


A long-term study of Havana Syndrome patients was shut down after a National Institute of Health (NIH) internal review board found the mishandling of medical data and participants who reported being pressured to join the research. The study had until now not found evidence linking the participants to the same symptoms and brain injuries. The internal investigation that halted the study was prompted by complaints from the participants about unethical practices.

This comes after the intelligence community released an interim report last year concluding a foreign adversary is ‘very unlikely’ to be behind the symptoms hundreds of U.S. intelligence officers are experiencing, despite qualifying for U.S. government funded treatment of their brain injuries. 

‘The NIH investigation found that regulatory and NIH policy requirements for informed consent were not met due to coercion, although not on the part of NIH researchers,’ an NIH spokesperson said in a statement to Fox News.

A former CIA officer, who goes by Adam to protect his identity, was not shocked that the study was shut down.

‘The way the study was conducted, at best, was dishonest and, at worst, wades into the criminal side of the scale,’ Adam said.

Adam is Havana Syndrome’s Patient Zero because he was the first to experience the severe sensory phenomena that hundreds of other U.S. government workers have experienced while stationed overseas in places like Havana and Moscow, even China. Adam described pressure to the brain that led to vertigo, tinnitus and cognitive impairment.

Active-duty service members, spies, FBI agents, diplomats and even children and pets have experienced this debilitating sensation that patients believe is caused by a pulsed energy weapon. 334 Americans have qualified to get treatment for Havana Syndrome in specialized military health facilities, according to a study released by the U.S. government accountability office earlier this year.

Adam, who was first attacked in December 2016 in his bedroom in Havana described hearing a loud sound penetrating his room. ‘Kind of like someone was taking a pencil and bouncing it off your eardrum… Eventually I started blacking out,’ Adam said.

Patients, like Adam, who participated in the NIH study raised concerns the CIA was including patients who didn’t really qualify as Havana Syndrome patients, watering down the data being analyzed by NIH researchers. Meanwhile, also pressuring those who needed treatment at Walter Reed to participate in the NIH study in order to get treatment at Walter Reed.

‘It became pretty clear quite quickly that something was amiss and how it was being handled and how patients were being filtered… the CIA dictated who would go. NIH often complained to us behind the scenes that the CIA was not providing adequate, matched control groups, and they flooded in a whole litany of people that likely weren’t connected or had other medical issues that really muddied the water,’ Adam said, accusing the NIH of working with the CIA.

The CIA is cooperating.

‘We cannot comment on whether any CIA officers participated in the study. However, we take any claim of coercion, or perceived coercion, extremely seriously and fully cooperated with NIH’s review of this matter, and have offered access to any information requested,’ a CIA official told Fox News in a statement noting that the ‘CIA Inspector General has been made aware of the NIH findings and prior related allegations.’ 

Havana Syndrome victims now want to pressure the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) to retract the two articles published last spring using early data from the NIH study that concluded there were no significant MRI-detectable evidence of brain injury among the group of participants compared with a group of matched control participants.

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Pope Francis on Friday urged Catholic voters to ‘choose the lesser evil’ between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

The pope criticized Harris’ support of abortion rights as being an ‘assassination,’ while he also chastised Trump, saying ‘not welcoming migrants is a sin.’ 

‘You must choose the lesser evil,’ Francis told reporters in a press conference held from his papal airplane following a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania. ‘Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? I don’t know. Everyone, in conscience, [has to] think and do this.’

But he also said, ‘Not voting is ugly. It is not good. You must vote.’

Harris has said that she wants to codify Roe v. Wade into law if elected, and Trump has promised the ‘largest mass deportation in American history of our country.’ 

The pope didn’t specify which candidate, if either, he personally prefers. 

On abortion, he said, ‘It is an assassination. On these things we must speak clearly. No ‘but’ or ‘however.” 

On Trump’s deportation plans, the pope said: ‘Not giving welcome to migrants is a sin. It is grave.’

‘Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one who that kills children, both are against life,’ he claimed. 

Trump previously sparred with the pope in 2016, after the pontiff claimed that his plan to build a wall along the Mexican border was ‘not Christian.’ 

‘I’m a very good Christian,’ Trump responded at the time in a news conference, ‘He’s questioning my faith. I was very surprised to see it.’ 

Trump called questioning a person’s faith ‘disgraceful,’ claiming that the pope was being used as a ‘pawn’ by the Mexican government. 

The pope has also previously criticized President Biden’s stance on abortion. Biden is a Catholic, but supports a woman’s right to choose, which Francis called an ‘incoherence’ in a 2022 interview, saying that he would leave it to Biden’s ‘conscience.’ 

There are more than 50 million Catholics in the U.S., including a sizable number of voters in swing states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

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Billionaire conservative philanthropist Leonard Leo, who operates a vast network of conservative nonprofits, called on his groups to start ‘weaponizing’ their ideas, something he said the left has been championing over the years. 

A letter sent to groups supported by Leo’s 85 Fund on Wednesday said it would be undergoing a ‘comprehensive review’ of entities it supports, and ‘will be adjusting the extent to which it funds ideas and policy development.’ The goal, according to Leo’s letter, is to ensure their philanthropic efforts are not overly focused on ‘ideation,’ or as Leo describes it, ‘the development of and education about conservative ideas and policies.’ Rather, Leo wants his groups to adopt more aggressive tactics that ‘weaponize’ their ideas and produce more tangible results, something he suggested liberals have championed effectively for their causes.  

‘The Left built powerful networks of activists, academics, journalists, and philanthropists, along with professionals from other disciplines, who could collaborate to influence public attitudes and generate political pressure on public officials,’ Leo said. ‘They invested in talent pipelines to populate the power centers inside government, where policy would be implemented. They incubated litigation as a means of leveraging the law to produce change. And, beyond politics and law, left-wing philanthropy built or took over enormous infrastructure to control various cultural chokepoints.’

‘In contrast,’ Leo continued, ‘vastly insufficient funds are going toward operationalizing and weaponizing [conservative] ideas and policies to crush liberal dominance.’


Leo’s letter cited the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation and the Hansjörg Wyss-backed Arabella Advisors as examples of groups that ‘incubate action-oriented campaigns.’ He pointed to their support of nationwide NGOs like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). SJP has been at the forefront of drumming up anti-Israel sentiment at college campuses across the country since Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack that killed over a thousand innocent Israelis and took hundreds hostage. Meanwhile, WPATH has been at the forefront of the transgender movement, publishing standards of care that doctors and public officials alike have used to justify ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors.

‘With donors like Hansjörg Wyss and the Arabella Advisors network having billions at their disposal, the left is able to significantly outspend the conservative movement to shift American society,’ Leo told Fox News Digital. ‘Consequently, we need to do more with less, focusing on leveraging the conservative movement’s talent to have impact, if we want to be successful.’

Leo is the co-chairman and former executive vice president of the Federalist Society, a group focusing on advancing the principles of a limited, constitutional government, particularly in the legal world. He has been credited with transforming the Federalist Society into the powerhouse lawfare organization it is today with more than 70,000 members. Meanwhile, Leo has also been considered one of the foremost influences on former President Trump’s Supreme Court nominations. Prior to Trump’s selection of Federalist Society-backed Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, Leo drew up a list of potential judges that Trump released during his 2016 campaign.  


After Trump was elected, Leo stepped away from his daily duties with the Federalist Society, but remained its co-chair. Meanwhile, in 2022, Leo’s Marble Freedom Trust received a $1.6 billion gift from American businessman and GOP donor Barre Seid. Leo still has roughly $1 billion left to spend, the Financial Times reported this week after analyzing public financial disclosures. A representative for Leo declined to share how many total NGOs receive financial support from the 85 Fund. 

‘[W]e need to do more with less, focusing on leveraging the conservative movement’s talent to have impact, if we want to be successful.’

‘Expect us to increase support for organizations that call out companies and financial institutions that bend to the woke mind virus spread by regulators and NGOs, so that they have to pay a price for putting extreme left-wing ideology ahead of consumers,’ Leo said during a rare interview he granted to the Financial Times. 

Leo told the outlet that his Marble Freedom Trust has been increasingly focused on going after ‘woke’ banks and China-friendly entities across a range of sectors, such as food production and artificial intelligence. Leo also indicated he plans to invest in local media in the U.S. over the next year.  

The call from Leo for his groups to ‘operationalize’ and ‘weaponize’ their ideas has been met with anger from liberal critics. 

‘Leonard Leo’s brazen call to ‘weaponize’ the conservative movement further exposes his strategy of using his dark money network to force his right-wing agenda on everyday Americans and stack the deck in favor of the powerful few,’ said Carolina Ciccone, president of NGO watchdog Accountable.US. ‘Let’s be very clear: This isn’t just about shaping conservative thought — it’s about weaponizing the very institutions that are set up to protect the rights of everyday Americans to serve the interests of right-wing special interests.’

Jay Willis, former GQ writer and current editor-in-chief of progressive commentary website Balls & Strikes, accused Leo of trying to rebrand ‘as an Elon Musk-style culture warrior who rants about the ‘woke mind virus.’’

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Former President Trump’s 2024 campaign and the Republican National Committee are facing a fundraising deficit to Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

But RNC chair Michael Whatley vows that the Trump campaign and the GOP’s national committee ‘absolutely have the resources’ to win in November.

Harris’ campaign, touting an ‘historic, 24-hour haul,’ this week showcased their fundraising prowess in the immediate aftermath of the first and potentially only debate between the vice president and Trump.

The money raked in by the Harris campaign was the latest sign of the vice president’s surge in fundraising in the nearly two months since she replaced President Biden atop the Democrats’ 2024 national ticket.

Word of the post-debate fundraising comes a week after the Harris campaign announced that they hauled in $361 million in August, nearly triple the $130 million raised by the Trump campaign.

Asked about the fundraising, Whatley in a Fox News Digital interview Tuesday at the presidential debate in Philadelphia, responded that ‘the Democrats have a ton of money. The Democrats always have a ton of money.’

But he emphasized that ‘we absolutely have the resources that we need to get our message out to all the voters that we’re talking to and feel very comfortable that we’re going to be able to see this campaign through and we’re going to win on November 5.’

Longtime Republican strategist and communicator Ryan Williams noted that in the 2016 presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton ‘vastly out raised Donald Trump and it didn’t make a difference. He was able to essentially commandeer free media and push his message without having to spend a lot of money on TV ads.’

‘People have an opinion about Donald Trump. You can run tens of millions of dollars in negative ads against him but the cake’s kind of already baked in terms of his public perception,’ added Williams, a veteran on multiple GOP presidential campaigns. ‘Harris is less known and less defined. I think the Trump campaign will have adequate resources to define her.’

The Harris campaign highlights that it is investing much of its fundraising dollars into its grassroots outreach and get-out-the vote efforts, noting that it’s ‘putting its resources to reach the voters who will decide the election.’

The large ground game operation, originally constructed when Biden was the nominee, according to the campaign, includes over 312 offices and more than 2,000 staff in the key battlegrounds coordinated between the presidential campaign, the DNC, and state Democratic parties.

In a straight Harris campaign and the DNC comparison to the Trump campaign and the RNC, the Democrats enjoy a sizable ground game advantage. But Trump is relying on a handful of aligned outside groups to help run turnout operations that are traditionally performed by a presidential campaign. 

Whatley took issue with the suggestion that the Democrats enjoyed a stronger get-out-the-vote operation.

‘No, they don’t have a stronger ground game. I feel very, very comfortable about the ground game we’re putting in place through Trump Force 47,’ the RNC chair told Fox News Digital.

Williams emphasized that ‘the ground game will be critical given how tight the margins are in the key battleground states and could tip the balance of the election.’

‘In this race, where each critical race seems to be within a point, the ground game can make a difference, and you need resources, and you need organization to run an effective ground game, to identify persuadable voters and turn them out,’ he added. ‘Democrats will have a very formidable operation and in many states will try to bank votes early.’

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Galloper Gold Corp. (CSE:BOOM)(OTC PINK:GGDCF)(Frankfurt:W9F) (the ‘Company’ or ‘Galloper’) is pleased to announce that Phase 1 diamond drilling has commenced at the Company’s Glover Island Project where Galloper’s 100%-owned claims cover most of the 40-km-long under-explored Island situated in the prolific ‘Four Corners’ region of Western Newfoundland featuring major deposits of gold, copper and salt

Galloper’s initial drilling is targeting a significant expansion of the known orogenic gold system at Glover Island, while a potential new discovery is emerging adjacent to the gold trend on the western side of the Island where a multi-kilometre-long copper anomaly has been identified through recent Galloper soil sampling combined with an historic VTEM Survey.


Diamond drilling has started 6 km north of the known historic gold deposit at Glover Island in an area known as ‘Lucky Smoke’ where limited previous exploration has occurred;

Lucky Smoke is one of multiple gold showings at Glover Island where a contact zone, highly favorable for gold deposition, continues along a minimum 12-km trend;

The copper anomaly is in an area of Glover Island never previously explored due to very limited outcrop. Prospecting and mapping are following up on recent soil samples and an historic (2008) VTEM Survey. More information on this early-stage prospect will be provided in the near future once more data is received and interpreted.

Mr. Hratch Jabrayan, Galloper CEO, commented: ‘Glover Island represents compelling new discovery opportunities well beyond the known historic deposit defined more than a dozen years ago, so we’re excited to begin the drilling phase of our work there. Most of Glover Island has never been systematically explored as evidenced by the copper anomaly we’ve uncovered on the western side of the Island. The convergence of major faults at Glover Island and the widespread presence of ‘the right rocks’ is an excellent recipe for a potential large-scale system consistent with what has been observed elsewhere in this ‘Four Corners’ region of Western Newfoundland.’

Glover Island Geological Setting

Glover Island is situated in very favorable terrane along the regional Baie-Verte Brompton Line-Cabot Fault Zone (BCZ), a major boundary between the Humber and Dunnage Zones.

Glover Island in a Broader Regional Context

62 km south is Caliber Gold’s multi-million ounce Valentine Gold mine slated for production beginning in 2025;

55 km due west is the prolific past producing Buchans mine (1928-1984), one of the richest base metal mines in Canadian history, in an area that includes recently defined resources and a number of prospects;

82 km southwest is Atlas Salt’s world class Great Atlantic Salt Project advancing toward the construction phase.

Figure 1 – ‘Four Corners’ Region of Western Newfoundland

Investors are cautioned that mineralization on adjacent properties is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization at Glover Island or the potential for a resource.

Phase 1 Diamond Drilling

Galloper’s initial drilling at Glover Island is focusing on the Lucky Smoke Showing which resides in the Kettle Pond Formation, approximately 6 km down strike of the known Lunch Pond deposit contiguous to Galloper’s claims. Drilling at Lucky Smoke is aimed at confirming and extending both to depth and along strike the gold occurrences identified from limited historic drilling and trenches in this area.

CEO Hratch Jabrayan Video Profile

Click on the following link to learn more about Hratch, Galloper Gold’s new CEO.

Glover Island Property Map

Qualified Person

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Peter Lauder, P.Geo., Director and Senior Geologist for Galloper Gold. Mr. Lauder is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical information contained herein under National Instrument 43-101 standards.

Acknowledgment – Newfoundland & Labrador Junior Exploration Assistance Program

Galloper Gold acknowledges the financial support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

About Galloper Gold Corp.

Galloper is focused on mineral exploration in the Central Newfoundland Gold Belt with its Glover Island and Mint Pond properties, each prospective for gold and base metals. The Glover Island Property consists of 532 mining claims totaling 13,300 hectares while Mint Pond consists of 499 claims totaling 12,475 hectares.

For more information please visit and the Company’s profile on SEDAR+ at

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Mr. Hratch Jabrayan
CEO and Director
Galloper Gold Corp.

Company Contact:
Tel: 778-655-9266

Investor Relations:
MarketSmart Communications
Tel: 877-261-4466

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words ‘anticipate’, ‘plan’, ‘continue’, ‘expect’, ‘estimate’, ‘objective’, ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘project’, ‘should’, ‘predict’, ‘potential’ and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company cannot give any assurance that they will prove correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, they involve inherent assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of assumptions, factors and risks. These assumptions and risks include, but are not limited to, assumptions and risks associated with mineral exploration generally, risks related to capital markets, risks related to the state of financial markets or future metals prices and the other risks described in the Company’s publicly filed disclosure.

Management has provided the above summary of risks and assumptions related to forward-looking statements in this news release in order to provide readers with a more comprehensive perspective on the Company’s future operations. The Company’s actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits the Company will derive from them. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and, other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

SOURCE:Galloper Gold Corp.

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Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) (‘Energy Fuels’ or the ‘Company’), an industry leader in uranium and rare earth elements (‘REE‘) production for the energy transition, is pleased to announce that the Federal Court of Australia (the ‘Court‘) has today made orders approving the proposed acquisition of Base Resources Limited (‘Base‘) by Energy Fuels by way of a scheme of arrangement under Australia’s Corporations Act (the ‘Scheme‘).

As previously announced on April 21, 2024, under the Scheme, Energy Fuels will acquire 100% of the issued shares of Base in consideration of the issuance by the Company of 0.026 Energy Fuels Common Shares for every Base share held and the payment by Base of a special dividend of AUD $0.065 per Base share.

Mark S. Chalmers, President and CEO of Energy Fuels stated: ‘I am very pleased that the Court has approved Energy Fuels’ combination with Base Resources. This approval is the final approval required before closing, which is expected to occur on October 2, 2024. We look forward to developing the world-class Toliara Project with Base’s experienced team as a major step in our development of a world-class critical minerals company at a time when geopolitics is making domestic supply chains more important than ever. I am also very pleased to see that the recent improvements in REE prices are continuing, with the price of NdPr now at approximately $59.60 per kilogram.’

As a next step, a copy of the Court order will be lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (‘ASIC‘) and the Scheme will become effective, which is expected to occur on September 13, 2024. As a result, September 13, 2024, is expected to be Base’s last day of trading on the Australian Stock Exchange (‘ASX‘). The Special Dividend (AUD$0.065 per share) is expected to be paid to Base shareholders on October 1, 2024, and implementation of the Scheme is expected to occur on October 2, 2024.

The Toliara Project is subject to negotiation of fiscal terms with the Madagascar government and the receipt of certain Madagascar government approvals and actions before a current suspension on activities at the Toliara Project will be lifted and development may occur.


Energy Fuels is a leading US-based critical minerals company. The Company, as a leading producer of uranium in the United States, mines uranium and produces natural uranium concentrates that are sold to major nuclear utilities for the production of carbon-free nuclear energy. Energy Fuels recently began production of advanced rare earth element (‘REE‘) materials, including mixed REE carbonate in 2021, and commenced production of commercial quantities of separated REEs in 2024. Energy Fuels also produces vanadium from certain of its projects, as market conditions warrant, and is evaluating the recovery of radionuclides needed for emerging cancer treatments. Its corporate offices are in Lakewood, Colorado, near Denver, and substantially all its assets and employees are in the United States. Energy Fuels holds two of America’s key uranium production centers: the White Mesa Mill in Utah and the Nichols Ranch in-situ recovery (‘ISR‘) Project in Wyoming. The White Mesa Mill is the only conventional uranium mill operating in the US today, has a licensed capacity of over 8 million pounds of U3O8 per year, and has the ability to produce vanadium when market conditions warrant, as well as REE products, from various uranium-bearing ores. The Nichols Ranch ISR Project is on standby and has a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds of U3O8 per year. The Company recently acquired the Bahia Project in Brazil and entered into a joint venture agreement to develop the Donald Project in Australia, each of which is believed to have significant quantities of titanium (ilmenite and rutile), zirconium (zircon) and REE (monazite) minerals. In addition to the above production facilities, Energy Fuels also has one of the largest NI 43-101 compliant uranium resource portfolios in the US and several uranium and uranium/vanadium mining projects on standby and in various stages of permitting and development. The primary trading market for Energy Fuels’ common shares is the NYSE American under the trading symbol ‘UUUU,’ and the Company’s common shares are also listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the trading symbol ‘EFR.’ Energy Fuels’ website is

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains certain ‘Forward Looking Information’ and ‘Forward Looking Statements’ within the meaning of applicable United States and Canadian securities legislation, which may include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: any expectation that the Company will maintain its position as a leading U.S.-based critical minerals company or as a leading producer of uranium in the U.S.; any expectation that the acquisition of Base Resources will be completed or if completed, completed on the terms and time proposed; any expectation that Energy Fuels will be successful in agreeing on fiscal terms with the Government of Madagascar or in achieving sufficient fiscal and legal stability for the Toliara Project, if acquired; any expectation that the current suspension relating to the Toliara Project will be lifted in the near future or at all; any expectation that the Toliara Project will be developed; any expectation that the Company will become a world-class critical minerals hub; and any expectation that the Company’s evaluation of radioisotope recovery at the Mill will be successful. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as ‘plans,’ ‘expects,’ ‘does not expect,’ ‘is expected,’ ‘is likely,’ ‘budgets,’ ‘scheduled,’ ‘estimates,’ ‘forecasts,’ ‘intends,’ ‘anticipates,’ ‘does not anticipate,’ or ‘believes,’ or variations of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results ‘may,’ ‘could,’ ‘would,’ ‘might’ or ‘will be taken,’ ‘occur,’ ‘be achieved’ or ‘have the potential to.’ All statements, other than statements of historical fact, herein are considered to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements express or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include risks associated with: commodity prices and price fluctuations; engineering, construction, processing and mining difficulties, upsets and delays; permitting and licensing requirements and delays; changes to regulatory requirements; legal challenges; the availability of feed sources for the Mill; competition from other producers; public opinion; government and political actions; the failure of the Company to complete the acquisition of Base Resources; the failure of the Government of Madagascar to agree on fiscal terms for the Toliara Project or provide the approvals necessary to achieve sufficient fiscal and legal stability on acceptable terms and conditions or at all; the failure of the current suspension affecting the Toliara Project to be lifted on a timely basis or at all; the failure of the Company to provide or obtain the necessary financing required to develop Toliara Project and the Company’s other projects; available supplies of monazite; the ability of the Mill to produce REE carbonate, REE oxides or other REE products to meet commercial specifications on a commercial scale at acceptable costs or at all; market factors, including future demand for heavy mineral sands and/or REEs; actual results may differ from all such estimates and projections; the ability of the Mill to recover radium or other radioisotopes at reasonable costs or at all; market prices and demand for medical isotopes; and the other factors described under the caption ‘Risk Factors’ in the Company’s most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is available for review on EDGAR at, on SEDAR+ at, and on the Company’s website at Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management’s estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update the information in this communication, except as otherwise required by law.


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NorthStar Gaming Holdings Inc. (TSXV: BET) (OTCQB: NSBBF) (‘NorthStar’ or the ‘Company’) today announced that the Company has issued a $3 million unsecured, interest-bearing promissory note dated as of September 13, 2024 (the ‘Note’) to Playtech plc. The Note shall bear interest of 8% per annum, payable in arrears at maturity. Unless otherwise accelerated pursuant to its terms, the Note will become immediately due and payable on the earlier of (i) April 25, 2025; and (ii) the date on which the Company or any of its subsidiaries completes additional financing transactions with aggregate gross proceeds of at least $10 million, subject to certain exceptions. Proceeds from the Note will be used to fund the Company’s continued growth and for general corporate purposes.

‘We welcome the opportunity to strengthen our balance sheet as we continue to advance the fundamentals of our business by delivering above-market growth,’ said Michael Moskowitz, Chair and CEO of NorthStar.

The issuance of the Note constitutes a ‘related party transaction’ within the meaning of TSX Venture Exchange (‘TSXV’) Policy 5.9 and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (‘MI 61-101’), as Playtech plc or its affiliates have control or direction over securities of the Company carrying more than 10% of the voting rights attached to the Company’s outstanding voting securities. In respect of such ‘related party transaction’, the Company is relying on the exemptions from the valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 contained in sections 5.5(a), 5.5(b), 5.7(1)(a) and 5.7(1)(f) of MI 61-101. A material change report was not filed by the Company at least 21 days before the closing of the Note offering, as the Company was required to sign and close expeditiously. In the view of the Company, this approach is reasonable in the circumstances. The Note offering was approved by all of the independent directors of the Company.

About NorthStar

NorthStar proudly owns and operates NorthStar Bets, a Canadian-born casino and sportsbook platform that delivers a premium, distinctly local gaming experience. Designed with high-stakes players in mind, NorthStar Bets Casino offers a curated selection of the most popular games, ensuring an elevated user experience. Our sportsbook stands out with its exclusive Sports Insights feature, seamlessly integrating betting guidance, stats, and scores, all tailored to meet the expectations of a premium audience.

As a Canadian company, NorthStar is uniquely positioned to cater to customers who seek a high-quality product and an exceptional level of personalized service, setting a new standard in the industry. NorthStar is committed to operating at the highest level of responsible gaming standards.

No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Statements

This communication contains ‘forward-looking information’ within the meaning of applicable securities laws in Canada (‘forward-looking statements’), including without limitation, statements with respect to the following: the expected benefits of the Note and use of proceeds, the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under the Note, and the ability of the Company to obtain additional financing. The foregoing are provided for the purpose of presenting information about management’s current expectations and plans relating to the future and allowing investors and others to get a better understanding of the Company’s anticipated financial position, results of operations, and operating environment. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as ‘plans’, ‘expects’, ‘is expected’, ‘budget’, ‘scheduled’, ‘estimates’, ‘continues’, ‘forecasts’, ‘projects’, ‘predicts’, ‘intends’, ‘anticipates’ or ‘believes’, or variations of, or the negatives of, such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results ‘may’, ‘could’, ‘would’, ‘should’, ‘might’ or ‘will’ be taken, occur or be achieved. This information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. This forward-looking information is based on management’s opinions, estimates and assumptions that, while considered by NorthStar to be appropriate and reasonable as of the date of this press release, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward- looking information. Such factors include, among others, the following: risks related to the Company’s business and financial position; risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry risks; future legislative and regulatory developments; the ability of the Company to implement its business strategies; and those factors discussed in greater detail under the ‘Risk Factors’ section of the Company’s most recent annual information form, which is available under NorthStar’s profile on SEDAR+ at Many of these risks are beyond the Company’s control.

If any of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or if the opinions, estimates or assumptions underlying the forward-looking information prove incorrect, actual results or future events might vary materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, there may be other risk factors not presently known to the Company or that the Company presently believes are not material that could also cause actual results or future events to differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. No forward-looking statement is a guarantee of future results. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information, which speaks only as of the date made. The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents NorthStar’s expectations as of the date specified herein, and are subject to change after such date. However, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities laws.

All of the forward-looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements.

For further information:

Company Contact:
Corey Goodman
Chief Development Officer

Investor Relations:
RB Milestone Group LLC (RBMG)

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“Teslas don’t grow on trees”, Reuters journalist Ernest Scheyder wrote in The War Below, highlighting conflict between government mandates on electric vehicles and public policies hampering new metal flows into EV supply chains. The conundrum at the heart of American author Scheyder’s book is the same one executives at the world’s major miners, and many investors in the industry, are grappling with.

“This is the schizophrenia we’re seeing in the world,” says the chair of US-based Clareo, Peter Bryant.
“You’ve got this energy transition that’s going from fossil fuels to a minerals-dependent system. The same people that are pushing that are largely anti-mining.
“Against this backdrop, I [new mine developer] need to speed up and go from a 20-year nightmare to five years, or whatever it is, which also involves changing how we do mining as well.
“But governments issuing new mine approvals are being heavily influenced by a very heavy anti-mining lobby, or ecosystem.
“So these two things are totally at odds with each other. And somehow that’s got to be a reconciled.”

Bryant, an advisor to mining and energy majors, and governments, through Clareo, returns to IMARC in Sydney in October to talk about where mining and metals really fit in the world’s energy transition, shifting energy, transport and infrastructure supply chains, and a future circular economy.

These are conversations that seem to become more nuanced with each passing month.

Bryant says miners need to innovate and find ways to become integral parts of circular economic systems. They need to “lean into” recycling and evolve into materials solution providers. They also have to advance traditional project development models.

“I think the age of major, $10 billion or $20 billion massive mines, outside of iron ore and coal, is in the past,” Bryant says.
“I just don’t think you can do them anymore. The main reason is, yes, there is increased demand coming, but how big is it? And when is it? I can’t build a 50- year mine to meet a 10-year demand peak, and then it drops off.”

In that context, the “20-year nightmare” of resource discovery, permitting and development, to production, is “just not sustainable anymore”.

“It’s a huge challenge for the industry.”

Nick Bell, global sector lead, mining, minerals and metals with global engineering group, Worley, agrees the industry is “entering a critical phase where retaining trust in the business case of mining projects will be challenging”.

“The next few years will be tricky for several reasons, including higher costs resulting from the scale and complexity of mines, extended infrastructure and decarbonisation requirements of assets, geological challenges, and supply chain price volatility,” Bell says.
“That’s why we’ll see a two or three speed economy evolve … as a select few miners power ahead to build additional production capacity in future facing commodities.”

Bell says bigger miners harvesting robust cash flows from iron ore, gold and copper assets, and sitting on strong cash reserves, can pivot capital towards copper and other energy transition metals.

He says: “All miners now deploy capital with appropriate rigor. The middle speed, however, is made up of mostly mid-tier miners who will be obliged to adopt a particularly cautious approach to capital deployment. This may delay their pivot, widening the gap to the mining majors.”

Bell believes all operators will need to demonstrate the “integrity of their approach” from an environmental, social and governance (ESG) standpoint. He says miners of all sizes face common ESG challenges.

“It’s difficult to deliver minerals and metals to the market quickly,” he says.
“One reason for this is a lack of trust within the investment community and stakeholders in mining projects.”

Global sustainability advisory firm ERM’s analysis of more than 100 critical minerals projects indicated that between 2017 and 2023 nearly 60% of operators reported pre-production delays ranging from a few months to several years. Permitting issues (39% of projects), technical challenges (36%) and commercial issues (26%) topped the list of headwinds, but ERM found environmental concerns (24%) and stakeholder opposition (17%) contributed to delays.

“With mining projects regularly taking up to 20 years to reach production, we could well see critical minerals shortages before 2030 which could significantly hinder the global energy transition,” ERM’s Henry Hall says.

Impacts and benefits in different places

Hall, who heads the firm’s EMEA socio-political team, says mining companies are “struggling to decide what commodities to prioritise, what capital investments will derisk their operating assets from an ESG perspective, and which of their investors’, customers’ and stakeholders’ preferences to pay most attention to”.

“This is exacerbated by the interrelated nature of ESG risks which seem either too expensive to mitigate, difficult to measure, uncertain to predict, or to trade off against each other, forcing companies into ESG whack-a-mole, where solving one issue often exacerbates another.
“What’s more, the uncertain and rapidly evolving nature of societal expectations and technological capabilities mean that what solution looks best right now may well become defunct in future.
“Various companies, governments and investors have been grappling with the question of how to shorten timelines to production while also raising the bar on best practice management of environmental and social issues.
“In basic terms, in order to be successful, mining projects must be able to effectively demonstrate that they will minimise any negative impacts, and that the benefits that the project will deliver will be far outweighed any impacts that remain.
“Often the challenge is that the impacts and benefits are not felt in the same place – most often the negative impacts being felt locally and the positive more at the national level – and that companies underestimate the political nature of the process, concentrating more on the technical and scientific solutions that regulators demand than on perceptions of, and engagement with, impacted communities and influencers.”

Rohitesh Dhawan, CEO of the International Council on Mining and Metals ICMM, picked up this theme while in Australia this month.

“The industry has done arguably a good job with messaging around providing the materials that are needed for a clean energy transition … however, that messaging still doesn’t seem in many parts of the world to be resonating with the local communities who are the ones who have the daily impact of a mine in their neighbourhood,” he said.
“While the benefits of mining are local, they are regional and they are global, any impacts from mining are always local. We have sometimes, I think, given the impression that that’s okay because the world benefits from the stuff we do, and we’ve just got to rebalance that a bit to make sure that nobody feels like they have to be collateral damage in the world’s rush to produce these critical minerals, essential as they are.
“That means focusing as much on how we mine as what our products are used for.”

ERM critical minerals director Toby Whincup says de-risking feasibility stage projects will be crucial to the smooth and efficient progression of mining projects.

“To prevent permitting delays or stakeholder opposition, developers need to work to decouple projects from stakeholders’ negative preconceptions of mining by taking the time to build trust early through open and equal dialogue,” he says.
“ERM’s sustainability model for mining, The Mine We All Want to See, outlines a more forward-looking approach for miners, based on hard wiring positive environmental and social outcomes, defined through stakeholder collaboration, into project design from inception.”

International private equity investor in emerging mining companies, Resource Capital Funds (RCF), says heightened investor and societal ESG expectations plus the proliferation of ESG frameworks and standards mean navigating the ESG landscape is increasingly complex.

“We’re risk and opportunity focused,” says RCF principal Lauren McGregor.
“What are the material risks to the project and to the returns that we want? That’s a consistent approach that we’ve taken.
“We’re a fundamental investor. We’ve got technical expertise, which we use to assess the ESG risks and opportunities in-depth, often in close consultation with our portfolio companies. I think for generalist investors it’s often a lot harder to step beyond ESG scoring mechanisms and establish exactly what it is that they’re looking for when they’re making investments in mining companies.
“For specialist mining investors like RCF that focus on ESG as a core component of value and have deep, internal expertise and experience managing these issues, it has stayed pretty consistent.
“But I think across the board, the expectations of mining companies and making sure that they are managing their environmental risks appropriately, that they’re making a positive contribution socially, that is going to continue to become more and more important.
“Certainly we’re seeing permitting processes become more lengthy, in some cases because companies are doing more work on understanding and adapting projects to manage environmental or social impacts, but in others it’s simply due to bureaucracy and duplication.
“Permitting delays, unpredictability and increasing costs are a huge barrier to investment in the mining industry
“In terms of the social side of things we are definitely seeing companies need to engage at an earlier stage. We like to see that companies have engaged with the local communities and stakeholders at an earlier stage. We don’t want to see transactional and reactive behaviours.
“We’re seeing the most success in projects that have really good communication channels with the local stakeholders, and they’re actually listening and responding and being able to demonstrate how they responded to feedback from the community.
“It does take longer to do it that way. But I think ultimately those are the projects that we think will be most successful over the long term.”

While a new $1 billion gold mine in Australia is not going to add to the world’s critical mineral stocks, this month’s bizarre federal intervention in the McPhillamys project approval process on ESG grounds has added to industry concerns about political interference in otherwise transparent mine development paths.

Sam Berridge, portfolio manager at small-company investment firm Perennial Partners, says access to land and permitting are becoming more significant hurdles for the industry.

“Just recently we’ve seen the [federal] environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, kibosh a gold project which had all state and traditional owner approvals already in place in New South Wales,” Berridge says.
“That sort of thing really is a kick in the guts for the mining industry

“The industry spends millions of dollars on going through these approval processes, doing the environmental surveys, doing the engineering, doing the consulting with communities and what-not.“This is where the real hurdle is.
“I think that the major mining houses would like to invest in new projects but the problem is getting a new greenfields project up and running these days takes 12 to 15 years. So even if you found a good one, which is a challenge in itself, the returns from that project are going to the next generation of investors rather than current ones.
“So for that reason, M&A is looking much more appealing than new projects.

Meanwhile, Perennial’s Ewan Galloway says copper is emblematic of the industry’s so-called technical challenges.

He says even though large mines such as Cobre Panama, Kamoa-Kakula and Oyu Tolgoi have begun production in recent years, “it has been a rocky road characterised by multiple delays, capex overruns and fractious negotiations with governments”.

“In the meantime, mine grades have continued to decline, and large-scale production remains dominated by mines that started production before 2000.”

Galloway says the capital intensity of new projects continues to escalate.

“Twenty years ago you would have been looking at US$4000-to-$5000 [per tonne of installed capacity].
“Maybe a decade ago, $10,000-to-$15,000.
“And now, when you look at some of the recent projects coming through, you’re probably looking at closer to $25,000-to-$30,000, if you’re lucky. Some of the recent ones, like Cobre Panama, for example, which is now basically in care maintenance, was closer to $40,000-odd.
“And what’s driving a lot of that, when you sit there and talk to BHP, Rio and all the large copper names, is that the tier one jurisdictions and tier one mining locations have by and large been exhausted. So instead you are having to go further afield.
“That initial capital expenditure is rising as you’re having to work in areas where there’s not necessarily the infrastructure and there’s ongoing inflation around wages and other inputs.
“So we’re expecting to see that [capital intensity] continue to grow.
“I think that’s making it pretty unsustainable at the moment when you look at the incentive prices currently for copper.”

*ESG in Mine and Project Development at IMARC 2024 will canvass the industry’s sustainable mine and project development challenges and opportunities and also look at these through an investor lens. International experts will examine the Role of Mining and Metals in the Circular Economy, and review the evolving mining standards landscap

Hear more from

Peter Bryant
Chair, Clareo & ChairDevelopment Partner Institute
Development Partner Institute

Nick Bell
Global Sector Lead Mining, Minerals and Metals

Toby Whincup
Global Director – Critical Minerals

Lauren McGregor
Principal – Credit Funds
ResourceCapital Funds


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Biren Technology, a Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) chip developer seen as a potential rival to industry leader NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA), is making preparations for an initial public offering (IPO).

The South China Morning Post reported that the Shanghai-based company has recently begun the IPO process by enlisting the services of Guotai Junan Securities, one of the largest brokerage firms in China.

The IPO preparations, referred to as the “tutoring” process, are mandatory for companies in China before they file for a public listing. The news outlet notes that this phase typically lasts between three and 12 months, depending on the complexity of the company’s business and its compliance with regulatory requirements.

Biren Technology was founded in 2019 by Zhang Wen, a veteran of the semiconductor industry, and has positioned itself as a leader in the production of graphics processing units (GPUs) designed for AI applications.

The company launched its first high-performance chip, the BR100, in 2022. The BR100 made waves, particularly in the US, over claims it had broken computing power records. However, the chip is no longer listed on Biren’s website, and its current product lineup focuses on the Bili series of GPUs, which are now in mass production.

Biren is one of several Chinese companies attempting to fill the gap left by NVIDIA and Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD), which are barred from selling their most advanced chips to Chinese firms due to US export controls.

Reports show that the firm has secured more than US$780 million across eight funding rounds, with a significant portion of this money coming from venture capital firm HongShan (formerly Sequoia China).

Trade blacklist could derail Biren’s momentum

Despite its ambitions to go up against NVIDIA, Biren’s path forward hasn’t been without obstacles. It’s faced commercial roadblocks due to its inclusion on the US Department of Commerce’s trade blacklist.

This designation has prevented Biren from collaborating with major semiconductor players like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (NYSE:TSM,TPE:2330), which would typically produce its chips.

At the same time, Biren’s efforts to raise capital through an IPO come as China is pushing to reduce its dependence on foreign technology. The Chinese government has prioritized the development of its semiconductor industry, offering substantial state support to companies like Biren. Concerns have been raised about the sector’s heavy reliance on state-backed investments, which some industry experts arguing it could pose risks to long-term sustainability.

Currently, neither Biren nor the China Securities Regulatory Commission has disclosed details regarding the potential location for the listing or the target amount for fundraising.

Securities Disclosure: I, Giann Liguid, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index (INDEXTSI:JX) gained 35.21 points this week to close at 580.43. Meanwhile, the S&P/TSX Composite Index (INDEXTSI:OSPTX) was up 787.22 points to finish the week at 23,568.65.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics released its final two inflation reports ahead of the next meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on September 17 and 18. The central bank is widely expected to make a 25 basis cut to its key policy rate, however, there has been some speculation it is considering a larger 50 point cut as inflation eases and it seeks to normalize the economy.

First, on Wednesday (September 11), the Bureau detailed its consumer price index (CPI) for August. In the release, it indicated that all items inflation increased 0.2 percent on a monthly basis and 2.5 percent year-on-year. The 12 month increase was the lowest, February 2021 when it increased by 1.7 percent. It’s also an indicator that inflation is edging closer to the Fed’s 2 percent target rate.

The Bureau followed up on Thursday (September 12) with the release of producer price index (PPI) data for August. It showed a monthly increase of 0.2 percent in final demand owed to a 0.4 percent increase in services, which had declined 0.3 percent in July. On a 12 month basis, the PPI saw a 1.7 percent gain in August.

Across the Atlantic, the European Central Bank made a 0.25 percent cut to its benchmark rate Thursday, the second of the year, as inflation there also tracks closer to the bank’s 2 percent target. Much like the US Federal Reserve, the ECB is taking a data-based approach in setting its policy, offering little insight into future decisions and making decisions on a meeting-by-meeting basis.

The combined news caused the price of gold to soar toward the US$2,600 mark, trading at US$2,580.76 at 4:00 p.m. EDT on Friday (September 13). Silver also saw strong gains, breaching the US$30 mark for the first time since July 18, to end the day at US$30.74. More broadly, commodities saw gains with the S&P GSCI (INDEXSP:SPGSCI) gaining 1.61 percent on the week to close Friday at US$519.09

Equity markets, which largely fell off following Wednesday’s CPI release, also saw broad gains at the end of the week, with the S&P 500 (INDEXSP:INX) gaining 3.4 percent to close at 5,626.01, the Nasdaq 100 (INDEXNASDAQ:NDX) jumping 5.04 percent to 19,514 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) increasing 2.07 percent to 41,393.77.

How has this week’s news impacted Canadian resource stocks? Here are the top 5 gainers on the TSX and TSX Venture Exchange.

1. Clean Air Metals (TSXV:AIR)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 87.5 percent; market cap: C$15.06 million; share price: C$0.075

Clean Air Metals is a junior platinum group elements (PGE) exploration company focused on its 100 percent owned Thunder Bay North critical minerals project.

The site lies within a region that hosts several mining operations including the Lac Des Iles mine owned by Impala Platinum Holdings (OTCQX:IMPUF,JSE:IMP) and the Eagle mine owned by Lundin Mining (TSX:LUN,OTC Pink:LUNMF).

Shares in Clean Air saw gains this week after it provided an exploration update on Tuesday (September 10) from Thunder Bay North. In the announcement it said it had received assay results from the first two holes of its summer drilling program.

The company provided highlighted intercept of 4.92 grams per metric ton (g/t) platinum, 4.66 g/t palladium, 1.07 percent copper and 0.55 percent niobium over 51.79 meters, including 25.82 g/t platinum, 24.5 g/t palladium, 6.94 percent copper and 3.87 percent niobium over 0.97 meters.

2. Orosur Mining (TSXV:OMI)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 66.67 percent; market cap: C$15.42 million; share price: C$0.075

Orosur Mining is an exploration company focused on the development of early to advanced-stage assets in South America.

Its flagship Anzá gold project in Colombia is a 49/51 joint venture with Minera Monte Aguila (MMA), a corporation owned equally by Newmont (TSX:NGT,NYSE:NEM) and Agnico Eagle Mines (TSX:AEM,NYSE:AEM).

MMA is currently the operator of Anzá. Exploration has revealed multiple gold deposits at the site, which is located 50 kilometers west of Medellin and sits along Colombia’s primary gold belt.

Orosur also owns several early-stage projects, the El Pantano gold-silver project in Argentina, the Lithium West project in Nigeria and the Ariquemes project in Brazil, which is prospective for tin, niobium and rare earths.

Shares in Orosur gained this week following an announcement on Tuesday (September 10) that the company had completed negotiations for the binding share purchase agreement of the Anza gold project originally announced in March. Once completed, Orosur will once again own a 100 percent share of the project.

Under the amended terms of the agreement, MMA will receive a 1.5 percent net smelter royalty, plus a fixed royalty of US$75 per ounce of gold or gold equivalent of the first 200,000 ounces produced.

3. Q2 Metals (TSXV:QTWO)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 54.84 percent; market cap: C$99.51 million; share price: C$0.72

Q2 Metals is a gold and lithium exploration company with operations in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Québec, Canada, as well as in Queensland, Australia.

Its flagship asset is the Mia lithium property in Québec, which consists of 171 mineral claims. Exploration at the site began in 2023, with surface mapping taking place in June and its inaugural drill program commencing in October. In addition to Mia, the company also owns the Stellar Lithium property 6 kilometers north of Mia, which consists of 77 claims covering 3,972 hectares.

The company’s lone Australian asset is the Big Hill gold project, which comprises several historic mines including Big Hill, Queenslander, Monte Cristo and Sultan, and Taylor.

Shares in Q2 saw gains this week after the company provided visual results from the three holes drilled for its summer drill program at the Cisco lithium project. In the announcement, Q2 said it had encountered the longest continuous spodumene-pegmatite interval produced on site at 347.1 meters.

4. Western Resources (TSX:WRX)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 55.56 percent; market cap: C$28.62 million; share price: C$0.07

Western Resources is a potash exploration and development company working to advance its flagship Milestone project.

Located 35 kilometers south of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, Milestone is situated on 84,557 acres of Crown held mineral leases and 65,305 acres of freehold leases. To date the company has completed 11 exploration wells on the property along with 2D and 3D seismic studies.

According to a November 2021 NI 43-101 report, proven reserves stood at 11.7 million metric tons with an average grade of 32.4 percent potassium chloride (KCI), with probable reserves of an additional 19.5 million metric tons at an average grade of 33.5 percent KCI.

In the company’s most recent management discussion and analysis released on August 14, it detailed the progress of the progress, indicating construction of the first phase of the project was completed in August 2023 and entered into the operational readiness stage in September 2023, with first trial production commencing in November and December 2023.

The second trial production ran from March to early May 2024 after which operations were suspended on site to focus on obtaining additional project financing.

Western Resources saw gains this past week but hasn’t released further updates on financing for the Milestone project.

5. Magna Mining (TSXV:NICU)

Company Profile

Weekly gain: 50 percent; market cap: C$156.04 million; share price: C$1.20

Magna Mining is a mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its Crean Hill nickel-copper-PGE project and Shakespeare nickel project in Canada. Both Crean Hill and Shakespeare are brownfield projects located near Sudbury, Ontario, that have seen historic mining operations.

The more advanced 255.9 hectare Crean Hill project has seen extensive exploration and development work during the first six months of the year, and signed a milling agreement with Glencore (OTC Pink:GLCNF, LSE:GLEN) June 4 for a surface bulk sampling program. The company expects work on the sampling program to be completed during the second half of the year.

Shakespeare is composed of 29 patented and 787 mining claims covering an area of 18,074 hectares. The site hosts a past-producing mine and has permits in place for a 4,500 metric ton per day mine, mill and tailings storage.

Shares in Magna saw gains this week following an announcement on Thursday that it entered into a definitive share purchase agreement with KGHM International a subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź (OTC Pink:KGHPF) subsidiary to acquire the producing McCreedy West copper mine, the past producing Levack mine, Podolsky mine and Kirkwood mine along with controlling stakes in several exploration properties in the Sudbury Basin.

FAQs for TSXV stocks

What is the difference between the TSX and TSXV?

The TSX, or Toronto Stock Exchange, is used by senior companies with larger market caps, while the TSXV, or TSX Venture Exchange, is used by smaller-cap companies. Companies listed on the TSXV can graduate to the senior exchange.

How many companies are listed on the TSXV?

As of June 2024, there were 1,630 companies listed on the TSXV, 925 of which were mining companies. Comparatively, the TSX was home to 1,806 companies, with 188 of those being mining companies.

Together the TSX and TSXV host around 40 percent of the world’s public mining companies.

How much does it cost to list on the TSXV?

There are a variety of different fees that companies must pay to list on the TSXV, and according to the exchange, they can vary based on the transaction’s nature and complexity. The listing fee alone will most likely cost between C$10,000 to C$70,000. Accounting and auditing fees could rack up between C$25,000 and C$100,000, while legal fees are expected to be over C$75,000 and an underwriters’ commission may hit up to 12 percent.

The exchange lists a handful of other fees and expenses companies can expect, including but not limited to security commission and transfer agency fees, investor relations costs and director and officer liability insurance.

These are all just for the initial listing, of course. There are ongoing expenses once companies are trading, such as sustaining fees and additional listing fees, plus the costs associated with filing regular reports.

How do you trade on the TSXV?

Investors can trade on the TSXV the way they would trade stocks on any exchange. This means they can use a stock broker or an individual investment account to buy and sell shares of TSXV-listed companies during the exchange’s trading hours.

Data for this 5 Top Canadian Mining Stocks article was retrieved at 1:00 p.m PST on September 6, 2024, using TradingView’s stock screener. Only companies trading on the TSX and TSXV with market capitalizations greater than C$10 million are included. Companies within the non-energy minerals and energy minerals sectors were considered.

Article by Dean Belder; FAQs by Lauren Kelly.

Securities Disclosure: I, Dean Belder, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

Securities Disclosure: I, Lauren Kelly, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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