


True North Copper Limited (ASX:TNC) (True North, TNC or the Company) is pleased to announce it is progressing mining activities at the Wallace North deposit, part of its Cloncurry Copper Project (CCP) in Queensland1, on schedule.


Mining activities at TNC’s Wallace North deposit, part of its Cloncurry Copper Project (CCP) in Queensland, continue to successfully ramp up in line with the current CCP mine plan.TNC remains on track to become Australia’s next copper producer and critical metals supplier in Q1 2025 via its restart of CCP.Circa 155k BCM (Bank Cubic Metres) of overburden has been mined to date with approximately 6,000t of oxide ore mined and placed on the Wallace North RoM.Oxide ore is now being transported to the Great Australia Mine (GAM) crusher with stacking on the leach pad to commence October 2024.CCP is estimated to generate free cash flow of ~$200 million at current copper spot prices over its initial 4.6-year mine life.TNC is focussed on growing its workforce to support its objectives at CCP including the recruitment of a substantial number of personnel by mid-October for the GAM and Wallace North.

TNC last week commenced transportation of first oxide ore from the Wallace North pit to the Great Australia Mine (GAM) crushing facility. Irrigation of the ore will commence October 2024 and contribute to improved copper production from the Solvent Extraction (SX) plant. This will be the first ore mined by TNC that will be added to the heap leach since commissioning the SX plant in 2023.

In July, TNC announced the commencement of mining activities at Wallace North, one of four open-pit deposits making up CCP. Wallace North has an Ore Reserve totalling 0.7Mt (Probable) grading 1.01% Cu and 0.46g/t Au for 6.8kt Cu and 10.0koz Au2.

TNC has binding offtake and toll milling agreements with global commodity trader Glencore International AG for 100% of copper concentrate produced at CCP and toll milling of up to 1Mt of ore per year3. Under the toll milling agreement, sulphide ore will be transported to a third-party concentrator for toll treatment.


True North Copper’s Managing Director, Bevan Jones said:

“Our team at Wallace North has continued to advance mining activities on schedule with the current CCP mine plan. TNC’s progress towards becoming Australia’s next copper producer has taken significant steps forward since our previous Wallace North update, with 6,000t of oxide ore having now been mined and transportation of this ore to the GAM crusher underway. We expect to commence stacking of this ore on the leach pad in October, the next milestone in this process that we are now targeting. This is the first new copper ore mined and added to the heaps by TNC.

In parallel, TNC is focussed on growing our workforce to deliver on these objectives at CCP. The recruitment process continues for the GAM and Wallace North, with a substantial number of positions to be filled by mid-October.

‘This progress on both fronts strengthens TNC’s position not only as an emerging copper and critical metals company, but also as a North Queensland-based company focused on providing opportunities within the communities in which it operates. As mining activities progress further at CCP, we look forward to continuing to provide regular updates.”

Wallace North Mining Update

Since TNC announced the commencement of mining activities at Wallace North4 (refer ASX Announcement dated 1 July 2024), the Company has mined circa 155k BCM of overburden and is on schedule with the current CCP mine plan. Along with the 155k BCM, approximately 6,000t of oxide ore has been mined and placed on the Wallace North RoM to date.

Since exposing the oxide ore in the Wallace North open cut pit, the Company has been stockpiling ore on the Wallace North RoM for road haulage to commence. TNC has now commenced transportation of the oxide ore by road train to the COH’s heap leach. Sulphide ore will then be transported to a nearby concentrator for toll treatment under TNC’s toll-milling agreement with Glencore. Transitional and Sulphide ores are anticipated to be mined and stockpiled in the December quarter.

The COH is 2km from the town of Cloncurry in northern Queensland and will service all four of TNC’s deposits with essential infrastructure, technical systems and support. An active oxide heap leach and solvent extraction (SX) processing plant, mine buildings, site administration facilities, workshops, open pit mine facilities, onsite explosive magazines, site storage, water management systems and existing site power supply are located at the COH.

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35m @ 3.3 g/t gold equivalent (Au Eq.) and 17m @ 2.4 g/t Au Eq. in OEDD-8952m @ 2.0 g/t Au Eq. in OEDD-9032m @ 2.1 g/t Au Eq. in OEDD-92BBM’s strike length expanded from around 400 to over 600 metres, with mineralization defined from surface to 250 metres depth with true widths of up to 50 metres.Assay results are pending for 6 more holes from this drill program, from both BBM and Charger.Awalé will start a new 8,000-metre drill program, fully-funded by Newmont, in Q4/2024.

Awalé Resources Limited. (TSXV: ARIC) (‘Awalé’ or the ‘Company’) is pleased to announce partial results of a follow-up drilling program from the BBM Zone at the Odienné Project in Côte d’Ivoire.

‘The high-grade core of BBM has now expanded to over 600 metres, with mineralization remaining open in multiple directions and showing signs of increasing grade at depth. BBM remains open, with a style of mineralization that allows for relatively straightforward growth and delineation of an open pit resource. These results emphasize this discovery’s potential scale and significance, and we are eager to expand BBM further as we continue to define this target with additional drilling beginning shortly,’ commented Andrew Chubb, CEO of Awalé Resources.

About BBM Zone

BBM is a grassroots discovery by Awalé (see January 11, 2024 new release), whose gold and copper mineralization and alteration system are controlled by a shear zone that follows an intrusive/sedimentary contact. Drilling completed at BBM covers approximately 2 kilometres of strike along an 8 kilometre long geochemical gold in termitaria geochemical trend this shear zone (link to Figure 1 and link to Figure 2). Awalé followed-up on its January 2024 BBM discovery with intersections announced in March 2024 (see March 18, 2024 news release).

All 24 holes, totalling over 6,808 metres, at BBM have intercepted mineralization (link to Figure 3 long section) and were drilled in three (3) phases, with pending results for two holes (OEDD-97 and OEDD-98). Drilling was completed on 13 sections with an average spacing of 100 metres between sections and up to 500 metres step-outs to the SE (link to Figure 4). Interpretation of the drilling completed suggests that mineralization at BBM is steeply dipping (70 to 80 degrees) with a gentle plunge (45-55 degrees) toward the northwest.

Figures 1 and 2: Combined for the BBM Target (see links below for high resolution) – Plan View , left is simplified Geology showing the 8km the open geochemical anomaly to the NW and SE, and right showing location of the BBM drilling withing this target trend.

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Alteration at BBM is dominated by silica and biotite with pyrite, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite as the main sulphide species. Recent drilling has shown the presence of footwall mineralization beyond the footwall contact with metasediments to the north side of the structure, where fingers of granodiorite intrude the footwall metasediments. Drilling has also confirmed grade continuity of the mineralization as well as tested for new parallel shoots along the 8km of open strike. The follow-up drilling reported in this release has outlined a core zone of robust high-grade mineralization over 600m and a vertical depth of 250m. The two deeper holes with results pending have also intercepted target geology and alteration with sulphide mineralization.

Extending the higher grade core to over 600 metres demonstrates the robust nature of the mineralization and represents a substantial increase in the BBM Zone’s definition and potential. Further exploration drilling is expected to enhance the understanding of the target in this promising new region of Côte d’Ivoire. After the wet season, the Company plans to advance the BBM target with an 8,000-metre aircore drill program targeting extensions and satellites and RC drilling in shallower areas within the discovery zone.

The program which consisted of 3,627 metres drilled across 10 diamond holes and 2 diamond tails, (hole extensions from previous drilling, targeting footwall mineralization), has significantly extended the known high-grade core of the zone to over 600 metres. It also confirmed the potential for further expansion along strike and down dip/plunge, as well as within the footwall of the main zone. These results indicate increasing grades at depth, and confirm that mineralization remains open along strike and down plunge within the 1.3-kilometre zone. Results are pending for diamond drill holes OEDD-97 and OEDD-98, the two deepest holes for the program, which have traversed target mineralization from approximately 440m downhole in OEDD-97 and 430 metres downhole in OEDD-98.

A full table of significant intercepts for the program is provided in Table 1 below, along with drill collar locations in Table 2.

LINK TO BBM’s OEDD-89 Drill Core Photos


Table 1: Significant Intercepts

Hole From
(m) to
gm AuEq
Trigger g/tOEDD0073147173260.60.160.51310.915230.2including15015220.90.140.6141.1220.5including160173130.80.240.82301.311170.5OEDD0089318353352.20.481.95673.3771140.5Including31932562.30.271.010713.514212Including330353232.50.602.33653.659831and 377394171.80.300.91952.431410.5Including38439063.10.551.63534.119252OEDD0090181233521.50.210.92342.0801040.2Including212231192.60.311.12463.250622OEDD0091120173530.60.130.61300.934480.2and 134169350.80.140.61581.128390.5OEDD0092848950.70.461.5181.3470.5Including848512.71.826.1385.2371and 27831032.001.50.361.31382.148670.50Including28730215.002.40.381.31813.035451.00OEDD009319923334.000.60.593.0401.522510.20Including1801822. 21123221.000.80.743.9401.917400.50Including2152161.001.40.943.8272.8131.00Including2202211. 29831719. 33335421. 3533541.001.80.351.3432.3221.00OEDD009518520419.000.30.361.4240.86160.20Including1921931.000.60.813.5631.7120.50Including2032041.001.20.361.571.7120.50and 2122131. 2172181.000.60.722.9461.6120.50and 2382391. 14116221.

Table 2: BBM Drilling Collar Cable

HOLEIDEASTINGNORTHINGRL_MAZIM_TRUEDIPEOH_MCommentsOEDD0065655949.041048015.91450.1935.00-55.00209.51DD Tail from 66m (NSV)OEDD0073655796.271048113.92448.9535.00-55.00107.30DD Tail from 209mOEDD0089655813.071047963.67445.7131.20-57.47410.00OEDD0090655993.811047946.69450.6835.00-55.00317.27OEDD0091656138.391047853.14455.3035.00-55.00194.20OEDD0092655702.701048073.71451.0735.00-55.00335.30OEDD0093655379.891048249.71458.0835.00-55.00278.27OEDD0094655518.241048148.92457.5635.00-55.00398.30OEDD0095655305.161048288.12458.2035.00-55.00284.15OEDD0096656212.451047770.64460.1335.00-55.00191.18OEDD0097655771.521047907.10448.8135.00-55.00524.00Results PendingOEDD0098655709.291047942.84451.4035.00-55.00525.92Results Pending

About Awalé Resources

Awalé is a diligent and systematic mineral exploration company focused on discovering large high-grade gold and copper-gold deposits. The Company currently undertakes exploration activities in the underexplored regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Awalé’s exploration success to date has culminated in a fully funded earn-in joint venture with Newmont Ventures Limited (‘Newmont’), covering one permit and one application (the ‘Odienné Project JV’), within the greater Odienné Copper-Gold Project in the northwest of Côte d’Ivoire, where three gold, gold-copper, and gold-copper-silver-molybdenum discoveries have been made. The Sceptre East and Charger discoveries offer significant potential for growth with future discovery and resource development drilling. The Odienné Project JV has multiple pipeline prospects with similar geochemical signatures to Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) and intrusive-related mineral systems. The 400 km² of granted tenure and 400 km² under application remain underexplored and present substantial upside potential. The Odienné Project JV forms a solid foundation for the Company to continue exploring in a pro-mining jurisdiction that offers significant potential for district-scale discoveries. The greater Odienné Copper-Gold Project includes an additional four applications and an option agreement.

The Odienné Project JV

The Odienné Project JV covers one permit and one application within the greater Odienné Gold-Copper Project and is subject to an earn-in agreement with Newmont (see May 31, 2022 news release). Through this agreement, Newmont retains the option to earn a minimum 65% interest from Awalé in the Odienné Project JV in exchange for US$15 million in exploration expenditures. Newmont is funding the exploration program while Awalé manages the Odienné Project JV during the initial three-year phase.

Quality Control and Assurance

Analytical work for drill samples is being carried out at the independent Intertek Laboratories in Ghana and Australia, an ISO 17025 (2017) Certified Laboratory. Samples are stored at the Company’s field camps and put into sealed bags until collected by Intertek from the Company’s secure Odienné office and transported by Intertek to their preparation laboratory in Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire, for preparation. Samples are logged in the tracking system, weighed, dried, and pulverized to greater than 85%, passing a 75-micron screen. Two pulps are prepared from each sample with one stream to Intertek Ghana for fire assay and a second to Australia where the sample is analysed by 52 element ICP/MS with an Aqua Regia digest. Blanks, duplicates, and certified reference material (standards) are being used to monitor laboratory performance during the analysis. All fire assay samples returning greater than 5 g/t gold are routinely Screen Fire Assayed, in this special case lower than 5g samples up and down hole from the high grade interval in OEDD-88 were also subject to Screen Fire Assays. As a further QC precaution due to visible gold presence, Intertek was requested to insert a quartz wash between each sample in the mineralised interval, ensuring no sample contamination in the preparation process.

Mineralized Interval Calculations

Significant intervals reported in this news release are calculated downhole length weighted intercepts. For the BBM target initial mineralized are calculated at a 0.2 g/t trigger and include up to 5 metres internal waste for of delineation mineralized zones. Included intervals are at 0.5, 1g/t and 2g/t trigger values with 3m of internal waste only. Table 1 Contains a list of all BBM holes – including OEDD-70 and OEDD-75 which contain mineralized intervals at less than the 0.2 g/t Au trigger value. True Widths are estimated to be 70% of the downhole widths.

Au Equivalent Calculations

Au Equivalent is calculated using the following parameters in USD: Au – 1910/Oz (Troy), Cu 3.80/lb, Mo 40,000/Tonne and Ag 23.40/Oz (Troy) Prices are 12 month average for 2023 closing price, and the Formula AuEq = Au (g/t) + ((Cu(ppm) * 0.00014) + (Mo(ppm) * 0.00065) + (Ag(g/t)*0.01225)) assuming 100% recovery rates​.

Abbreviations Used in this Release

AgSilverAuGoldAu Eq.Gold EquivalentCuCopperCu Eq.Copper Equivalentg/tgrams per tonnekmKilometresmMetres

Qualified Person

The technical and scientific information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved for release by Andrew Chubb, the Company’s Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr Chubb is the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and holds an Economic Geology degree, is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and is a Member of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG). Mr. Chubb has over 20 years of experience in international mineral exploration and mining project evaluation.

AWALÉ Resources Limited
On behalf of the Board of Directors

‘Andrew Chubb’
Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Chubb, CEO
(+356) 99139117

Ardem Keshishian, VP Corporate Development & Investor Relations
+1 (416) 471-5463

The Company’s public documents may be accessed at For further information on the Company, please visit our website at

Forward-Looking Information

This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws (collectively ‘forward-looking statements’). Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, plans, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. All statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to statements regarding, the Company’s presence in Côte d’Ivoire and ability to achieve results, creation of value for Company shareholders, achievements under the Newmont JV, works on other properties, planned drilling, commencement of operations. Although the Company believes any forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations and assumptions in such statements will prove to be correct. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis as filed under the Company’s profile at Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including that all necessary governmental and regulatory approvals will be received as and when expected. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

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Hundreds of people, mostly women, gathered in cities around France on Saturday in support of Gisèle Pélicot, a woman whose husband is on trial, accused of drugging her and recruiting dozens of strangers to rape her over nearly a decade in a case that has shocked the nation.

Feminist associations have called for some 30 gatherings in cities ranging from Marseille to Paris, where on the Place de la Republique banners read “Support to Gisèle” or “Shame Must Change Camp” or “Victims We believe you”.

As her extraordinary story has rippled through France since the trial began earlier this month, Pélicot, now aged 72, has become a symbol of courage and resilience and of the fight against sexual violence.

It was her decision to forgo a private trial and instead insist on a public trial, due to run until December, to alert the public to sexual abuse and drug-induced blackouts, her lawyers have said.

“We thank her a thousand times for her enormous courage,” feminist Fatima Benomar from the “Coudes a Coudes” association told BFM TV, adding the gatherings were also to pay tribute to all rape victims.

The 71-year-old Dominique Pélicot is accused of repeatedly raping and enlisting strangers to abuse his heavily sedated wife in the couple’s home over the course of a decade.

He was initially due to testify this week but was finally excused due to ill health. He is expected to testify on Monday, provided he is in condition to do so.

Prosecutors said Pélicot offered sex with his wife on a website and filmed the abuse. Fifty other men accused of taking part in the abuse are also on trial.

Pélicot’s lawyer Beatrice Zavarro has told French media Pélicot admits to his crimes. Some of the other defendants have admitted their guilt while others say they thought the wife had pretended to be asleep, according to French media.

They each face up to 20 years in jail if found guilty.

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At least four people have died, thousands of homes have been damaged and hundreds have been evacuated after some of the heaviest rain in years hit central and eastern Europe.

A slow-moving low pressure system dubbed Storm Boris dumped a month’s worth of rain onto several of Europe’s historic capitals, including Vienna, Bratislava and Prague.

Four people have died in Romania, where the rainfall left hundreds stranded in flooded areas. Rescue services have been launched in hard-hit counties as authorities warn that they have recorded the heaviest rainfall in 100 years over the past 24 hours.

Rivers burst their banks in Poland and the Czech Republic. In Poland’s south, authorities ordered the evacuation of residences in the town of Glucholazy. The level of the river Biala Glicholaska rose by two meters, or 6.5 feet, overnight into Saturday.

After a difficult night and hundreds of incidents reported Poland’s Interior Minister, Tomasz Siemoniak told TVN24 they were “focusing on what the threats will be in the next few hours.”

Significant flooding is expected to continue in the Czech Republic, where authorities have ordered mandatory evacuations for some areas. Footage released by the Czech Republic Fire and Rescue Service showed flooded streets in the southern Benešově nad Černou municipality, where two women who didn’t follow evacuation orders had to be rescued by boat.

In Germany, southern and eastern states in particular are preparing for flooding. Flood warnings have been issued for rivers in the state of Saxony. In neighboring Austria, heavy rainfall has caused water levels to rise in several rivers, leading to rescue services being called out to parts of the country overnight.

Widespread and significant flooding is expected to continue through the weekend.

Red alerts, the highest level of warning, have been issued for portions of Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. This level of alert is associated with “intense meteorological phenomena” and “major damage is likely,” according to Meteoalarm.

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At least two people have been killed and 29 injured in a train collision in Egypt, the country’s health ministry said Saturday.

Thirty ambulances and reinforcement medical teams were sent to the scene of the collision in the city of Zagazig, the capital of Al Sharkia governorate, the ministry said in a statement.

The injured people were transferred to Al-Ahrar and Zagazig University hospitals in the city, and “rescue operations are still ongoing,” the statement added.

Images from the scene showed crowds of people gathered around the twisted wreckage of the trains as the rescue operations took place.

There has been a deadly accident on Egypt’s aging railway system almost every year for the past 20 years. Egypt recorded 2,044 train accidents in 2018 and 1,793 the year before, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).

In 2021, at least 32 people were killed and 165 injured when two trains collided. In 2019, at least 25 people were killed and dozens injured in a fire at Ramses station in central Cairo, the country’s busiest, after a train collided with the platform, causing its fuel tank to explode.

A collision between two trains in Alexandria, Egypt’s second largest city, in August 2017 left more than 40 dead and many more injured.

In 2012, 44 children died after a train crashed into a school bus in Egypt’s Asyut governorate.

But the most lethal accident in Egyptian rail history occurred in 2002, when a fire on a passenger train traveling south from Cairo to Luxor killed more than 360 people.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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Venezuela says it has seized 400 US rifles and arrested foreigners – Americans among them – who it claims are linked to an alleged plot to “destabilize” the country.

The Venezuelan interior minister Diosdado Cabello made the claim in a press conference on Saturday. The minister said that in addition to the Americans, two Spanish and one Czech citizen were arrested.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

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The Israeli military says it targeted Hezbollah “weapons storage facilities” in multiple airstrikes across Lebanon on Saturday.

One of the strikes – on the outskirts of the town of Al-Kawakh, in the Baalbek-Hermel governorate – injured four people, three of them children, according to the Lebanese health ministry. The ministry said all of the injured required hospital treatment.

Another of the strikes hit “empty shops” in the town of Sareen in Baalbek, reported the state-run Lebanese news agency NNA.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed carrying out strikes in the Beqaa and Baalbek areas, saying it had targeted Hezbollah weapons storage facilities.

It said it had also struck Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in seven other areas of Lebanon, in the south.

The strikes follow what the IDF described as a barrage of 55 projectiles being fired from Lebanese to Israeli territory earlier on Saturday morning. The IDF said the projectiles were aimed at the Upper Galilee and Galilee areas.

The Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah claimed it had shelled the headquarters of an Israeli military brigade in Yiftach Eliklit, northwest of Lake Tiberias, “with dozens of Katyusha rockets.”

Hezbollah also claimed to have carried out several attacks on northern Israel throughout Saturday with rockets and drones targeting Israeli military sites. It described those attacks as being “in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and their valiant and honorable resistance.”

There have been almost daily exchanges of fire across the Israel-Lebanon border since war broke out between Israel and Hamas in Gaza following the October 7 attack.

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India’s second nuclear-capable ballistic missile submarine joined its naval fleet late last month, a move the government says strengthens its nuclear deterrent as New Delhi casts a wary eye at both China and Pakistan.

But India is still playing catch-up, at least compared with China, as the People’s Liberation Army grows its fleet – as well as its land and air capabilities – amid simmering tensions along their shared border.

The nuclear-powered sub, INS Arighaat – “Destroyer of the Enemy” in Sanskrit – will “help in establishing strategic balance” in the region, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said at an August 29 commissioning ceremony at Visakhapatnam naval base, the headquarters of India’s Eastern Naval Command on the Bay of Bengal coast.

That balance currently tilts in favor of China, with the world’s largest navy by numbers, including six operational Jin-class nuclear-powered ballistic submarines that outclass India’s two – Arighaat and its predecessor in the same class, INS Arihant – in firepower.

The Chinese subs can carry a dozen ballistic missiles with ranges of at least 8,000 kilometers (4,970 miles) and have the ability to carry multiple nuclear warheads, according to the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, a non-profit organization promoting the development and deployment of missile defense for the United States and its allies.

Both 366 feet long with a 6,000-ton displacement, according to an analysis by the open-source intelligence agency Janes, Arighaat and Arihant carry K-15 Sagarika ballistic missiles that can be launched from four vertical launch tubes. But the range of the nuclear-tipped K-15 is thought to be only around 750 kilometers (466 miles), limiting the targets that can be struck from the Indian Ocean.

“The INS Arihant-class can barely reach Chinese targets along the eastern Sino-Indian border from the coastal waters of northern Bay of Bengal, which is dangerously shallow for a submarine,” said analyst Carl Schuster, a former director of operations at the US Pacific Command’s Joint Intelligence Center.

The de facto border between India and China, known as the Line of Actual Control, has been a longtime flashpoint between the two. Troops most recently clashed there in 2022 and in 2020, when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin.

India developing second-strike capabilities

The Indian government has been tight-lipped about the capabilities of the Arighaat, saying only “technological advancements undertaken indigenously on this submarine make it significantly more advanced than its predecessor,” which was commissioned eight years ago.

India has not even released pictures of Arighaat since its August 29 commissioning.

Naval analysts say India is clearly on course to develop a subsea nuclear deterrent that, while it may not be as big as China’s, will pack enough second-strike wallop to deter Beijing from taking hostile action against it.

India has newer, bigger subs with longer-range missiles in the works. Those missiles could have ranges up to 6,000 kilometers (3,728 miles), according to analysts, enabling strikes anywhere in China.

“Although India’s sea-based nuclear deterrent remains in relative infancy, the country clearly has an ambition to field a sophisticated naval nuclear force with ballistic missile submarines at its core,” said Matt Korda, associate director for the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists.

India’s next ballistic missile subs could be years away, however, if history is any predictor of the future. Arighaat was launched almost seven years ago, and if that timeline from launch to commissioning applies to the next Indian ballistic missile sub, it won’t join the service until 2030.

The prestige of SSBNs

Still, a second ballistic missile sub does do something for India’s naval and military psyche, said Tom Shugart, an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a former US Navy submarine commander.

“It is a marker of being a great power,” Shugart said, pointing out that the five members of the United Nations Security Council – the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France – all have nuclear-capable ballistic missile submarines, or SSBNs.

The smallest of those SSBN fleets, those of Britain and France, have four boats each, a number Shugart sees as the minimum for keeping one at sea at all times.

Nuclear-powered submarines are complex machines. When things break and need repairing, or just when regular maintenance is needed, the work can take a month or more.

For instance, the US Navy’s Ohio-class SSBNs spend on average 77 days at sea followed by 35 days in port for maintenance, according to the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet.

Refits and overhauls take up to 27 months for a nuclear reactor refueling, according to US Navy documents.

“By having more than one, there’s a better chance India will be able to have one of them at sea in a survivable status,” Shugart said.

“But to keep one at sea at all times is probably going to take more boats” than the current two, he said.

A wary China

Before its commissioning, the Arighaat was drawing attention in China, with state-run newspaper Global Times quoting unnamed Chinese experts as saying India should not “use it to flex muscles.”

“Nuclear weapons should be used in safeguarding peace and stability, not muscle flexing or nuclear blackmailing,” the Global Times report said.

Other analysts have said New Delhi is just responding to increased pressure from Beijing, which now has the largest navy in the world in terms of sheer number of vessels.

“China’s extensive naval buildup and the regular deployment of fully armed nuclear deterrence patrols by Type 094 submarines (the Jin class) are perceived as a threat by other countries in the region, including India,” said Kandlikar Venkatesh, analyst at the GlobalData analytics company.

“The deployment of Arihant-class submarines will provide India some degree of parity with its Chinese counterparts,” he said, adding that more submarine investment is coming, $31.6 billion over the next decade.

Bigger subs and longer-range missiles are reportedly under development, which could eventually see India field nuclear-tipped weapons with a range of 12,000 kilometers (almost 7,500 miles), Venkatesh said.

Another regional rival

It’s not just China that India is looking at with its sub development, according to Abhijit Singh, a senior fellow at the Observer Research Foundation in Mumbai.

“The real impetus for India’s expansion of its second-strike capability is, in fact, the significant growth of the Pakistani and Chinese navies in the Indian Ocean,” Singh wrote in an op-ed for the Hindustan Times, adding that Islamabad is in the process of acquiring eight Chinese-designed Type 039B attack submarines as it modernizes its fleet.

“Pakistan continues to narrow the sea-power differential with India,” Singh wrote.

India and Pakistan have long been at odds in the disputed and heavily militarized region of Kashmir, which both countries claim in its entirety. A de facto border called the Line of Control divides it between New Delhi and Islamabad. The dispute has led to three wars between the two nations.

China remains one of Pakistan’s most important international backers and a major investor in the country.

Proliferation fears

Korda, the Federation of American Scientists expert, says it’s not the subs themselves that give him cause for worry, but the multiple-warhead missiles they carry.

That technology – known as Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicles (MIRV) – also applies to land-based missiles and can be destabilizing, Korda argues.

“India, Pakistan, and China are all developing missiles that can carry multiple warheads,” he says.

India announced to great fanfare in April that it had joined the MIRV club, which includes the US, UK, France, Russia and China, with a successful test of the domestically developed Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile.

Pakistan has also claimed to have MIRV technology, but experts say the claim is unverified.

Adversaries need to assume such claims are true, lest they be caught unprepared in the event of actual conflict.

“These systems are ideal first-strike weapons, but they are also the first weapons that would likely be targeted in an opposing first strike,” Korda says.

“As a result, their deployment across the region will likely kick the collective arms race into a higher gear, as countries seek to build missile defenses and conventional strike options that can counter them.”

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At least 74 people have died and scores more are still missing in Myanmar following heavy flooding and landslides caused by Typhoon Yagi, state media reported on Sunday.

The flooding across the civil war-torn country has impacted more than 450 villages and wards, according to Myanmar News Agency (MNA).

It added that search and rescue operations were underway to locate 89 people still missing. Around 65,000 homes have also been destroyed, according to MNA.

Images from news agency AFP showed submerged homes and vehicles in the city of Taungoo, an hour south of the capital Naypyidaw. Other images show residents evacuating on boats and bamboo rafts, their belongings wrapped in plastic bags.

Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, left a trail of destruction across Southeast Asia and southern China after sweeping the region with heavy rains and strong winds.

In Vietnam, the death toll has risen to at least 226 as a result of the storm and the landslides and flash floods it triggered, the government’s disaster agency said Thursday, according to Reuters.

And in Thailand, nine people died last week from poor weather brought by the typhoon, Reuters reported, citing the Thai government – out of a total 33 deaths nationwide since August from rain-related incidents including landslides.

Storms are being made more intense and deadlier by the warming ocean, scientists have long warned. While developed nations bear a greater historical responsibility for the human-induced climate crisis, developing nations and small-island states are suffering the worst impacts.

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A missile was launched from Yemen into central Israel on Sunday morning, according to the Israeli military, in a rare instance of a missile penetrating so far into the country’s territory since its war in Gaza began.

The projectile crossed into Israeli territory and fell in an open area in central Israel, with no injuries reported, according to the Israel Defense Forces. Explosion sounds heard in the area originated from Israeli military interceptions, the IDF said, adding that it is still checking “the results of the interception.”

Videos and images shared by the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority on Telegram show large plumes of smoke billowing into the air over an open field, and shattered glass inside a train station in Modi’in, a city between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Israeli police said they were working with the police bomb squad in the Shfela area, also known as the Judaean Foothills, where an interceptor fragment had fallen. Authorities are now isolating the impact site and scanning for additional interceptor remains, police said.

Also on Sunday morning, approximately 40 projectiles crossed from Lebanon into Israel’s northern region, some of them intercepted and others falling in open areas, the IDF said. No injuries were reported, and authorities are putting out fires caused by the fallen projectiles.

The military added that an explosive drone had crossed from Lebanon into the northern town of Metula, though no damage was caused.

Tensions between Israel, Yemen and Lebanon have been escalating for months as Israel has waged its war on Hamas in Gaza after the militant group’s October 7 attacks. World leaders have warned of the potential for a wider Middle East conflict.

Since the war began, the Iran-backed Houthi group, which controls Yemen’s most populous regions, has regularly targeted Israel with drones and missiles. Most of these have been intercepted by Israel’s defenses or those of its allies.

It has also targeted shipping in the Red Sea, as a rejection of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

Most notably in July, the group claimed responsibility for a deadly drone attack in Tel Aviv, Israel’s commercial center – the first time the city has been struck by a Houthi drone.

Israel struck back the next day with deadly airstrikes on a Yemeni port – the first such strike on Yemen, according to Israeli officials.

The Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon has also carried out attacks on northern Israel, sending rockets and drones on Saturday targeting Israeli military sites.

These direct attacks on each other’s soil have raised alarm that there could be a new front in the ongoing conflict, which is already threatening to spill over across the region.

Israel launched its war in Gaza after the militant group Hamas’ cross-border October 7 attacks, in which more than 1,200 Israelis were killed and 250 taken hostage, according to Israeli authorities.

Since then, more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military operations in Gaza, according to the health ministry in the enclave. The health ministry does not distinguish between combatants and civilians in its figures, but says most of the dead are women and children.

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