in-person voting begins.
  • Iowa Absentee voting begins (including in-person).
  • Nevada Mail voting begins.
  • Oregon Mail voting begins.

October 17

  • North Carolina Early in-person voting begins.

October 18

  • Louisiana Early in-person voting begins.
  • Hawaii Mail voting begins.
  • Washington Mail voting begins (including in-person absentee).

October 19

  • Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico Early in-person voting begins.

October 21

  • Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas Early in-person voting begins.
  • Alaska Absentee voting begins (including in-person).

October 22 

  • Hawaii, Utah Early in-person voting begins.
  • Missouri, Wisconsin Absentee in-person voting begins.

October 23

  • West Virginia Early in-person voting begins.

October 24

  • Maryland Early in-person voting begins.

October 25 

  • Delaware Early in-person voting begins.

October 26

  • New Jersey, Florida, Michigan, New York Early in-person voting begins.

October 28 

  • Colorado, DC Early in-person voting begins.

October 30

  • Oklahoma Absentee in-person voting begins.

October 31

  • Kentucky Absentee in-person voting begins. Excuse required.


  • Louisiana, New York Absentee voting begins.
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Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., described the level to which the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service have prevented the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) from obtaining crucial materials to investigate the failures that led to the assassination attempts against former President Trump.

‘Things like the autopsy report, you know, the House has it under subpoena. We don’t have it,’ he told reporters. 

‘[The] toxicology report; we don’t have any of the trajectory reports. So, where’d the bullets go? We don’t even know how they handled the crime scene,’ said Johnson, ranking member of the HSGAC Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI).

The senator pointed to the amount of time that has passed since the July 13 assassination attempt against Trump, noting, ‘There’s just basic information we should have right now, and we don’t have it.’ 

‘We haven’t been able to interview the sniper who took out [Thomas] Crooks,’ Johnson said. Crooks is the would-be assassin that, during the July 13 rally in Pennsylvania, opened fire, grazing the former president’s ear, killing a rally attendee and critically injuring two others. 

According to the Republican, the sniper who shot Crooks was the first person he wanted to interview. 

Further, he said they hadn’t been provided any FD-302 forms by the FBI, which are used to investigate through results of interviews. Johnson pointed out that FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate told him during a hearing in July that the bureau would provide the forms as soon as they could.

‘I haven’t gotten one,’ he said. 

‘They’ve done 1,000 interviews. We’ve done 12,’ the senator said.

The Wisconsin Republican said the lack of information is consistent with slow-walking. 

He also said that a recent briefing to the chairs and ranking members of both HSGAC and PSI from Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe did not provide the senators with any new information. 

Johnson described that the few documents which had been provided to the lawmakers were ‘heavily redacted.’ 

‘And in this case, unusually. I’ve never seen this,’ he remarked of the redactions. 

Noting that it wasn’t his ‘first rodeo,’ Johnson recalled that redactions are normally black, blocking out certain parts of text. ‘These are just whiteouts.’

‘So, I don’t know. Was it just a single word?’ he asked. 

He said in some cases it wasn’t evident whether something had been obscured in the documents or not due to the white redactions. 

‘That’s the level of opacity that we’re getting in terms of their lack of cooperation with our investigation,’ Johnson added. 

The Secret Service has reiterated that it is cooperating with Congress’ investigations despite bipartisan outcry and accusations of ‘stonewalling.’

In a comment to Fox News Digital, a spokesperson for the Secret Service said, ‘The U.S. Secret Service is cooperating with a wide range of reviews and investigations related to the attempted assassination on Former President Donald Trump. This includes multiple Congressional investigations, including inquiries by the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in the Senate, and a special bipartisan task force in the House of Representatives.’

‘Since July 13, we have provided more than 2,800 pages of responsive documentation to these entities and have made our employees available for interviews as requested. On Sept. 12, Acting Director Ron Rowe briefed members of U.S. House and Senate committees regarding the agency’s mission assurance investigation. Given the volume of requests, the jurisdiction of requesters, and the finite capacity of resources and staff to respond, the U.S. Secret Service is prioritizing our responses to those listed above.’

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This column began as a post on X/Twitter, one which resonated with the audience. Here is the revised and extended version of why former President Donald Trump should win your vote. 
Voting has begun in Pennsylvania, perhaps the single most crucial state in this election. 
Voting for president will accelerate on Saturday when Virginia opens its doors to early, in-person voting. Trump took to X on Tuesday, September 17, to urge Pennsylvania voters to get out and vote early. Republicans across the country seem to have fully absorbed the necessity of voting early — it is crucial in a race this close — but only the final tally will tell if they got the message. 

Analyst Nate Silver’s ‘prediction of victory odds’ gave  Trump a 59.7% chance of winning the election and Vice President Kamala Harris a 40% chance of winning on Tuesday morning, a week after the debate. (Note: Silver’s analysis is not a poll, but rather the widely respected Silver’s assessment of the odds of winning based on all the state polls and other crucial data.) 

Polls taken after the debate but before the second assassination attempt on Trump have Harris slightly ahead nationally but very much within the margin of error. Most analysts say she got a small bump from the debate but it is margin-of-error stuff at best and may be changing as she stumbles through the aftermath. (Her appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists was a fiasco for her if anyone sees it. She remains a jukebox with very few choices among her answers, all of them bad. A 7% cap on the cost of childcare?) The race is a frozen, jump ball of a race, with each candidate possessing a good chance of winning. 
The takeaway from all this, and what I emphasized in my opening monologue on Tuesday, is that ‘the choice,’ voters must make is underway is upon them even as it is very much being debated across the country. 
That ‘choice’ is between Trump/Ohio Sen. JD Vance, Trump’s national security team, and his 3,000 other political appointees and Harris/ Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, her national security team and her 3,000 other appointees. 
At the end of his first term, Trump had Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor Ambassador Robert C. O’Brien, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and many more who are expected to return in a second Trump term in some role. Harris’s national security choices are almost a complete unknown save for Philip Gordon, her current National Security Advisor (a very unsettling prospect according to people who I know who know his record.) 

A key consideration for voters should be the national security team Trump or Harris will bring with them, along with the 3,000 appointees they will also place in every agency of the vast federal government beginning in late January. 
Trump’s appointees will be center-right to conservative men and women and Harris’s appointees are almost wholly unknown but, in many if not most cases, will be out-and-out radicals, far to the left of the mainstream. That’s the San Francisco way. That’s why San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley are in such ruins. They are all run by extreme ‘progressives,’ which really means radicals. 
Each candidate would also get to nominate judges and perhaps a Supreme Court justice or two, though there are no vacancies on the highest court now as there was when America voted in 2016. 
Trump’s and Harris’s views on judges as well as every other big issue are so completely different –on the need for a defense buildup, for the continuation of the 2017 tax cuts (they expire in 2025 if not extended and Trump wants to extend them and Harris does not), of whom our most deadly enemies are and how to deter them, on how to close the border (Harris simply won’t), on energy production including fracking, on Israel and its right to strike at its enemies, on the nature and specific threats posed by our enemies in China, Iran and Russia — that the choice should be very easy. Mine was. It is Donald Trump. I hope yours is too and that you forward this column to everyone you know. 

My choice to vote for Trump is driven by my faith in the Constitution and deep unwillingness to amend it, explicitly or via expansion and packing the Supreme Court by congressional legislation about the number of justices. Amendments to the Constitution’s provisions about the Supreme Court or underhanded laws expanding the number of justices, which has been fixed at nine since shortly after the Civil War, would mark the beginning of the rapid end of the rule of law in the country.  

Harris is pledged to radically changing the court. Trump is opposed to court-packing. That imperils the most important general feature of the Constitution — separation of powers — as well as the First Amendment specifically, the right to free speech and especially the free exercise clause of the First Amendment. This should matter to every person of faith, no matter their religious views or no views at all. 
My choice is also driven by knowledge — first-hand, personal knowledge gained while serving in the executive branch from 1984 to 1989, and by experience gained since 1989 when I left the Beltway for California to become a journalist, lawyer for clients needing land use permits from the federal government and a law professor at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law.  
My years as a young lawyer fresh off a clerkship with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, began as a member of the Reagan administration in 1984. The jobs 40 years ago showed me how the federal government actually runs. I worked as a lawyer in the White House Counsel’s office, for two attorneys general at the Department of Justice, and at the Office of Personnel Management.

I went through the ‘advice and consent’ process in the Senate and helped run OPM first as its general counsel, then as it’s confirmed deputy director and finally as it’s acting director at the close of the Reagan administration. From 1984 to early 1989, I had the highest security clearance level available — TS-SCI (though I was not read into every compartment of ‘Specialized Compartmented Information’ because my work was on counterintelligence matters and domestic security issues, not overseas surveillance and operations.) 
Five of my seven jobs from those years long ago were from among those 3,000 jobs that appointees of incoming presidents do not require Senate confirmation. A vast majority of the appointees of a president do not require Senate confirmation, and the policies all appointees ought to be pursuing are directed at least in theory by the president. Those are the actual results of the election. To repeat: Very few of the 3,000 are confirmed by the Senate to an ‘Executive Level’ position. (I held two of those.) 
If a voter grasps how many people leave and arrive with a change of presidents, they should approach the choice in November with that legion of appointees in mind. Harris’s appointees will be far, far to the left of the American mainstream. Trump’s are a jumble of what used to be called ‘Rockefeller Republicans’ and ‘Goldwater Republicans.’  

Trump is the least ideological president since Richard Nixon, period. He innovated on the domestic level — setting up the Environmental Protection Agency, for example, and staffing his White House within all comers from all camps, from Daniel Patrick Moynihan to Henry Kissinger to George Schultz and Donald Rumsfeld. Trump’s few critics in the GOP — a list of 200 people out of tens of thousands who served GOP presidents have endorsed Harris are mostly opposed to Trump and not to his policies.  

Such lists of endorsements are neither significant nor influential because most voters do not care about endorsements, whether it is 20, 200 or 2,000. They want to know whether the candidates and their policies and appointees will impact them and their children and grandchildren and the quality of their lives, particularly the economy and their personal security. 
On security, our enemies fear Trump and cannot possibly fear Harris, who simply lacks the minimum skills to be president, much less restore American defenses and deterrence. 
Harris won’t. She is afraid of interviews! How could our most serious enemies fear her if she fears the New York Times and the Washington Post and all the major networks? 
Understand what that means: She has given two interviews in the two months since she became the selected nominee of the Democrats, and both were disasters even though neither CNN’s Dana Bash nor Philly TV journalist Brian Taff pushed her hard or posed any follow-ups, much less pointed ones on her non-responsive answers to their questions.  

She’s become a parody of herself, a jukebox with a half dozen bad choices of answers, none of them responsive to the direct questions asked her. Again and again, she refuses to answer questions. It is probably because she lacks the knowledge to do so. 
In the one debate Trump and Harris held, neither ABC/Disney’s duo of David Muir and Linsey Davis, primed to ‘fact check’ Trump, said a word about Harris’s startling, indeed disqualifying, answer that no American troops were in combat zones. (Either she doesn’t know or she just wanted to lie to get a talking point out there — either way it should be disqualifying for anyone who aspires to be commander-in-chief.)  

There was not one question in that debate about the People’s Republic of China’s genocide of the Uyghurs, repression of Hong Kong, threatening Taiwan and the Philippines, its spying in the U.S. or its influence campaign on TikTok. (This void may have been imposed on Muir and Davis because of Disney’s vast business interests in Communist China including two theme parks). That debate should be forever embarrassing to ABC/Disney and the moderators.  

It is as though a debate in 1940 between FDR and Wendell Wilkie did not feature a question about Imperial Japan. The good news is that this ambush of Trump did not significantly halt his momentum but may have done so to Harris because of the troops-in-combat zone and the attention it brought to Springfield, Ohio, and other communities staggering under sudden, massive influx of migrants who have been granted protected status by President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris. 

The election is very close, and it should not be. There are many people, people whom I respect greatly, who have been so unsettled by the aesthetic that the former president brings with him that they won’t vote for him. I can’t change their minds, and some of those minds have been closed to Trump since 2015 and some since January 6, 2021. They simply cannot get past their last issues with Trump, even though some of them surely know Harris lacks the very minimum skills needed to be president. 
Their sunk costs cannot be unburdened from themselves, but the vast, vast majority of voters are not frozen in time or particular enmity toward either candidate. Thus, for the next 45 days, I am going to devote every hour on air and every appearance on other programs and every column I write to making the case for Trump. It is a very easy case to make. 

I believe the future of my grandchildren depends greatly on this election. The CCP led by Xi Jinping is a mortal threat to every American. Our ally Israel needs every assistance we can provide to it to defeat Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. Iran is very close to obtaining but must not get a nuclear weapon. 

I fear Harris on all counts far more than I fear Trump cutting off aid to Ukraine which I do not believe will happen. The Constitution will be stressed by an influx of Harris radical judges and directly assaulted by her ‘court reform’ plan, which is really court packing. Her prosecutors will continue the weaponization of the law against political opponents and will ignore crime in the way that prosecutors in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and other cities have done so. 

My choice to vote for Trump is driven by my faith in the Constitution and deep unwillingness to amend it, explicitly or via expansion and packing the Supreme Court by congressional legislation about the number of justices.

Next, ‘energy is freedom’ is one of my favorite sayings, not only because it is true — from putting gas in your car to drive to revenues to the U.S. Treasury, revenues which depend heavily on American productivity which is built on the cost of energy. The only way to really bring down prices is to bring down the cost of their production and the cost of their transportation to market.  

The U.S. must absolutely ‘drill, baby drill,’ but also throw everything at the new generation of nuclear power plants and the export of liquified natural gas. Our ‘AI’ (and super-computing) future depends on our soaring base load of energy production. China will dominate artificial intelligence and super-computing and thus the world if we do not at least keep pace with them and that means vastly more domestic energy production. 

Hugh Hewitt is host of ‘The Hugh Hewitt Show,’ heard weekday mornings 6am to 9am ET on the Salem Radio Network, and simulcast on Salem News Channel. Hugh wakes up America on over 400 affiliates nationwide, and on all the streaming platforms where SNC can be seen. He is a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel’s news roundtable hosted by Bret Baier weekdays at 6pm ET. A son of Ohio and a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Michigan Law School, Hewitt has been a Professor of Law at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law since 1996 where he teaches Constitutional Law. Hewitt launched his eponymous radio show from Los Angeles in 1990.  Hewitt has frequently appeared on every major national news television network, hosted television shows for PBS and MSNBC, written for every major American paper, has authored a dozen books and moderated a score of Republican candidate debates, most recently the November 2023 Republican presidential debate in Miami and four Republican presidential debates in the 2015-16 cycle. Hewitt focuses his radio show and his column on the Constitution, national security, American politics and the Cleveland Browns and Guardians. Hewitt has interviewed tens of thousands of guests from Democrats Hillary Clinton and John Kerry to Republican Presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump over his 40 years in broadcast, and this column previews the lead story that will drive his radio/ TV show today.

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Falcon Gold Corp.(TSXV:FG)(3FA:GR)(OTCQB:FGLDF); (‘Falcon’ or the ‘Company’) is pleased to report drilling has commenced at our Great Burnt Copper Project (the ‘Property’) located in Central Newfoundland. The Company has completed 8kms of additional road to the drill site from the government access road which we share Benton Resources

Karim Rayani, Chief Executive Officer and director stated: ‘We are excited to have our inaugural drill campaign underway at our Great Burnt Project. The magnetic signature suggests that Falcon controls the northern extension of the same magnetic feature that Benton Resources has had recent success in drilling and sampling. We will be initially testing ten geophysical anomalies and will plan to extend the program once we receive the necessary government approvals.’

The Great Burnt Copper Property

Falcon holds 2,275 hectares in the Great Burnt camp, with licenses located north of, and contiguous to, Benton Resources Inc. – Homeland Nickel (previously known as Spruce Ridge Resources Ltd.) Great Burnt Copper-Gold joint venture (see Figure 1). Benton Resources Inc. (‘Benton’) optioned the Great Burnt Copper-Gold Project from Spruce Ridge Resources Ltd. (now known as Homeland Nickel) in an agreement that allowed Benton to earn a 70% interest in the property (see press release dated July 17, 2024). The Benton property is host to the Great Burnt Copper Zone, a deposit with an indicated resource of 381,300 tonnes at 2.68% Cu and inferred resources of 663,100 tonnes at 2.10% Cu (Benton option – Homeland Nickel). Recent drilling by Benton at the Great Burnt Copper Deposit reported drill results that returned 7.20% Cu, 7.12 g/t Ag, and 0.05% Co over 12.30 metres (see press release dated December 5, 2023). Previous drilling in 2020 by Spruce Ridge reported 8.06% Cu over 27.2 m (see press release dated March 18, 2021).

The Great Burnt Greenstone Belt is prospective for copper and gold and further hosts the South Pond A and South Pond B copper-gold zones and the End Zone copper prospect along a 14 km mineralized corridor. The mineralized corridor occurs along a conductive trend, and this conductive trend continues into Falcon’s Great Burnt Copper Property (see right-hand-side image in Figure 1).

Figure 1. Drill Target Location Map at Great Burnt Copper Project with Falcon Claims in Red and Benton – Homeland Nickel (previously Spruce Ridge) Great Burnt Copper-Gold joint venture in Green.

Figure 2. Great Burnt Copper Project area with Falcon claims in orange and Benton – Homeland Nickel (previously Spruce Ridge) Great Burnt Copper-Gold joint venture in blue. New claims cover conductive trends hosting copper and gold mineralization.

Qualified Person

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mike Kilbourne, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Falcon Gold Corp.

Falcon is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on generating, acquiring, and exploring opportunities in the Americas. Falcon’s flagship project, the Central Canada Gold Mine, is approximately 20 km southeast of Agnico Eagle’s Hammond Reef Gold Deposit which currently has an estimated 3.32 million ounces of gold (123.5 million tonnes grading 0.84 g/t gold) mineral reserves and 2.3 million ounces of measured and indicated mineral resources (133.4 million tonnes grading 0.54 g/t gold). The Hammond Reef gold property lies on the Hammond shear zone, which is a northeast-trending splay off the Quetico Fault Zone (‘QFZ’) and may be the control for the gold deposit. The Central Gold property lies on a similar major northeast-trending splay of the QFZ.

The Company holds multiple additional projects: the Viernes Gold/Silver/Copper project in the world-class copper cluster located in Antofagasta, Chile; the Springpole West Property in the world-renowned Red Lake mining camp; a 49% interest in the Burton Gold property with Iamgold near Sudbury Ontario; the Spitfire-Sunny Boy, claims in B.C.; the Great Burnt Copper Project, and Golden Brook projects in Central Newfoundland, adjacent to First Mining, Matador, Benton-Sokoman-Piedmont JV; and most recently battery metals projects, Timmins West Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Property Ontario, Outarde Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Property, HSP Nickel-Copper property in northern Quebec and the Havre St. Pierre Anorthosite Complex respectively.

Falcon Gold Corp.

‘Karim Rayani’


Karim Rayani
Chief Executive Officer, Director
Telephone: (604) 716-0551

CHF Capital Markets
Cathy Hume
Telephone: (416) 868-1079 x 251

Twitter: @FalconGoldCorp
Facebook: @FalconGoldCorp
LinkedIn: @FalconGoldCorp
Instagram: @FalconGoldCorp

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Language and Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

SOURCE:Falcon Gold Corp.

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